Clash With The Zombies (I)

[System: You've leveled up !]

[System: You've leveled up !]

[System: You've leveled up !]

After continuous ringing three times, it finally stopped. 

[System: You've reached Level 9]

[System: You've received a total of 9 free Stat Points]

[System: Your Health and Mana has increased considerably]

[System: Your Current HP: 790/790; Your Current MP: 765/765]

[System Alert: As you still don't have a Class, you didn't receive the free Stat Points for having a Class during Level Up]

[System: Current EXP: 12650/21500]

[System: Unallocated Stat Points: 09]

[System: Unallocated Skill Proficiency Points: 04]

[System: TP Collected: 22020]

[System Alert: All of your Stats (Including Passive Stats) have been maximized to the limits of Level 8: 50 (value).]

[System Alert: The Maximum value of your Stats has been increased up to 55!]

[System: Your Status Window is being updated...]

[System Alert: Your Control over Mana has increased slightly. Skill Proficiency has increased for the Passive Skill: Mana Control (Inferior)]

[System: Current Skill Proficiency: 96.89%, Current Skill Completion Rate: 11.79%]

[System: Your Status Window is being updated...]

[System Alert: You've absorbed a large amount of 'Energy' from killing the Observer 'Zion' using the Special Effect of the Bloodkin's Dagger]

[System Alert: Error!!!]

[System Alert: Your current body is too weak to absorb this amount of 'Energy'. All of the 'Energy' has been transferred to the Bloodkin's Dagger's First Seal]

[System Alert: Your has been updated.]

[System: Special Quest 01: Energy Absorbed: 925.74/10000 (Units).]

[System: Your Status Window has been updated.]

Nehar opened his eyes and checked all the messages one by one.

' this can be called an 'Improvement'...I've leveled up thrice in a row for now...moreover, all of my Stats have increased tremendously and I've got a large amount of TP...the System has rewarded me quite well as the Level difference between us was too high (Level 6 and Level 301)...though I'd wished for some more so that I would've directly jumped to Level 10... still, this is okay...balancing the Stats was the most important part here...

I've also received a weapon and a large quantity of Energy...The First Seal of the Dagger has absorbed quite a lot just by this hunting...

I will look at the weapon and the 'Thanks Reward' from the later....for now, let's focus on the job...'

[System Alert: Remaining Time for the Start of the Tutorial - 01 (Zombie Horde): 00:00:03]

'Okay, this is gonna start now....', Nehar thought in his mind as he sent a request to Amelia and Grace. He had already thought about the next step of his plan.

[System Alert: 37 dead Participants have been eliminated from the Tutorial. They will not be given another chance to come back.]

[System Alert: The Tutorial Panel has been updated. The Total No. of Participants has been updated.]

[System: Total No. of Participants (Region: C): 6380]

[System Alert: The First Short Break after the First Wave of the Zombie Horde will be reduced by 30 minutes.]

[System: Remaining Time: 00:00:02]

[System: Remaining Time: 00:00:01]

[System: Remaining Time: 00:00:00]

[System Alert: The Tutorial - 01 (Zombie Horde) has begun.]

[System Alert: The Safe Zone at the Cross-Zone has been destroyed.]

[System Alert: Survive the First Wave of The Zombie Horde either by killing zombies or escaping from them.]

[System Alert: A Timer has been started to indicate the time remaining till the end of the First Wave.]

[System Alert: Zombies killed: 0/20000]

[System Alert: Error !!]

[System Alert: The Difficulty of the Tutorial has been adjusted because of a certain Participant being too high-leveled at the beginning.]

[System Alert: Additional Zombies will spawn and attack in the First Wave.]

[System Alert: Zombies killed: 0/25000]

[System Alert: Time Remaining: 06:00:00 (6 hours)]

[System: All The Best Participants !]

Nehar chuckled warily as he swung his dagger at a zombie that was trying to jump over him and sent his rotten head flying.

While other people were busy using their Skills to check those zombies' levels and other obtainable details, Nehar didn't bother to work that hard.

He started casually swinging his daggers again and again to get rid of a total of 12 zombies that were trying to encircle their group within a minute or so.

While Nehar was casually stabbing, beheading, and kicking those rotten, lumps of fleshes and sending their limbs and heads flying over others, Amelia and Grace were looking at his back speechlessly.

Both women were ready to attack after forming a with him but they didn't get a single chance as Nehar just simply killed all of those who were trying to corner them. 

After a minute, Nehar looked back and asked them, "So, you two got EXP points from those killings, right?"

While Grace was still looking at his face with a dumbstruck look, Amelia answered him, "Yeah, I received 12-13 EXP points for each zombie that you killed. I guess, she has received the same amount as me."

Grace nodded her head.

Nehar laughed warily.

Seeing him laughing with a troubled face, Amelia asked, "What happened? Did you not receive anything or something like that?"

Nehar nodded his head in affirmation.

"Yeah, I didn't receive any EXP points. Well, I've expected that much as the level difference is too much between us...ah, speaking of level, they just added another 5000 zombies to the First Wave to counter-balance my level", Nehar laughed heartily.

Amelia and Grace didn't know what to say anymore. For the last half an hour, they couldn't even believe what was happening.

Nehar had continuously leveled up and became much stronger than before.

The First Tutorial which was about to start 30 minutes before, got postponed because of his Quests and other interventions.

Nehar had alone killed so many, that the Tutorial Panel was updated twice, and the number of Participants reduced from 6530 to 6380....a total of 150 people were killed and butchered by him and his companions.

While Nehar didn't care about those matters at all, it wasn't the same for the others.

Almost all other Participants from Region C were now aware of his exploits and many of them started to fear him.

While many of them thought about getting rid of him a quite few times, nothing happened according to their wishes.

Not even the for which so many had hoped for.

Thus, they started to keep a safe distance from him to avoid becoming his eyesore and getting killed in the process. 

While some of them started avoiding him and his group, some people got more interested in him, no...they became more interested in his powers and Skills.

They now believed that a powerful individual can overwhelmingly suppress a group of lower-powered and less skilled individuals thoroughly....numbers don't matter to sheer strength.

While some ambitious people had thought of associating themselves with him, many tried to copy his attack patterns, movement patterns, and even his dagger-throwing skills.

Though, they failed miserably, but continued to try to achieve his level one day.

"Nehar, how much did you level up? I can't even check your current level after using for a few times", Amelia asked him.

Nehar answered her while casually butchering and beheading some other zombies, "I'm at Level 9 currently. Though, it will take some time for me to level up further."

Amelia stuttered, "Le-LEVEL 9?"

She almost yelled at the last as she couldn't even believe such a thing. 

Nehar wasn't quite aware of what she was thinking at the moment, thus he answered casually, " EXP bar is almost 60% full." 

While Amelia was conversing with Nehar and shooting her arrows at some random zombies, Grace was diligently using her most used Skill continuously to get hold of a better feeling of the skill. 

While trying to get a better understanding of the Skill, she was also trying to limit her mana while using the skills so that she could use it for more times before her mana completely ran out. 

Though she knew that there was no need for them to participate when Nehar was killing and butchering those rotten things like chickens and vegetables....both women still engaged themselves in the battle to get a better hold on their skills so that they could become more prepared for the future.

After killing more than 65 zombies within four to five minutes, Nehar looked at the others to see their conditions. While many were trying to kill zombies, at least 10-15 people had died in their hands.

Many were trying to run away...but the number of the zombies was quite huge, and moreover, they were coming from all directions.

As there was no safe zone, it was almost impossible for those people to avoid those zombies continuously. 

Some even formed large groups to hunt those zombies down.

Nehar praised their efforts in his mind. It's a quite good strategy to hunt them at the beginner stages. In the past, even he had adopted the same strategy and joined a large group consisting of more than 50 people to hunt those bastards down and safeguarded himself in the first two waves.

Nehar knew zombies at the First Wave wouldn't be so much powerful and their average level would be within 1-5 or 6 at most. Though there could be some exceptions, the chance of happening such things was very small.

More than that, Nehar was more than enough prepared to tackle such tricky situations.

Not only he had leveled up to 9, but each one of his Stats was at 50.

It was quite hard for the others to even level up their equally, but not only he had done that, he had even upgraded them to such a huge margin that there was almost no opponent who could challenge him right now.

Forget about these pesky Level 1-2 zombies, on whom Nehar didn't even bother to use his Skill and directly went for the kill, even if a Level 9 or Level 10 zombie were to appear here, they would die the didn't matter for him what were their levels.

The only thing he knew was that he had to chop their heads off and he was doing that neatly, without breaking a sweat. 

Seeing a zombie was trying to ambush Grace from her blindsight, Nehar directly threw the Bloodkin's Dagger in that direction.

Grace flinched at first seeing that ominous dagger flying towards her, but she straightened herself within seconds.

She knew very well that Nehar wouldn't kill her.

If he wanted to kill her for her past misdeeds, he would've done that much before with ease.

After throwing the dagger, Nehar didn't even look for his victim or whether that zombie even survived.

He directly ordered it to come back while he commanded mentally to open the System's Tutorial Shop.

"Open Items and search for Limiters."

Within seconds, the search result was in front of his eyes. Nehar didn't wait and bought two Limiters using a total of 1000 TP casually.

While the Tutorial Shop Function has already been unlocked, it hasn't been used much by the people.

After all, even buying the simplest Weapon from the Shop would cost about 550 TP, while people would receive about 20 TP if they were to kill a zombie alone.

If they had killed it in a group, then the amount of the TP would be divided between all of them, which made the final amount of received TP from their kill almost negligible.

Thus, people could only see the Shop and lament about the good Items there for a long time, and couldn't buy them so easily.

While these things were a problem for others, that didn't matter to Nehar.

He had chosen to walk the path of a Powerhouse from the there was no stopping for him at this point.

'It's just as I've expected. My Stats are too high now. While it's good to have high Stats so that I can easily overpower my enemies, it wouldn't increase my combat skills and comprehension at would just become a battle of the higher amount of Stats...

and if I continue to do it, it will hamper my future growth too much....there's a chance that I will become like Andrea at one point, unable to advance to the next Rank and level despite having an enormous amount of energy, experience, and it's better to limit my power for now to establish a better foundation.

Moreover, I've got the I must level it up this way, starting now...

I think, two 'Limiters' would be enough for the current me...'

"Equip the Limiters", Nehar commanded mentally. 

Two Black Bracelets appeared on Nehar's wrists on both hands, and he felt that his powers were diminishing right off the bat. 

[System Alert: You've equipped two Limiters (Inferior). Each Limiter has decreased all of your Active Stats by 10 points each.]

[System Alert: All of your current Active Stats are now at 30 (Maximum limit of Level 4)]

[System Alert: Your Health and Mana haven't been affected.]

[System Alert: You've become considerably weaker than before. Removing the Limiters will restore the previous Stat Distributions.]

[System: Do you still wish to continue equipping the Limiters? YES/NO.]

Nehar chuckled and pressed 'YES'.

'Even if I'm wearing these Limiters right now, I'm much more powerful than those rotten meat bags. And wearing them will not stop me from leveling up further or stop the further increase in my stats from the Special Effect of the Bloodkin's Dagger...'

"Now, shall we fight once more?", Nehar laughed while seeing a group of zombies, consisting of at least more than 20, coming towards them. 

"Cover me from the sides and move forward with me, don't get encircled by them", Nehar commanded both women while taking a look at them and then rushed forward to have close combat with those zombies while swinging his daggers drastically.