Breach of security


No one told me this phase was going to be this tough. 

Though Maverick arranged for the ice for me, and I was constantly taking a trip to the bathroom to bathe in the bathtub full of ice, it wasn't helping.

I was wet from head to toe because of how much I was sweating and feeling uncomfortable.

Just like Maverick had promised me, the place he took me to had eight security rings around it. I don't know where this place is. All I know is that I needed him.

Why did he leave me right after dropping me on the bed? If he had asked me even once if he could pleasure me, I would've said yes.

He was gone before I could even blink my eyes. My mind was going into an emotional turmoil.

Was there a reason he didn't want to be with me? Could it be that it was hard for him to control, and he was afraid he would end up marking me?

It was amazing how considerate he was, but what about me? My head was thinking only about him.