Returning to human form


I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling relief for the umpteenth time. 

It had been five days since I saw my human form, and I was already missing it. 

I walked on my long legs, twirling on it. 

"For someone who was only gone for five days, you surely are exaggerating and acting like you have been imprisoned in the car form for a decade," Aurora commented, and I rolled my eyes.

'You won't understand how hard it was for me,' I whispered before wearing my jacket.

As I was about to leave the room to surprise Maverick, who was probably on the ground floor and meeting with his men, I saw my phone vibrating. 

It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked. 

"I heard someone has been looking for me," The familiar cold and deep voice resounded, and I took a deep, shaky breath.

Good. It was the perfect time for me to return to my human form. 

"Indeed, Mr –" I drew out.