Chained Reality (III) : The 7th Fragment of Darkness

While rushing towards the source of the sound, for once Nehar asked himself about his chances of winning against someone like this.

'While I don't know what am I going to face, I'm quite sure it's not something that I can trifle with that easily...

An 'Entity' that was observing me even before I came back and still knows almost everything about me...

The only thing that was capable of doing something like that was 'The Fragment'...

The thing I've obtained because of an unfortunate accident and was never able to unleash its full potential...

If I were able to do that, the future would've been indeed different...

This 'Entity' is somehow linked to 'The Fragment' and I'm certain about that.... otherwise in no way, it would've known so many details about me including the restraints of my powers in my past life...