Someone's gaze


Once I was done telling the man my plans, though he was a bit unhappy about it, he said he understood my circumstances. All students go on vacations during the holiday season. Besides, the business would be low because of the lack of students either way, and it would be good he wouldn't have to pay me.

I laughed at that comment before agreeing to his conditions of employment when I returned, assuming I would still need some work.

After that, I walked out. Tracy left long ago to arrange her room's stuff and pack her belongings because she had a flight to catch to go to her mother's house.

Her parents were divorced, and she was going to spend a month with them one by one.

"What are you doing here all alone, sweetheart? Need a lift?" Someone said behind me, and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"No thanks," I said, continuing my walk.