A happy news


I couldn't believe it.


My hand instinctively reached for my abdomen, the thought of having another life inside me both exciting and scaring me. 

I was pregnant. There was a baby inside me. How big was it already? Was I straining my baby when I was training so much? What if the baby tried to communicate with me, and I couldn't understand? 

Wait. What if I screw up as a mother? With everything going on around me… no… I shouldn't think negatively. 

'Congratulations, Valencia,' Aurora smiled at me, jumping around inside my head space on her paws, and I chuckled inwardly.

"Congratulations to you too, Aurora," Tears brimmed my eyes as a sob left my mouth.

"I will try to become the best mom. I promise you," I said to my baby, wiping the rogue tears. 

Wait. Someone else deserves to know this news more than anyone in this world. 

I pulled out my phone to call Maverick.