First Rewards.


Dark Room.

Wu Yan opened his eyes slowly. 

The first thing he saw was a glowing blue crystal ball hovering beneath his right palm that was straight forward.

The floating ball is the Core of the Universe.

Wu Yan's palm was still above the Core, without channeling any energy into it. Wu Yan also knew that the formation of the Universe Core was also complete, but he was curious about what would happen if he channeled energy into the Universe Core.

So Wu Yan gave it a try.

The core of the Universe which is being filled with energy shines brighter and brighter. As time went on, the shining light became more and more dazzling to Wu Yan's sight.



Changes occurred in front of Wu Yan. What was originally one object in front of Wu Yan, now became two. But, Wu Yan didn't see that.

Because, his attention was focused on the dazzling light from the Universe Core earlier but was now sucked into Wu Yan's body.

Wu Yan felt pain in his brain. He held his head in his hands, squeezing his head so that the pain would be contained. Even so, the pain came to forcefully change his body. This is because the avatar body in Blue Rock World has now disappeared. Now, the physical conditions, knowledge and memories that came from the Blue Rock World and began to be absorbed and change the structure of Wu Yan's body and mind. 

Wu Yan's face and body are now starting to undergo a transformation. With the Chaos Body Technique and Yin-Yang Soul Lotus Sutra automatically learned making his body now 

strengthened and the face was also refined.

At the same time, Wu Yan's cultivation skyrocketed.

2nd Building Foundation!

3rd Building Foundation!

4th Building Foundation!

Building Foundation 5th!

6th Building Foundation!

7th Building Foundation!

His successive cultivation breakthroughs contributed to the improvement of Wu Yan's body quality.

As time passed, the waves radiating from Wu Yan made everything around him distorted.


Wu Yan's tough skin due to the accumulation of transformations he was now facing suddenly cracked, and the shockwave that came from Wu Yan's body threw fragments of the 'shell' in all directions. Even his clothes teared apart and make him naked.

Wu Yan's appearance was obvious. His face and body, which are now very handsome, cannot be described how great the transformation is from his previous face. The difference is almost 10 times. Plus, his body has perfect muscle mass with slightly prominent veins in the area of ​​his hands, adding to his dashing impression.

Wu Yan's consciousness started to return. He raised his hand and flapped it, he could feel the power in his body explode and seemed to be able to destroy whatever he hit.

"I can imagine that with my current strength, I could pinch pebbles and turn them into powder."

Wu Yan talked to himself while trying to use his strength by moving his fingers and hands.


While feeling the power, Wu Yan felt another energy in his body. Wi Uan seriously connected the energy to his body.

"Isn't this chaos energy? wait a minute... don't tell me..."

Wu Yan immediately took the Chaos Body Technique book. When he opened it, he felt like he had memorized all the contents of the book.

Then, he operated the technique, and found that it could already be used.

"From what I did earlier, that means when I transformed I already used this technique?"

Wu Yan was still skeptical about what happened just now.

"It's better if I consolidate my strength so I can control it well."

With that, Wu Yan decided to meditate again and use his mind to control the power within him.

Before doing that, two floating objects began to attract his attention.

The two objects floated, each emitting a strange power. The first item had power identical to the portal it entered, and the other item felt like it had boundless vitality.

Out of curiosity, Wu Yan tried to grab the two objects. When he touched both of them, they immediately entered Wu Yan's body.

After those two objects entered, Wu Yan felt a sense of comfort from within his body. The feeling of comfort seemed to overflow and fill Wu Yan's body.

The feeling only came for a moment, then a lot of information started to appear in Wu Yan's head.

'Authority Bead, a sign of someone who has received authority from a Universe. Its use is as a key to the world connected to the bead. Additionally, Authority can be used to bring anything from a world, including living creatures.

Law Bead. A gift bestowed on someone who has received authority from a world. Law beads had many types, depending on the authority of a world. The bead obtained now is a Low Level Life Law Bead. This bead contains inexhaustible strength and vitality. This bead also contains runes that are connected to all concepts of life.'

After knowing that information, Wu Yan was surprised because those 2 items had great uses. Even though Wu Yan still understood the function of the Bead of Authority, he was still surprised at how generous a boon he received. 

"Moreover, this is a Law Bead, this gift I think is very unreasonable for someone who has just stepped on the path of a Cultivator." Wu Yan shockingly talked to himself as he thought the thing he received was too much against common sense.


"Phew... I can finally calm down." Wu Yan said to himself.

It took Wu Yan a long time to calm himself down in his happiness after receiving the reward of being the 'authority' owner of a world.

Wu Yan also spoke lightly about the 4 women who were in Blue Rock World. He felt guilty for leaving the 4 women without telling them the truth.

And now, since the Universe Bead was at his disposal, Wu Yan was going to visit the four women.

"It's too complicated if I hesitate to make a decision. Sigh... I think I'll postpone my cultivation with the Law Bead, now it's time to 'go home' there."

With a single thought, the Authority Bead appeared in front of Wu Yan. He injected his energy towards the bead. A few moments later, the mnik turned into a portal. Without thinking, Wu Yan entered the portal.


Blue Rock World.

Y Country.

In a luxurious house, a portal appears in a room that has high-class decoration. Wu Yan appeared, still naked due to his body's breakthrough.

Wu Yan, who just had a breakthrough, has sharp senses. He looked around and realized that this place had no dust falling on the furniture in the room. Wu Yan then looked at the flip clock and saw the time indicator displayed on it.

"It seems, I wasn't gone for too long..." Wu Yan spoke slowly realizing that his avatar's time had disappeared and at the moment it was only 1 week apart.

Wu Yan went to the wardrobe to get clothes and immediately put them on. Wu Yan also didn't forget to look in the mirror.

"Wow... even I can't say anything about my current appearance." Wu Yan subconsciously spoke as he admired his own appearance. 

Wu Yan suddenly had the idea to surprise the four women who had been waiting for him here.

With that, Wu Yan picked up the cell phone that was placed on the bedside table. He then typed a message and sent it to his four favorite women.

'I'll be back in 2 days.'

Wu Yan chuckled mischievously while anticipating what was to come.

"Hehehe... if they saw my appearance now, how surprised would they be if they knew that I would actually be 16 years old?"


Yanxian Group.

This company was founded by Wu Yan. Initially, this company operated in the clothing and catering sectors. However, Wu Yan's influence and contacts made this company grow.

As previous generations said, the taller a tree, the more wind it will blow.

The development of Wu Yan's company brings envy to its competitors. Wu Yan's enemies used various methods to destroy his company. But Wu Yan isn't a soft persimmon either.

Wu Yan attacks his enemy in a thunderous manner so that his enemy cannot move.

His enemies were imprisoned, their assets in various fields were also acquired by Wu Yan. This made Wu Yan's company have significant progress, even unstoppable.

Now, Yanxian Company is known as the number one company in the country.


Yanxian Group CEO's office.

This room was Wu Yan's study when he was still in avatar mode in Blue Rock World. And in this room there are also 2 work desks, the main work desk for Wu Yan and the other for his beautiful secretary.

Coincidentally, now Wu Yan's secretary is working to take care of Wu Yan's company.

Her face was beautiful, her hair flowing like a gentle waterfall plunging down her chest.

Her serious expression indicates that she is a firm woman.

The woman's name was Li Yubing. He is now processing the cooperation files of Yanxian Group.

While he was reading several product review documents, his cell phone rang indicating that a message notification had been received. 

Li Yubing's face changed and he immediately took out his cell phone to read the message. His strict figure in reviewing company documents was suddenly replaced with a gentle face. In fact, the woman had anxiety, anticipation, and excitement after receiving the message.

Li Yubing had a longing expression on his face and said "President Wu, you are finally back…"


Bluewings Group.

In the CEO's office, an elegant woman is discussing with her secretary the development of housing with an integrated garden.

Her cell phone rang with a special tone, making the elegant woman immediately open the message she had received.

"Making me wait all this time, this man just annoys me..." The woman was called Mu Wenqin and she could only frown waiting for Wu Yan's arrival.


In a luxurious pavilion, a traditional woman wearing a white cheongsam was playing the zither.

From a distance, a servant rushed towards the pavilion carrying a cell phone.

"Miss, 'he' has now connected and informed me that he will come in 2 days..."

Hearing the notification from the waiter, the woman's zither playing stopped.

"You finally came back after leaving for no apparent reason. If you don't give me, Ning Yushu, an explanation, I will completely ignore you…"


In a VIP room of a bar, a mature and seductive woman was fiddling with his cellphone. Ran Luoyu saw that the message was sent by Wu Yan. The woman smiled playfully as she thought 'Hehe... little guy Wu Yan finally contact me. I wonder what surprise you prepared in the next 2 days..."