Who was Aiden?


"What the hell were you thinking?" A woman asked as she slapped the man before him, making his head whip to the side because of the impact. 

The man massaged his jaws with an angry expression but didn't say anything to rebuke her.

"I am sorry," he said.

The woman laughed at him without any humor.

"You are not sorry at all. If you were sorry, you wouldn't have made that mistake in the first place. Do you even know how you have risked your identity now?" The woman asked.

The man glared at her, the anger in his eyes evident.

"Do you think I fucking care about my identity? Our job isn't to keep our identities hidden. Our job is to protect Valencia. She was about to get busted by that alpha. Of course, I had to intervene, and I would do it all over again," The man said.

The woman looked at him with pursed lips.