The Trial Is About To Start : A Divine Throne Appears

[System Alert: Many new Celestials have withdrawn from other Channels and joined Channel A53.]

[System Alert: The newly arrived Celestials are confused to see the Tutorial hasn't even started yet in Region C.]

[System Alert: An anonymous Star expresses their shock after learning an Observer has died in Region C, before starting Tutorial - 01 due to some unknown reason.]

[System Alert: Many Celestials are in shock.]

[System Alert: The Channel A53 is in an uproar.]

[System Alert: The number of Viewers and Visitors in Channel A53 has increased.]

[System Alert: Current No. of Viewers in this Channel: ???]

Nehar looked at the commotion in the Channel.

'The number of viewers has increased quite a bit, it's even in three digits right now. And the Tutorial hasn't even started yet...let's see how much it can increase and how much benefit I can absorb from them later...'

"Hey, why are so many Higher Beings continuously entering the Channel?"

"How would I know?"

"Hey, didn't you see that message when they were fighting for him", the speaker pointed his finger towards a person and said, "I think it's for him...."

"Shhh, what are you doing?"

Another man grabbed his hand and pushed it down.

"What the - "

"Don't point your finger towards him...didn't you see how many he killed before?"

The man, who was speaking before pointing his finger toward Nehar, suddenly realized his mistake.

He almost broke out into a cold sweat.

"Shit, don't tell me he will come for me too? Is it too late? Should I just apologize? I don't even know what's happening here and now..."

He started rambling hysterically, thinking Nehar would come after him for a small offense like this.

The other people around him sighed, as they were also quite terrified by that man.

They had never seen someone so young as Nehar who could butcher people like vegetables and still move on to cut down the next one in the line.

Over the last 20 minutes, every time they saw that man started moving with two daggers in his hands; heads, limbs, flesh, and blood started flying and spraying all over the area.

They were still nothing but beginner-level participants, Level 0 human beings.

In their eyes, Nehar had already assumed the position of the 'Monarch of Death' by showing his overwhelming power while suppressing hundreds of people alone while maintaining the cold, detached, and chilly atmosphere around him.

Other than Grace and Amelia, no one even had the guts to approach him and strike up a conversation.


Nehar didn't know that his untamed killing rampage over the last half an hour along with his cold personality had created such an image of him in the other people's minds.

But, even if knew, he wouldn't care about that at all.

Probably, he would've been even happy after knowing this, as this way he wouldn't be approached by random strangers in the Tutorial to help them pass it, which happened quite a lot in his past.

"I don't think he will come to kill over something like this", a young male voice replied that man from behind.

Everyone turned their heads to see two people, a man and a woman standing side by side while watching the surrounding people just like them. 

"Huh, what do you know? He killed so many people without any reason..." 

"Yeah, he has no restraint at all..."

"How much hatred must be in his mind at this young age that he went to kill so many people just after gaining some abilities...."

The couple listened for some time to those people's rambling and finally understood why Nehar termed those people as 'Cowards' before.

"Let's go sis...they probably wouldn't even understand that those 113 people would've killed them if he hadn't taken action and even later, those people were thinking of doing something bad..."

The woman nodded her head and chuckled lightly, "At least he has the power to back up his actions and words...are these small fries even worth his attention? Let's go."

Those people stood there in silence. They had heard their words, but couldn't refute a single one.

They watched as those two started walking away from them and approaching the man, whom they all feared. 


'Hmm, almost everyone has woken up from their unconscious's a relief that no one else died under such heavy pressure. Even after being restrained for thousands of years, without a doubt, Balor's control over his aura, power and skills are still top-notch.

Though, those people's physical conditions must be very bad...a very powerful will be needed...I think 'he' will come forward once 'Echelon' orders him to settle out this matter...'

While Nehar was silently monitoring the messages in the Channel, Grace and Amelia were also observing their surroundings. They also noticed the sudden increase in the number of viewers in the Channel.

They were quietly taking a few glances at Nehar and thinking about his powers and show of skills, which finally attracted quite a large number of Higher Beings here.

[System Alert: Administrative Head 'Roel' has requested the 'Echelon' to take over the matter from here.]

[System Alert: The Executives from the 'Echelon' has entered the Channel A53.]

[System Alert: Many Celestials are in utter shock to see the 'Echelon' members appearing here.]

[System Alert: Many Stars has started to take notice of this rapid development in Channel A53.]

[System Alert: More Celestials and Stars are now joining Channel A53 after leaving their previous Channels.]

[System Alert: All Channels of the Tutorial are now in Chaos.]

[System Alert: The 'Echelon' has enforced certain Rules over Channel A53. A Passive Count-down Timer has started.]

[System Alert: Until the Required Time is over, no more Celestials, Stars or any other beings can enter this Channel nor anyone can leave this Channel.]

[System Alert: All beings in Region C and Channel A53 can now observe the situation, but they will have no power to involve themselves to favor anyone from this point forth.]

[System Alert: Many in the Lower Seats of the 'Echelon' have expressed their concerns over the 1st Tutorial which still hasn't started in Region C.]

[System Alert: A few in the Lower Seats of the 'Echelon' have expressed their concerns over the conditions of the Participants of Region C.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' have passed down a new Order.]

[System Alert: Administrative Head 'Roel' has accepted the new Order.]

[System Alert: The Administrative Head, 'Tempest King' Roel has appeared in the Region C.]

The moment this message appeared in the Channel, the whole sky above Region C was engulfed in a blinding light.

An enormous holy aura started spreading throughout the sky listlessly.

Everyone looked up to the sky to watch such an unbelievable thing happening.

Nehar, Amelia, and Grace weren't an exception to that.

While both women looked up above and started looking curiously, Nehar looked above with a very unnatural emotion in his eyes.

He still couldn't believe that he was going to see 'him' after so long. 

Even after five seconds, the gigantic source of light in the sky was emitting blinding light from within.

Everyone who was watching such a rare scenario, finally noticed a humanoid figure had started materializing within that blinding source of light...seeing such a spectacular people became mesmerized.

Within five more seconds, the figure finally materialized.

A Humanoid Figure with Four Milky White Wings on his back, wearing a Golden Helm, fully covered in Bright White and Golden Armor, carrying a White Long-Sword in the right hand and a gigantic Golden Shield in the left hand appeared in people's vision.

The Figure radiated an enormous amount of holy aura from him, which people subconsciously felt quite relaxing and not harmful or threatening aura like before at all.

[System Alert: Tempest King 'Roel' has descended in the Region.]

Seeing people become more relaxed in his presence, the figure finally stepped forward while floating in the sky.

[System Alert: An Unknown Star says it's really hard to believe he is that violent and hot-headed 'Tempest King' even after making such a perfect and powerful angelic entrance.]

[System Alert: The other Celestials and Stars nod their heads in agreement.]

The people who were watching couldn't help but gasp in astonishment.

"Angel...they are real..", a devoted aged person muttered while bowing down.

It was not only him, many other people had started doing the same.

Both Amelia and Grace were quite taken aback after seeing that man making such a flashy and eye-catching entrance.

Amelia looked at Nehar with side eyes and saw something that she had never seen before.

'Emotions !!!! '

She couldn't believe that she saw such a spectacle in that cold, emotionless, stoic face.

She thought about asking Grace too to notice such an incident, but at that moment the figure in the sky suddenly put forward his long sword in the direction of the sky in a triumphant manner and an enormous sphere of light containing holy aura erupted and started spreading all across the Region.

[System Alert: Tempest King 'Roel' has started using the Administrative Authority 'Holy Ground'.]

[System Alert: Authority: Holy Ground (??) has taken effect in this Region.]

[System Alert: All Evil will be vanquished; All Negative Energy will disperse !]

[System Alert: Tempest King 'Roel' has used the Skill: Angel's Blessing (??)]

[System Alert: All Negative Status Effects will be nullified. All Evil and Demonic energy will be purified.]

[System Alert: Your Natural Recovery has increased by 550% for 1 minute.]

Along with all others, Nehar had also seen the messages appearing one after another.

'He is still quite impressive, even at this point...'

"Ahh, my body is feeling lighter...what a powerful Skill..."

"My wounds are healing...I got those seven years ago..."

"Haha, see my fatigue is, I'm ready for anything...."

"Ahaahha, he is really an Angel..."

Several shrieks and hysterical moans came into Nehar's ears. He just shook his head while listening to them.

Amelia, who was more closely standing to Nehar, finally asked him, "Is he really an Angel Nehar?"

Nehar didn't understand at first why she was asking this to him, but he got a general idea about it.

From the start, he had shown deep understanding and knowledge about all the matters related to the Tutorial, so it's no wonder when they think that he knows anything and everything that's happening here.

"No, he isn't. He is a King Ranked Expert, a very powerful one at that and he is also a Holy Warrior."

"Holy Warrior?"

"It's a Special can obtain it later when your Level and other related skills reach a certain level, but you've to join the Holy Faction before that."

Nehar looked at Amelia and assured her, "Don't worry, I'll explain everything later when that time comes. For now, just prepare yourself mentally because the Tutorial will soon commence." 

Amelia slowly nodded her head listening to his words.

Nehar looked around and saw that almost everyone in the surrounding area had recovered under Roel's Skill's effect.

'That Skill is pretty awesome....even now....but these guys are pretty lucky as they got to watch the pure and holy side of him this time...if they had witnessed the violent and tempest side of him, I bet they would think of him a monster unlike any other...'

Within a few more seconds the light and energy started dispersing and people saw there was no trace of that angelic being, who did this unbelievable accomplishment of casting healing and recovery over at least six thousand people at the same time.

He had long disappeared from the sky, after finishing his job.

Nehar focused on the Channel messages to see what was going to happen further.

'Will there be a Trial? Or not...I think there'll be one after Roel has used his Skills....'

[System Alert: Tempest King 'Roel' has fulfilled the new Order and informed the 'Echelon' of his new findings.]

'I knew this was gonna happen the moment he cast here. Under the effect of that Authority, he could easily sense people's Souls and if any evil or demonic energy is connected to them or not in a specific Region where the Authority has taken effect.

He must've sensed that person's Soul is also damaged or destroyed just like that of the Observer 'Zion'.' 

[System Alert: The 'Echelon' expresses their concerns over the new findings.]

[System Alert: The Administrators' Bureau has submitted all the details about Observer 'Zion' obtained from the Records of the .]

[System Alert: Many Celestials and Stars are eager to see the specific Records of the for the first time in their life with their own eyes.]

[System Alert: Observer 'Zion's connection to the Demonic Side has been reported.]

[System Alert: Observer 'Zion's active cooperation with some people from the Evil Faction has also been reported to the Seats.]

[System Alert: Administrative Head 'Roel' has also submitted a document that specifies over 7 Charges against the Observer 'Zion' in the duration of the last 29 years.]

[System Alert: The 'Echelon' Executives have started a discussion.]

[System Alert: Many Celestials and Stars are shocked to witness such revelations about an Observer who was deeply connected with the Tutorial Phase of the Tower.]

Nehar observed the messages silently.

'Are they going to discuss everything like this openly in the public in front of all those Celestials and Stars? We people, the Level 0 Participants don't matter to them and just like the others, we'll not be able to see any document nor we would be able to understand even if we see them...but still, is this how the 'Echelon' operates? 

So, this is the of the 'Echelon' about which I heard before....they provide every document openly and judge a criminal by an too...

But, if that happens, I've to go into a Trial in front of all these people along with all those Celestials and Stars....that's not gonna end well for me....'

'I've decided to eliminate 'Zion' for many reasons, starting from to end his defection to leveling myself up and absorbing a huge amount of energy with the help of the 'Bloodkin's Dagger'....but most importantly at that time, I'd him under my control with the help of Balor...I didn't know if I would get a chance like that to remove a future threat from the Tower who would switch sides just before the 'The Second Great War' to create a huge mess within the Administrators' Bureau...

But, now that I see he was already under the of the both Administrators' Bureau and the 'Echelon'....and they already had proofs which reveal he colluded with the Demonic Side and the Evil Faction...and unfortunately even after living for hundreds of years and coming back in time, I'd no idea about something like this...

I don't know if the situation had changed because I came back or it's the same as in the past because, in the past, Observer 'Zion' had never appeared in a Tutorial and died a dog's death without being able to put a single bit of resistance at all...but it happened this time...

Did I make a hasty judgment without understanding the circumstances properly?'

Nehar shook his head as he understood he had made a mistake.

Seeing 'Zion' utterly helpless and under his control, Nehar took him down with the help of a 'Forgotten', but he had no idea about the changing circumstances.

He knew Administrative Head 'Roel' would be involved and at most he would've to attain a Trial...but he was more than prepared for it.

But suddenly, the 'Echelon' has entered the game and Roel has dropped a bomb named on him.

Nehar had never seen that coming.

'I guess I was too hasty...I should've followed my original plan to level up and regain my strengths...but if I had let him go at that time, I don't know what would he do next after watching that....huh, fuck it, let's just see what happens from now on, I'll just plan accordingly to that...' 

[System Alert: The Seats of the 'Echelon' has concluded.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' has declared Observer 'Zion' as a potential spy and a nefarious being who had past connections with both Demonic Side and Evil Factions.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' has further added in their verdict that the 'Echelon' will not consider 'Zion' as a part of their Administrative Department any more and none of his accomplishes will be spared.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' has declared a 'Holy Warrant' against 'Zion's past compatriots and accomplishes.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' hasn't found the Regional Administrator 'Andrea von Rocheveron' involved with the past Observer 'Zion' in his nefarious actions.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' has called for a Vote.]

[System Alert: Votes are being complied. Results are being announced...]

[System Alert: Voting Results: 57 - 3]

[System Alert: The Lower Seats and the Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' have found the Regional Administrator guilty of her negligence and thus removed her from the post of 'Regional Administrator' for an unknown period.]

[System Alert: Regional Administrator 'Andrea' has lost all of her Administrative Authorities and has been demoted to the position of an Observer.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' has passed a new Order.]

[System Alert: Administrative Head 'Roel' has accepted the new Order to choose a new 'Regional Administrator' within the completion of Tutorial - 01.]

[System Alert: Matters related to the Regional Administration thus have been concluded by the 'Echelon'.] 

[System Alert: Now, the 'Echelon' will start a discussion about the sudden interference of a Higher Being in the Tutorial and also the unnatural death of the previous Observer 'Zion' along with a Participant who had also died unnaturally amid a battle.]

The moment those messages appeared, Nehar's face hardened a bit. 

Amelia observed Nehar with a tense look on her face while seeing the messages too in her screen panel.

She had seen how that man also died just before that Observer.

'So, now it starts....not only they have kicked Andrea from her position, they even demoted her. It was a relief that I had already used the before such a thing I've no idea what will happen later or who will be the new one to be assigned as the 'Regional Administrator' in the place of Andrea...

Though I like 'Roel', he is too much stubborn regarding these matters...and now I've many secrets that I've to conceal from others' can become a pain in the ass for me...'

'I guess, I'll be in a real tug-of-war between demoted Observer Andrea and the newly appointed Regional Administrator....that woman would never leave me alone as her position and years of struggle now had become completely ruined...just because she sent someone to shadow me...' 

Nehar sighed. He hadn't even started the Tutorial, and troubles were coming looking for him one after another.

[System Alert: The Lower Seats and the Middle Seats unanimously decided for an to observe the period of those two deaths from the 'Memory of the Participants' when all connections with the Administrators's Bureau and other Channels suddenly became unreachable.]

[System Alert: The 'Echelon' has been issuing an for all Participants in Region C and no one is to be exempted from it.]

[System Alert: The will begin in 5 seconds and all the Participants will be summoned to a Special Region. Please be patient.]

[System Alert: Timer: 00:00:04]

[System Alert: Timer: 00:00:03]

[System Alert: Timer: 00:00:02]

Nehar hardened his face and clenched his fists. He wasn't that much worried about the death of the Observer 'Zion' as he killed him after becoming assured that no one was observing him at that time other than Amelia and Grace, who were in the vicinity with their mind intact....he was mostly worried about the death of the man, who died first when Balor took control over his body many people had observed that scene and also felt the deathly, gloomy energy which started spreading from his body at that time.

[System Alert: Timer: 00:00:01]

[System Alert: Timer: 00:00:01]

[System Alert: Error !!]

[System Alert: The 'Timer' has been stopped by an unknown interference.]

All the people, who were observing their screen panels anxiously, suddenly became dumbfounded.

Many of them understood very well that the 'Echelon' has the highest amount of power in this Tutorial or whatever and because of those two unnatural deaths, they have issued a Trial for all.

They have already prepared themselves to speak against 'Raven' as they concluded everything has started because of his mindless killing.

Moreover, they were just some weak beings who were feeling overwhelmed by constantly living under his shadow and watching him butcher other Participants without a care in the world....thus they've already decided among themselves that they have to get rid of him by any means.

Of course, getting rid of him in a battle wasn't possible for them.

They had already seen even if hundreds of people ganged up on him, he had the power to come out unscathed and as the final victor.

Thus, when such an announcement of a Trial was made, they felt like the 'Heavens' were helping them to get rid of that monster.

They were all pumped up to spew hatred, false information, and poison about him once the Trial started...but their joys came to an abrupt end at the moment the 'Timer' was stopped forcefully.

[System Alert: Interference of an 'Unknown Power' has been detected.] 

[System Alert: The proposed by the Seats of the 'Echelon' will be canceled and no longer take place, not even in the future.]

[System Alert: The Channel is in chaos. Many Celestials and Stars are taken aback after seeing the recent development.]

[System Alert: The Middle Seats of the 'Echelon' is trying to override the sudden Interference in their judgment.]

[System Alert: The System has detected and termed the 'Unknown Power' as a

[System Alert: The has overruled the attempts of the Middle Seats of the 'Echelon'.]

[System Alert: The reveals a part of the one of their .]

[System Alert: Warning!!!! The Divine Throne 'M^l@f$% B^s#$#@' opens their eyes and gazes towards some people.]

[System Alert: Warning!!! A Venomous gaze has been cast. Keep your sanity intact to resist the Venomous gaze of the Higher Being !!]

The System messages almost flooded the Channel screens.

Although the Participants didn't feel it as it wasn't directed towards them; the Celestials, Stars, and most importantly, the Seats of the 'Echelon' who were physically present in their personal Domains and participating in the Channel from there, felt they were almost getting buried alive under the tremendous power of that petrifying gaze, in their own homes without able to resist at all.

At that moment, some members of the Middle Seats finally understood who that person was.

A being who had rarely appeared in any official works for ages...but held the Supreme Position among them all...

A born fiend, who had devoured almost everything in their path, mortals and gods alike...

The of the 'Echelon'.