Everyone will be punished


"Can you explain?" the old man asked again, and I nodded before clicking on another file that showed how I was planning to attack the rogues in solitude, targeting one location at a time.

They will think that they are being attacked by another group of rogues, but they won't be able to figure things out until the truth about who the leader is is revealed.

The truth that a council member is behind it will not be revealed until we deal with at least 10 of the pack's problems and get their army under control. 

I showed them the entire timeline and map of how I was planning to do it. 

"Thus, all I need is your permission to attack. It's a win-win situation. If I win, you get to keep the success under the council's name, and if I lose, you don't need to claim it since another set of rogues will attack the rogues," I explained to them.

Uncle Jonathan wasn't pleased with my idea. I could see it in his eyes.