You and I 1*

Ellianor stared wide-eyed as their hot breaths clashed against each other. Their lips touch each other, soft and warm, and a little dry too.

Their eyes stared deep into each other, red and orange. For a moment, Kisenn retreated an inch, a hot, steaming breath coming out of their mouths, as Ellianor tried to process what to do next.

Luckily, his mind, and body, were quick on the uptake, and he met her lips again, causing Kissenn's red eyes to go wide.

With their breaths inside each other's mouths, Ellianor goes a little further.

Kissen opens her mouth, and she slowly closes her eyes, his tongue enters her mouth. Kissenn's breath starts to get out of pace, her cheeks reddening.

She leaned onto the bed, as Ellianor's tongue invaded her mouth, his soft, and slipper appendage playing and toying inside her mouth, touching her inner cheeks, her tongue.