His woman with male escorts?


I was groaning inwardly. I have been doing that for thirty minutes since the meeting commenced. 

I had promised Valencia this one day off from all responsibilities, but who would've thought that Alpha Green would appear in our hotel room when he found out we were in the city? 

Not wanting to dampen her mood and ruin this day off, I asked Shadow, Liam, and Sean to stay with her as she enjoyed her night at the local club. 

"We were having such a peaceful and loving day with our maye. Must we work all the time?' Reaper said, and I understood his annoyance with the matter. 

It was a treat for us to spend one day and night without worry with our woman, the love of our lives. In fact, after Valencia told us she was ready to bear our mark on her neck, imprint us for life, and make us hers, I was thinking of completing the process later. 

However, who would've thought I would have to postpone plans like this?