Happy's damage


Everyone thought the rogues belonged to Ethan.

However, they were in for a shock when the rogues suddenly bowed to Axile, who stood there like the authority he always had despite not being the royal.

"Sir," Vincent looked at the mess in the palace, and Axile nodded.

"Kill every single one of them," Axile commanded.

Ethan's smile faltered as he saw around fifty new sets of rogues rushing inside and fighting his rogue team and all the soldiers on his side. 

"When Valencia said she wanted to take me somewhere, my team was afraid she would get me in trouble, and they had been following closely. As soon as the fight broke, I signaled them to enter," Axile explained.

Ethan looked around and noticed how the fight was going in his favor. He suddenly started to take another turn. 

He could see he would lose now that the royal members, outnumbered before, had the support of rogues from Axile's side.