The New Student & His Girlfriends (Chapter 10) 18+

Brooke wakes up before Kieran. Early morning light streams in from cracks in the curtains, illuminating dust floating in the air. She feels warm, and where his arm is around her their skin is sticky with sweat. She looks up at his sleeping face and puts her hand on her chest and is about to try to fall back asleep when her phone starts ringing from its place on the nightstand. Kieran groans and sits up a little, but Brooke reaches over him and grabs it. It's her mom. 

She answers the phone, "Hey mom, do you need something?" 

It sounds like her mom is blowing on the microphone, "Richard- Richard roll the windows up I'm talking to Brooke." The noise goes away. "Brooke, can you hear me now?" 

Brooke rolls her eyes, "Yes mom, I just woke up." 

"Oh good! Your father and I decided to come home early. We'll be there in a few minutes and we wanted to know if you had breakfast made already?" 

Brooke blanches and looks at Kieran, "You're coming home early? Why?" 

"They pushed the concert back a month, there was no point for us to stay there and wait. See you in a few!" Her mom hangs up the phone. 


Brooke rips the sheets off of them and starts moving quickly, "She said they're going to be here in a few minutes! I'm so sorry I didn't-" 

He grabs her hands, "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'll be gone and they won't know." He kisses her gently. 

"Okay, Sorry." she says. 

They quickly get dressed, he clips her bra and she tosses him his shirt. They quickly go downstairs and he waits for her at the front door. She walks up to him and he pulls her close, their lips meet, and then he's gone. Kieran drives down the street, and her parents arrive minutes later. 


Kieran drives back to his house feeling a little surprised at the sudden departure, but content at last night's events. His orgasm when Brooke took control and rode him is still fresh in his mind. He goes about his day normally; working out, reading, random stuff. Until at 4pm his phone rang. it was Harper. He answered it. 

"Hey handsome." She says. 

He smiles, "What's up, sexy." 

He can hear her giggle, "Heyy, what're you doing today?" she asks. 

"Nothing much, what about you?" he replies. 

"Oh, I just had volleyball practice earlier." 

"And how was that?" he asks. 

"Fine, I guess. I'm just a bit sore." 

"I'm sorry." 

"It's okay, that's actually what I was calling about." she says. 

"Really? How can I help with that?" 

"Well, I have the house to myself, and my mom has a massage table. So if you weren't doing anything for the rest of the afternoon..." 

"No, I'm not doing anything. I would love to come over, if that's what you're saying." 

"That's exactly what I'm saying." she says.with a grin. 

"I'll be there soon." Kieran says. 


He rushes out to the car and speeds over to Harper's house. He hops out of his car, runs up to her door, and knocks. She opens the door with a smile on her face. She's wearing a pair of ripped jean shorts and a light blue crop top without a bra. Her bit tits press into the shirt and her nipples clearly poke out. She steps forward and throws her arms around his neck. 

"Hey! I've missed you!" She steps back and ushers him inside. 

"I can tell!" He says with a laugh, "I've missed you too." 

"That doesn't surprise me! You couldn't say yes fast enough when I asked you to come over." 

"Okay, okay, you're right." Kieran says. "You said you were feeling sore?" 

She sighs, "Yeah, cause of volleyball." 

"Well, I am here to help!" He says. 

"Thanks. The massage table is over here." 

She leads him to a small white room with a giant window that makes up two of the walls and the ceiling. It gives a perfect view of their massive flower garden in the back yard. In the center of the small room there is an ornate massage table. It has nice wooden legs, and delicate white cushions where you would lay. 

"This pretty fancy." Kieran says. 

"Yeah, my mom kind of was obsessed with it for a while. Now, as you can tell, she likes flowers." Harper says. 

Kieran looks outside at the garden again, "Yeah, I can tell." 

"Okay, well, why don't you step outside so I can get changed?" 

"Aww, really?" he says. 

"There's massage oil I heated up, it's on the kitchen counter if you could grab it?" 

He sighs, "Okay, okay." He walks out of the room, shutting the white wooden privacy doors behind him. Then he goes to the kitchen and finds the little black bowl of oil. He takes his time wandering back to the wooden doors to give her the time she needs, but he can't walk quickly enough to get back when she calls out his name. 

He opens the white doors and he can immediately feel his cock twitch in anticipation. Harper lies face down on the white table. Her torso is completely naked, and Kieran can see the sides of her breasts which are pressed into the table. Tan lines from what must have been her bikini run across the center of her petite, yet muscular back. A small white towel is all the covers the perfect mountains of her ass and her juicy teen pussy beneath. Harper turns her head to look at him, a silly smile on her face. 

"Hey. Like what you see?" 

Kieran grins and nods, "Definitely." He walks over to the table and sets the cup of oil down. 

Harper looks at him, "It's only fair if you take off your shirt too." 

Kieran doesn't hesitate to quickly take off his t-shirt, revealing his muscular body. Harper bites her lip and reaches out to run her hand down his chest. Kieran takes her hand in his, and kisses each of her knuckles. Then he gently sets her hand back on the table and moves to her side where he set the cup of oil. He picks it up and gently pours some on her back. She lets out a sigh as he starts to massage the oil into her skin. It's perfectly warm and her skin is as soft as a feather. He moves up to her shoulders and spends some time there, which gets what must be a moan out of her. 

He moves back down to the center of her back, and he can hear a few pops when he presses hard enough. Then he adds a little more oil to the small of her back, just above the towel, and his hands diligently rub it into her skin. He can't help but gently bump into the towel, each time it gets pushed back a little bit further until at least half of her perfect ass is exposed. 

He looks up at her relaxed face, "Lower?" he asks quietly. 

She nods and tries not to let her smiles show too much, "Yeah, you can do my legs." she says. 

He rolls his eyes knowing she's toying with him. He moves down to the foot of the table and pours some oil on her calves and thighs which are perfectly shaved and smooth. He uses more strength now, massaging her calves and then her feet. She sighs and moans when he hits a sore spot, then lets out a real moan of pleasure when he moves up to her thighs. He takes his time, deciding to tease her for once. After a few minutes of delicate work on her thighs, he reaches up and with a swift motion pulls the towel away. 

She opens her eyes and giggles a little, "You're so rough with me." she says jokingly. 

Now the fun begins. 

Kieran pours oil on both of her butt cheeks, loving the way she squirms in pleasure as she feels it run down her legs. He gently starts massaging the oil into her sweet mounds of ass. She moans again when he takes both of his hands and squeezes her glutes together, then he spreads them apart. Now, for the first time, her sexy teen pussy is revealed to him. But rather than start eating it out, or maybe fingering her, he lets her ass clap back together and steps away. 

He sighs in fake sadness, "Well, I think that's it. My hands are pretty tired, but I got your whole back." 

Her head jerks up, "What!? Please! C'mon I haven't had an orgasm in like two months, please Kieran." She reaches out and grabs his hand. Then, as he starts to smile, she realizes that she's been played. "You did not just make me beg for you, asshole." 

She's about to call him some more names but he cups her face in his hands and kisses her. She shuts up instantly and rolls over onto her back. Kieran pours some oil onto her breasts and lets the rest fall onto her pussy. She moans and arches her back into his touch as he starts to knead her DD breasts. Her nipples grow hard, and she welcomes his lips when he leans down to kiss her again. He moves down her body and gently but firmly takes his hand and rubs it up the length of her pussy. She's so fucking horny that he can't tell if it's her pussy juices or the oil that makes his hand as wet as it is. 

Kieran gently parts her legs and takes in the delicious sight of her. He rubs the outside of her labia, not even touching her clit, then he takes his hand and rubs just above it. She groans and tries to lift her hips to get him to rub where she wants, but he just pulls his hand away. She lets out a frustrated moan and lets her hips fall back to the table. Now, Kieran wastes no time. He spreads her labia and runs his tongue over her vaginal opening, licking up some of the juices leaking out. Then he starts to gently rub her clit while flicking his tongue against her tight hole. This time when she thrusts her hips he doesn't pull away, instead going rubbing her faster. 

He presses a finger against her hole, and it's almost immediately welcomed by her wet pussy. She gasps in pleasure but doesn't resist as he starts to finger fuck her. He moves his finger in the glorified "come here" gesture, but it's glorified for a reason. He feels her g-spot, but all she feels is pure pleasure. At this point her orgasm is inevitable, and when Kieran slides another finger in it only pushes her closer. He speeds up his fingers and she moans louder. As he rubs her g-spot her pussy makes little wet squelching sloshing sounds. 

She arches her back, "Don't fucking stop!" she moans. 

He doesn't. He keeps going as he feels the walls of her pussy tighten around his fingers, then he pulls them out. As his fingers leave her she lets out a sort of moan mixed with a scream and she squirts. Her cum coats Kieran's hand and he laughs in surprise. 

She bites her lip and looks at him, "Sorry, didn't I tell you that I'm horny?" 

He laughs again, "Yeah I guess you did, I've just never seen that in real life." 

She smiles, "I'm sure you haven't. It takes a special girl." 

He let's his hands rest on her breasts as he leans down to kiss her, "And you're my special girl." 

"Yeah?" she giggles and kisses him back. "I hear you have quite a few special girls." 

Kieran blushes, "Yeah... I guess I do." He looks away. 

She sits up on the table and wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him close to her naked body. "Guess I'll just have to be the best, hm? Beat out the competition." 

He grins feeling relieved, "Right now you're winning by a landslide." 

"Mmm, good." She kisses him. 

He breaks the kiss for a moment, "Do you want to go lay down?" 

She raises her eyebrows, "You don't want to fuck?" 

He shrugs, "Not unless you want to." 

She grins, "I think that's the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me." She motions over to the armchair in the corner of the room, "Can you grab me that blanket?" 

He obliges and gets the blanket, but rather than handing it to her, he helps her off the table and wraps it around her like a burrito. She giggles and he scoops her into her arms as if she weighs nothing. Her red hair shines in the afternoon light as it bounces when he starts to move out of the room. They (him carrying her) walk upstairs to her bedroom. 

It's tiny for rich people's standards but it's still quite nice. In one corner is Harper's unamade bed, it has nice white sheets and plenty of pillows. Over by one wall is what must be here "makeup" table. It has printed photos of Harper and her friends; Kieran can see Eliza in more than a few. He sets Harper down on her bed and gently unwraps her blanket; he can't resist running a hand down her stomach and over her thigh when the blanket permits. 

She sits up a little as Kieran walks over to look at the pictures, "Sorry it's a little messy." 

He glances over his shoulder, "Compared to my room I would call this place sterile." 

She laughs and gets out of bed, she makes her way over to he dresser and gets out some panties and a t-shirt. Kieran still has his shirtless back to her and is too interested in the photos to notice as she walks up behind him. Her arms snake around his chest and she presses her face against his arm, looking at the photos he points to. 

He points to one where Harper is obviously in a cheerleading outfit, she has her arms wrapped around another girls neck and they're laughing. "When was that?" he asks. 

She strokes his arm, not really paying attention. "I think that was last summer after the football team won semifinals." She kisses his bicep. 

He starts to point to another but she cuts him off. "Kieraaan. You're in a room with a girl that has barely any clothes on and you're looking at pictures. Any other boy would be trying to fuck me right nowww." She looks up at him. 

He can't help but smile, "I told Eliza and I'll tell you too. I'm not like most boys." 

She rolls her eyes, "Okay mister whatever you say." 

She's turning away from him when he surprisingly quickly tackles her onto the bed. She squeals and tries to bat him away as he pretends to eat her neck. 

"You're dead!" he says. 

"I'm actually immortal!" She says, then tries to flip him off of her. 

He pretends she's just too strong and he flops onto the bed next to her. She nuzzles her face into his neck and whispers, "Who's dead now?" 

She feels the muscles in his arm flex powerfully as he wraps it around her shoulders, "Don't push your luck, I'm not scared of hot girls." he whispers back. 

She giggles and kisses his neck, "Liar." She runs her hand over his warm chest and lets it fall to rest just above his abs. 

After a few minutes of cuddling and quiet joking Harper's phone rings from its place on her nightstand. 

Kieran groans, "Please don't tell me that your parents are coming home early or something." 

She reaches over and grabs her phone, "It's Eliza, also, I don't really care if my parents see you here or not. They tell me all the time to get a boyfriend, seriously, the last time I dated someone was middle school. Hold on." 

She answers the phone. "Hey Eliza!" 


"Nothing much, but guess who I'm with?" 


"No, not her, Kieran." 




"Yeah, definitely." 


"Okay, bye!" 


She sets the phone down on her pillow. 

"You wouldn't mind if Eliza came over, would you?" 

He pouts, "I thought I would have you to myself for the evening, but I'll get over it." 

She leans over and kisses his cheek, "Thanks handsome. We'll get together alone again; I'll make sure of it." 

He lays back on the bed, "You better." 

She stands up and pulls on a pair of pajama pants, "She'll be here in a couple minutes." 

He quickly jumps out of the bed and crosses the room to where she stands. "Then that's a few more minutes for us, hm?"