The New Student & His Girlfriends (Chapter 7)

Eliza wakes up the next morning to the early morning light bursting through cracks in the curtains. Kieran isn't in bed with her, and there's a steaming mug of coffee on the nightstand. She can hear laughter coming from downstairs and the conversations of her friends. 

Eliza doesn't really know how she feels about what she did last night. She had been planning on seducing Kieran since she arrived at his house yesterday afternoon. She knows that it could have just been a one-night stand, but a little voice in her head wants it to be more than that. 

He's not like any guy she's ever dated. Not only because of the mind-numbing orgasm she had last night, but because of the little things he does. His casual smiles when he kisses her, the way he held her after sex. And for some reason her heart pangs whenever she sees him talking to one of the other girls. 

Her train of thought is interrupted by the sound of the doorknob turning. She quickly reaches over and pulls Kieran's t-shirt on, which does nothing to cover her nipples; which became hard as she thought about Kieran. 

Harper opens the door with a slight smile on her face, "Hey... I'm sorry I yelled at you last night. Are we still friends?" 

Eliza breaks into a grin, "Yes, of course we're still friends." 

Harper runs over the bed and hugs her, "And I'm not mad that you fucked him either!" 

Eliza blanches, "What- did he tell you?" 

Harper giggles, "Oh Eliza... If you wanted to be secretive you should have tried to be quieter, or maybe gone back to your own room after." 

Eliza puts her hands over her face in embarrassment. "Shit, you heard us?? How bad was it?" 

"Not bad, honestly, I only heard because I went to your room and saw you weren't there, and when I was in the hall going back to my room... well..." Harper grins. "Was it good at least?" 

Eliza put a hand on Harper's arm, "Good doesn't begin to describe it... I- He was the best I've ever had." 

Harper's face falls for a second but her smile comes back. "Wow, I hope I find out how good one day." 

"I'm sure you will." Eliza smiles. "Come on, lets go downstairs I'm hungry." 


The girls stop by Eliza's room so she can change into a hoodie and some pajama shorts; then they descended the staircase and enter the kitchen where the others are gathered. Kieran meets her gaze as she comes in, and her heart starts to race, thinking of last night. But the moment is over as soon as it began; he breaks her gaze and laughs at something Brooke was saying. Harper hands Eliza a muffin from a plastic container on the counter. She sits down at the kitchen table to eat. 

She's almost done with muffin when Kieran's warm hands start massaging the top of her shoulders. "Good morning." 

Eliza looks around the room but it's empty except for the two of them. 

"I told them to go gather their stuff. You guys aren't going to stay here forever." He says. 

She nods and leans into his touch, "Harper wants to get together again before school starts." Eliza says. 

"Us three? Yeah-" He replies. 

"No, she said just you two." Eliza whispers. She doesn't know why she's doing this, Harper of course said nothing of the sort. 

"Harper said... Okay. And you don't care?" He sounds a little hurt. 

Eliza turns to face him, "You said you're not dating any of us, right?" 

"Right, but-" 

"Then why would it matter if I care?" She stands and goes to the doorway. "I better get my stuff." She leaves the room before he can respond. 


Brooke enters the room as Eliza is leaving. She has her backpack slung over one shoulder and she looks quizzically at Kieran. "I won't even ask... Are we still on for Tuesday?" 

Kieran sighs, "Yeah." 

"Umm, okay. See you then, bye." Brooke leaves the room, and Kieran can hear the front door shut behind her. 

April is the next to leave, simply waving at Kieran and then heading out to her parents who are picking her up. 


Eliza comes downstairs before Harper; she enters the kitchen and walks up to Kieran. 

"Sorry I snapped at you." She puts a hand on his chest. "I just... you know?" 

Kieran looks down at her and draws her close to him. "I'm sorry, too." He kisses the top of her head. Eliza looks up and kisses him gently; nothing sexual, just a short kiss. Then she's out of the door and waiting in her car for Harper. 

Harper is last to say goodbye. She enters the kitchen and stands there a little awkwardly. She's wearing the same sports bra as last night, and it is isn't doing much to cover her tits. 

"So, Eliza said you wanted to hang out sometime?" Kieran asks, the playful smile back on his lips. 

"Yeah! Only if you want to, I mean..." Harper trails off. 

"You think I wouldn't want to hang out with a girl like you?" Kieran steps close enough that he can smell a hint of her perfume. 

"Quite the opposite, I'm sure you're just dying to get some alone time with me." She pokes a finger playfully into his chest. He reaches for her waist, but she steps back and shakes her finger. "God, you do want me, don't you?" 

"Maybe I do; but you're a tease." He says with a pout. "Now hurry up, I'm sure Eliza is waiting." 

She hesitates, then waves on her way out the door. Kieran watches their car pull out of the driveway and speed away down the street.