Mistake or bliss?


Maverick growled at me for the umpteenth time as I scratched his back with nails, sucking his lips like I would want to suck something else that belonged to him.

Running my tongue on his bottom lip, I licked my lips before looking at him.

"What did you say? Don't start what I can't finish. What if I want to start what I can finish and ensure you have a blissful time at the same time," I pushed, moved my hand downwards, and pulled him closer, ensuring I rubbed a good time into him, giving him new suggestions on what was going on inside my head.

Did I intend to follow these instincts and give him what he wanted? Of course not. It was a little payback for what he was trying to do to me.

I want him to know he isn't the only one who can become handsy and keep him on his toes.

"What did you call that? Punishment? Do you want to see what punishment looks like?" I asked.