Reclaiming The Eastern Sector (V)

After walking for a while, Nehar reached the end of the road. He looked around to see if he had missed anything, but the only thing he saw was the destroyed buildings.

"Other than these destroyed buildings here, nothing can be seen as a gateway or a portal...the road has also ended, how do I move further?"

Nehar started observing his surroundings more carefully.

After observing for some time, he finally found a clue.

"This region looks like...yeah, probably this is it...."

Nehar walked towards a particular region where the road ended.

The region looked like a part of the surrounding environment at first, but when Nehar looked at it carefully, he noticed that something was different about it.

"Though it looks like a part of the surrounding devastation, it's actually a still scenery that only reflects its surroundings."

Nehar pushed the from earlier into the glass-like screen to check what would happen.