Preparing For The Future (IV) : Rapid Increment in Stats

 [System Alert: You have leveled up!]

After notifying once, the System went to silence mode. Nehar looked over the bluish screen to check how much he improved during this time.

 [System: You've reached Level 6]

 [System: You've received 3 free Stat Points]

 [System: Your Health and Mana has increased. Current HP: 430/430. Current MP: 360/360]

 [System Alert: As you still don't have a Class, you didn't receive the free Stat Points for having a Class during Level Up]

 [System: Current EXP: 2650/9500]

 [System: Unallocated Stat Points: 06]

 [System: Unallocated Skill Proficiency Points: 09]

 [System: TP Collected: Calculating…]

 [System Alert: The System has helped you in 'Regeneration' and 'Healing' as your body condition was far from being ideal to take part in the 1st Tutorial. TP deducted: 5000]

 [System: Current Amount of TP: 5815]

 [System Alert: The Maximum value of your Stats has been increased up to 40!]

 [System: Your Status Window has been updated]

Nehar just sighed after seeing the notifications.

 'My health and mana have increased, and the maximum values of my Stats have been increased too. The System only notifies one about their maximum limit of Stats after crossing Level 5. Why is that, I still don't know…'

 'And it had deducted 5000 TP from my balance to help me in the healing and regeneration process…Well, it was to be expected. I was in no condition to participate in the Tutorial this way…either I would've needed a higher rank healing or the System's help. And the System never helps someone without taking back its charge. But still, 5000 TP in one go.....huh, I even bought the Skills for at most 2500 TP.'

 Nehar shook his head.

 As he checked his body condition, he understood he was faring much better than before.

 The cramps in his leg muscles are gone by now, he was feeling no muscles straining in his whole body…and most importantly, his fatigue was completely gone after his mana bar became full.

 Nehar checked once to become certain about that.

 [System: Fatigue: 02]

'It almost became Zero (0), as expected of the System…probably it wasn't a rip-off after all.'

 "Status Window", Nehar commanded mentally and a bluish panel popped up in front of his eyes.


 Status Profile

 Basic Details (Current, Updatable) :

Name: Raven (Nehar Reinhardt)

 Race: Human 

 Age: 21

 Class: None

 Profession (Job): None

 Affiliation: None

 Titles: None

 Physique: None

 Bloodline: Human Bloodline (Status: Impure)

 Level: 6

 Rank: Common

 Sub-Trait: Novice Combatant

 Evolution: None

 Physical Status Chart (Current, Updatable) :

Health Points (HP): 430/430

 Mana Points (MP): 360/360

 Self HP Regeneration: +5/min (+300/hr)

 Self MP Regeneration: +5/min (+300/hr)

 Elemental Affinity: None

 Strength: 32

 Stamina: 21.3

 Agility: 35

 Endurance: 19.76

 Constitution: 20.5

 Perception: 16.78

 Intelligence: 15

 Wisdom (Passive): 15

 Mental Fortitude (Passive): 35 (60)

 Luck (Passive): 15

 Charisma (Passive): 15

 Defence: 15

 Attack Power: 55 [15 (Base) + 40 (Bloodkin's Dagger)]

 Physical Damage Reduction: 3%

 Magical Damage Reduction: 5%

 Resistance Values (Passive): 0

 Fatigue: 02

 <#$ S@^l St@$#gt^ ## (Hidden)>: ?? (Unknown)

 Skill Chart (Current, Updatable) :

A. Active Skills (10) :

 --> Dagger Arts (Common), Backstab (Common), Dagger Throw (Common), Angular Slash (Common), Quick Movement (Common), Deflect (Common), Vital Strike (Common), Lacerate (Common), Mana Barrier (Common), Lesser Magic Reflect (Common).

 B. Passive Skills (02) :

 --> Language of The Myriad Races (Basic, Common), Mana Control (Inferior).

 C. Innate Talent Skills : None.

 Others Chart (Current, Updatable) :

 Unallocated Stat Points: 06

 Unallocated Skill Proficiency Points: 09

 EXP Required Until Next Level Up: 2650/9500

 Current Balance: 5815 TP

 Achievements: 03

--> [01. First One to Unlock the Tutorial Shop, 02. The First One to Unlock a , 03. The First One to Create a New Skill: 'Shadow Steps' in the Tutorial Phase]

 Authorities: None

 Blessings: None

 Bonuses: None

 Equipment (Special): Bloodkin's Dagger (Sealed, Cursed Object).

 Inventory (Beginner Level): 529/1000

 Quest Panel: Quests (03) [New!!!] 


Nehar observed his Status Window. 

 'Quite a few changes happened. My current Level is 6 and my basic Stats have increased tremendously with the help of the Bloodkin's Dagger's Special Effect: Bloodsucking… Although in the later moments, fighting Level 0 enemies didn't provide me with much Stats, it was still enough. No one could've increased their Stats this rapidly without any special equipment or Blessings from the Celestials and Stars.

 My Stat got merged with the new Stat while I was in the Blood Domain and both of them finally got replaced by the new Stat .

 A new hidden Stat, was also created to resist the pressure on my mind and soul in the Blood Domain, and currently, it's showing itself in my Status Profile…but it's mostly unreadable and blurry. Though, I know how to use that Stat in the best way, it's not time for it. I guess that I just have to wait much longer to put it to good use.

 I've also acquired a new and it's in the Profile. Although acquiring this wasn't that hard and in the future, almost every Warrior and Fighter will obtain this , its actual value lies in the future upgrades….if I'm able to upgrade it to the maximum, , no one would be able to challenge me in close combat or any other types of battle.

 But it will take much, much longer….even in my past life, I was only able to upgrade it 6 times at most, due to my repeated battles against Higher Level foes.

 To increase it further, I've to participate in many more battles this time…probably in those large-scale wars too.'

 Nehar contemplated silently. 

 'My Achievements have also gone up…but that's not the most important part. This time finally, I have gained Magic Damage Reduction, after buying and using the Skill . It would help me tremendously in the coming battles, where spells and magical attacks will be a common occurrence. Though, to dominate those battles utterly, I need to increase my Magical Damage Reduction much more than its current value.'

 Nehar also noticed the increase in one of his quite special Stat

 Last time, he had added his free Stat Points to increase it and by doing that he also increased his HP quite a bit.

 Although, this time his Stat has increased much, it didn't increase his HP similarly. 

 Seeing that, Nehar became certain. 

 'So, it's the same as it was in the past. Health can only be increased if I add free Stat Points into Stat…if it increases normally, then there will no change in my HP.'

 Nehar was quite pleased after seeing his improved Status Chart in a short period of fifteen minutes.

 'Although, I've increased my Stats and obtained many Active Skills…it won't be easy from now. I've to fight much more than before to unseal this dagger', he thought as his grip tightened on the dagger in his right hand.

 'It's a shame that I didn't find or some other similar type higher Level Skills as in the Shop…though there was some heavy damage dealing Skills like or , they are too much expensive for me now. I need to gather more TP to buy them. I'm not gonna leave those Skills for others this time.'

 'The System has forcefully downgraded their Grades and Ranks but kept the Price same as the High-Rank Skills….such an unfair means of business with the Participants. Well, it's good for me as no one would be able to buy those high-priced Skills for now.'

 "Add 6 Stat Points to Constitution", Nehar commanded.

 He thought about it before increasing his Constitution and HP, as for the drawn-out battles, it would be necessary to maintain a high Health.

 [System: You've added 6 Stat Points in Constitution. Your Current Constitution: 26.5]

 [System Alert: Your Health has increased. Your Current HP: 490/490]

 [System: Current Unallocated Stat Points: 0]

 [System Alert: Your speed of your Natural Recovery has increased.]

 [System: Current Self HP Regeneration: +9/min (+540/hr)]

 [System: Your Status Window has been updated]


 "Now, add 5 Skill Proficiency Points to Deflect."

 Another System notification rang out.

 [System: You've added 5 Skill Proficiency Points to your Active Skill: Deflect (Common). Skill Proficiency has increased by 100%. Current Skill Proficiency: 5/5]

 [System: You've gained a deeper understanding of the Skill: Deflect.]

 [System Alert: Congratulations! You've leveled up your Sixth Active Skill: Deflect (Common, Rank: D)]

 [System: Active Skill: Deflect (Common, Rank: D); Current Level: 1/5; Current Skill Proficiency: 0/10]

 [System Alert: Your Defence and Attack Power has increased slightly. Defence: +12, Attack Power: +9]

 [System: Your Current Defence: 15 (27)]

 [System: Your Current Attack Power: 55 (86)]

 [System: Your Active Skill: Deflect's cool-down has decreased by 2 seconds. Current cool-down: 25 seconds]

 [System Alert: You've been rewarded with TP for leveling up another of your Active Skills. TP Received: 150]

 [System: TP Collected: 5965]

 Nehar looked at the messages silently.

 'I've increased my HP quite a bit and my Attack power is currently very high along with my sufficiently high Defence, Stamina and Endurance...these Stats should be enough for me to go after the Zombie Lord after massacring the Zombies as much as possible once the 1st Tutorial starts.....

but will these be enough for the Zombie Overlord too?

I don't know....let's leave that matter aside for now and focus on what's next...'

 Nehar didn't bother to check on the Skills for now.

 He sat down on the ground and silently waited for the White Barrier, which was enveloping them during the Quest, to wear off.

 [System Alert: The Special Situation has ended. The Barrier preventing the outside world's connection will be destroyed.]

Nehar looked coldly as the barrier separating them and the other Participants slowly started to disintegrate into light fragments.

 [System Alert: 113 dead Participants have been eliminated from the Tutorial. They will not be given another chance to come back]

 [System Alert: The Tutorial Panel has been updated. The Total No. of Participants has been updated.]

 [System: Total No. of Participants (Region: C): 6417]

 [System Alert: The First Wave of Zombie Horde will be released after 5 minutes. Please prepare yourselves.]

 [System: Remaining Time for the Start of Tutorial – 01 (Zombie Horde): 00:05:00]

 [System Alert: Tutorial Shop function has been activated. Participants can now visit Shop and buy items using their TP]

 [System Alert: The Communication Channels have been opened using the 'Authority' of the Administrators. Higher Existences can now contact and message you freely and help you to grow further with their Blessings.]

 [System Alert: Many curious Celestials are joining the Channel – A53 one after another.]

 [System Alert: Several Stars have also started joining the Channel – A53]

 [System Alert: Many and have also joined the Channel – A53]

 [System Alert: Current No. of Viewers in this Channel: ??]

Nehar checked all the System notifications and messages silently, with a stoic look on his face.

 'So, they joined this Channel, just after its opening, which means my guesswork was right about them. They were keeping an eye on me and they will contact me very soon….but some and from the Lower Heavens also joined, why is that so?'

 'I've expected Celestials and Stars, not anything lower than that…but they are joining here competing with the Celestials regardless.

 That means something must be happening in the Lower Heavens outside of my knowledge.'

" I need to find out that soon", Nehar muttered in a low tone as he straightened his posture and stood up, getting ready for the upcoming battle.