Chapter 23 The princess.

While Simon,Mikael and Steuner were working to escape the junk planet.

Alesia returned home and was discharged from the military as her service time was over.

She was now walking towards the throne room of her mothers palace.

If any human saw this magnificent building they would probably think that they landed in a fantasy world.

When she entered the throne room she saw her mother, the empress and all of her siblings who were waiting for her.

Her mother came down from her throne and hugged her.

-Welcome home,I missed you so much.

At that moment she wasn't an empress but a mother welcoming her child back after a long absence.

-It's good to be back and I miss you mother. 

She said reciprocating the hug.

A few moments later when she greeted her family,she was sitting in her place.

As a fifth princess she sat on the fifth chair on her mothers left side.

-I heard that you had to crash land on some junk planet,what happened there?

Her mother asked.

-My ship malfunctioned and crash landed on that world but i would have died if it wasn't for two humans that saved me.

She answered.

-Whats a human?

Asked her older sister Inia, the first princess.

-They are an alien race that is regarded as too young to be contacted by the federation.

Also they are Deathworlders and if what they said is true then their world is truly deadly.

They have at least three times stronger gravity on their planet than we have here.

Alesia explained.

-They found me unconscious in my ship and took me out of there and did their best to take care of my injuries.

They also took my survival and first aid kits but not understanding our language they didn't know what to use to help me recover.

So they waited until I regained consciousness.

After that their translator managed to figure out our language and I was able to use my medicine.

They let me stay with them and shared their food and water with me,later I learned that they were captured for experiments and dumped on that planet until their homeworld civilization makes a first contact with the federation which is estimated to take place in about 250 of human years.

That would be around 500 years in our calendar.

Everyone gasped hearing this.

-Then why didn't you take them with you when you were rescued?

The empress asked.

-They didn't want to bring their problems to our empire and the federation wouldn't be too happy if i did that.

Besides, I think that they will escape from there in a few years.

-And why do you think that they will??

Asked Darun,her older brother and a crown prince.

-Because I have never seen anything like what they were doing.

They used a scraped fighter and a makeshift power source to connect to my distress beacon and send a signal.

Both of them were tinkering with technology way more advanced than their own and they somehow made it work.

They also opened my eyes to how little i really know and to be honest even if i survived my injuries then i would still die on that planet without them.

-Hey sister, where is your pendant?

The second prince Eren asked out of the blue.

Everyone looked at her and just now noticed that she really didn't have her pendant.

-I left it to Simon,one of the humans as a gift and he can give it back to me when we meet again.

Everyone was shocked.

In their culture giving someone your pendant was the same as telling them that you love them and want to be their partner and if they returned it to you then they accepted the proposal.

-You want to say that you fell in love with an alien?

Her mother asked in disbelief.

-Yes mother, that's exactly what happened.

Another shock for everyone.

-Then I hope that he is a good warrior because the oldest son of the Xanzi family wants to be your partner and you know what that means.

The empress explained the situation. 

-If you mean a duel in hand to hand combat then I would advise against it.

Unless the Xanzi family wants to lose their oldest son.

She said with a smile.

-You want to say that this Simon is stronger than one of our strongest fighters?

Her older brother asked, not believing her words.

-Simon uses two different martial arts from his home world which has dozens of martial arts.

And he is good enough to dodge or block all of my attacks without a problem and don't forget that he is from a high gravity world so his strength and speed is a lot higher than anyone here.

He even taught me some of his martial arts so I can show you what it looks like.

-Oh i see that my little sister wants another beating.

Said Inia with a smile.

She was always a martial arts enthusiast and she loved to spar with her siblings.

Alesia also smiled at her words.

-Why not? That way I can finally beat you up and show everyone what humans can do.

She said with confidence that made Inia lose her smile.

-Then let's see what the man you chose can do.

The empress said,hoping in her heart that this time someone could put her eldest daughter in her place.

She also wasn't against Alesia getting a partner on her own especially if what she said was true.

An hour later both women were standing in the training room ready to go at it.

Inia attacked first but to her surprise she found herself on the floor just a second later not knowing what happened.

The rest of the royal family who were watching the fight were flabbergasted . 

All they saw was Alesia shifting her body a little and Inia landing on her back

The first princess got up to her feet and tried again but Alesia blocked her attack and threw her again and this time there was a loud thud when she hit the mat.

Inia groaned in pain but she was not ready to give up.

-This is a martial art called Aikido and it's mainly used for self defense.

Alesia said and changed her stance.

This time she was on the offensive,she hit Inia in the stomach with her knee and kicked her knee joint which made her fall to her knees and the last attack stopped a few millimeters from her face.

If Alesia didn't stop then her knee would hit her sister straight in her face.

-This is a martial art known as Muay-Thai and if what Simon told me is true then it was developed for real combat.

Inia was terrified at this moment,her confidence gone, replaced by fear.

-Sister, just what kind of a monster did you find?

Darun asked with a fear in his voice.

His younger sister just whipped the floor with Inia in a matter of seconds and when he tried to imagine a high gravity deathworlder wielding the same skills he was horrified.

-He's not a monster,but if the Xanzi family doesn't back off then they will lose their son.

She said with a smile.

Everyone shuddered looking at her.