She was scared


I don't know what triggered her.

But one look at the way she was running out of the classroom, not even stopping when I called her, I knew something was the matter.

And what did I do? I left the lecture that I was supposed to take and ran behind her to stop and ask her what was the matter.

With all the rogues roaming around and targeting her, I was afraid that it was something related to that and her walking out of the University all alone wasn't the best idea in the world.

'Stop lying to yourself. You were just worried about her. Not even once did the word rogue cross your mind,' Reaper chimed in, and I glared at him, making him shrug before he looked away.

'I was just stating facts,'' He pouted.

As I was saying, I followed her and was about to stop her when I saw her getting inside Aiden's car.