Working above them


After talking to Jason about various things related to the rogue head, Valencia decided it was time for her to leave the area and return to the meeting point she had agreed upon with Dylan.

"I will keep you updated regarding Glacier and his activities. Also, we have been rigorously recruiting rogues in the past months, but I have put a hold on recruitment. With the increasing threats to your life, we don't know when a cunning person would want to approach you by joining the forces if they found out about your team," Jason said to Valencia.

She nodded. She knew the risk of working with the rogues, especially when her life was in danger because of rogues only. 

"I understand. You should leave now," Valencia whispered as he accompanied her to the City Clock area.

It wasn't long before she spotted Dylan, who was walking straight towards her. Hurriedly, she looked to her left, where Jason was standing.