In trouble because of Aurora


"She did it again," 

"Why do you allow it to happen, sir?"

"I can't blame her. She is just here to express what her owner couldn't. I said some mean things to Valencia that I am not so proud of. She is probably here to avenge her master's anger,"

"But sir, this is the second time she destroyed your room," 

"I know. Doesn't she look cute wrapped in curtains like this? Let me see if the poor kitty got hurt or what," 

"I don't know what to say, sir. You are too lenient when it comes to Valencia and things related to her," 

I could hear people talk around me, and I furrowed my brows.

Why was it so hard to open my eyes? 

Wait. Why were my eyes closed in the first place? I tried to remember what exactly happened or what was happening, but it wasn't long before the memories crashed into my head like a tsunami wave.