Chapter Thirteen; Glimpse

"Your time is running, Beam Don't forget that." said Cy before he completely left VIP Room 8.

I was left standing near the table watching Cy's figure slowly disappear from my sight.

I can see from inside the commotion outside the VIP rooms.

The lights are mischievous, flickering lights turning into various colors while the very loud noise of the Speaker and the DJ's announcement rumbles on the floor.

"Sometimes, I really hate that cold-blooded man! He's so strict especially when it comes to this. Can't you believe it, I was supposed to have a boyfriend way back when I was high school in Germany but he talked to him and then that man disappears from my life forever. I still feel like he said something to him that he never came back!" Bea said.

Frowning, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she pouts.

"Let's celebrate now, Sca! While Cycy is still busy with his work." She continued.

I faced the woman and asked in surprise.

Since Bea is close to Cycy, maybe this girl knows something about her at least a little.

"What's Cycy doing?" I asked.

Confusion painted her small, beautiful face as she was facing me back.

"What do you mean, Sca?" She asked back.

"I mean... I'm confused, what does Cycy do in his life and why is he here too, serving... If you know what I mean." I stated.

I still don't really understand why he is here at the Bar.

Does he like going to the bar? Is this bar a side hustle? or is he a worker here?

I saw Bea's eyebrows calmed down she she smiled.

"You're confused too, I see. Well, Cycy was a big shot if you didn't know." She started.

She started drinking beer as I remained standing.

"He... He was really a good businessman I ever met. He's a player, he's a boss of his own world. And speaking of Own world, that crazy man really has his own world. He's always so distant." She continued.

She quickly drank another beer and looked at me.

"Come, sit down and join me here!" when she invites me.

I sat, across her where I can face her. Her smile widened at what she said next.

"he's so handsome, right Sca? I mean my other first cousins, Ethan and Ezekiel are handsome too, but Cycy's Face were really built different. He's so gorgeous for me."

That's right. Cox was really beautiful, handsome, a true gorgeous man to ever exist.

I was silent. I waited for Bea to speak again.

I was not disappointed because she spoke again.

"Cycy was my childhood best friend. He was always telling stories when I came home from the Philippines. He never stops telling stories, he never runs out of achievements to tell about his school and I listen to him everyday."

Achievements? Yeah, That man was always an award winner even then.

"Actually, he's telling me something about a woman. He's always telling stories about her but I never knew her name. All I know, based on his story, is that that woman is beautiful and always frowns." Bea discussed.

"Which he always finds cute and attractive." She added.

It's my turn to drink beer from a bottle and it immediately splits in half.

That I miss the taste of Beer even though I just drank it earlier.

I didn't even realize that I was always drinking alcohol these past days because of frustration.

"A puppy love?" I asked.

Bea shook her head at what I said.

"I don't think it's a puppy love. I mean, I feel like he's in love with that woman before. Ever since I studied in Italy, He never opened up about that mysterious cutie he was mentioning again."

If it's puppy love, maybe I knew who's that girl she's saying.

Denise Laura Yoshida.

His rumoured girlfriend before.

"But about Cycy. He's gay. He likes men too but is also too picky. He doesn't just have relationships with men the easy way. What I know now is that he has a boyfriend as of now. Honestly, I only remember his name... it's Sylvan."

I stared at Bea which caused her to laugh.

"Why? Didn't you expect it? We had the same expression when we first found out that he's into men too. It's surprising because I thought he was into women remembering of his story about that women in his secondary school."

Me? Honestly I'm not surprised anymore.

I know it all too well. But this time it's a bit surprising really.

So he's not single.

"Why did you ask about Cycy? Well I remembered, about my question earlier, why were you together in CR earlier? Was that a coincidence? I was about to use CR too but unfortunately, I found that it was locked inside." She said, leaving traces of confusion in her eyes.


Why does she need to remember that?

I looked away. My eyes landed on the floor when I couldn't find the right words to answer Bea's question.

"Miss Bea, Manager Bret called you. He said you need to know something."

From the door, it opened slightly and spat out the tall man in black. I think from his uniform he works under Bea's.

Bea immediately turned to the man and smiled.

"Okay, tell her that I'll come." She said as she stood up and fixed the hem of her dress.

"I need to go for awhile, I'll come back right after our conversation, mm?" She softly said.

I gently nodd as an answer. Bea then took her way out of the door.

When she got out of the door, I was left alone.

Then I thought to check my cellphone from my handbag but I was confused when my purse and cellphone were not in my handbag.

I immediately went out and headed back to CR. I even saw a glimpse of Bea and her manager in the far corner of the bar and they were talking.

Thankful enough that when I got inside the comfort room, I saw my Wallet and my Cellphone at the side of the sink.

When I came out of the bathroom again, I headed back to VIP 8 again.

But even before I could enter the Room again, I saw Bea signaling me not to come near where she was.

The chaos inside the bar went double.

Not because of the noise of the music and the people but because of the noise of the ambulance from outside which I could hear from where I was standing.

The DJ turned off the music so I heard some of the gossiping from my side.

And I was shocked.

Did a fight happened awhile ago? Ugh! Whatever.

I turned the door knob and was almost stunned when I saw him with his back turned.

"Tell Bea that she needs to go home at 11:30." he said coldly while not looking at me.

I nodded even though he didn't see it.

I slowly pinned the door closed and I walked towards the couch I was sitting at.

I caught his cold gaze. While his hand was busy wrapping his other hand with a black cloth.

"What happened to your hand, Cox?"

I asked without realizing it.

And then I immediately shut my mouth up when he didn't say anything.

But I couldn't help but speak when I saw him struggling to wrap his hand.

I immediately stood up, Lord will take care of what happens now, I know he hates it but I think I have to help him.

"Cy, let me do it." I said, almost whispering.

He was about to move his hand away from me but it was too late 'cause I already had his wrist.

He looked at me and he rolled his eyes and I just let it slip away.

When I removed the cloth from his hand, I saw that his fists were bloody.

Having small cuts but I know how deep it is.

I was a little surprised. I can't think that Cy can make himself this way.

I know how much he hates bloods, cuts on his skin 'cause it will leave a mark on it which he really hates.

I immediately went to my bag and got cotton, Betadine and alcohol.

"Shit. Make it slow or light, it hurts a lot more than the cut itself!" he complained to me.

I ignored him and his nonstop complaints and immediately did the first aid I knew.

Soon, he sat on the couch and silently let me apply betadine to his wound.

"It will leave a dark mark on your skin. You didn't want it, don't you?" I said.

He just breathed deeply.

When I finished treating his hand, he immediately took a bottle of beer from the table and drank it.

"Tell Bea what I said."

he said and gulped another bottle of beer.

I nodded and silently agreed with what he said.

"And tell me if you're going home too."

He said, leaving me in confusion.