Chaos In The Heavens (VI) : Revelation

El'goroden, Elydor Continent, Lower Heavens...

"Captain, we have a problem."

A loud voice came from the outside, alerting the person inside the room.

"Come in", the person inside the room ordered in a stoic voice.

A slender person wearing typical mage robes entered the room after he heard the voice from inside.

He was about to talk upon entering the room, but as he saw the Captain was busy reading some documents, he decided to wait for a couple of minutes.

"What? Just say whatever you have to say."

Hearing the harsh voice coming from the person in front of him, he decided not to delay the matter anymore. 

"Captain... there is something you need to know. We've received a distorted transmission, possibly for help."

"Possibly?", the woman asked her subordinate officer in a stern tone, without even looking at the man.