Chapter 35 The gathering.

It took just one day for every leader on earth to agree to the meeting but most of them wanted to use a video conference for security reasons.

The place was set to be the UN headquarters in New York as it was already equipped for this kind of gathering.

This time Simon took Steuner with him and the old man remained on the moon to oversee the construction of the moon base.

They landed the shuttles in the designated area that was cordoned off and they were immediately surrounded by armed soldiers whose task was to escort them inside.

The soldiers were prepared to see Simon's armor but they were speechless to see Steuner with his armor looking like a dragon and with a halberd on his back.

-I'm sorry but you need to relinquish all your weapons before you enter the building.

A Colonel that was in command said apologetically.

-Then we have a problem because most of our weapons are integrated into the armor and we are not taking them off,as for my friend halberd it's a ceremonial weapon confirming his status as a war chief among his people.

-Please wait a moment.

the officer said and started talking to someone on the radio.

-It's approved you can go in.

The Colonel said a few moments later.

They both proceeded inside and were escorted to the gathering hall.

When they arrived there was a heated debate going on but as soon as they entered it got quiet.

Everyone was looking at them,especially Steuner who was the first alien to ever visit earth officially.

The secretary general of the UN greeted them both.

Welcome to the UN,Your summons for all the world leaders to gather sounds very important so please take the podium.

They both took off their helmets and walked into the podium.

-Thank you for gathering here on such short notice but i assure you that what I have to say is important for all human race.

Simon said without any hesitation or stage fright.

-I ask all of you to wait with the questions until I finish speaking otherwise this will take longer than necessary.

He waited for everyone's approval.

-Let's start with some background …

Simon Started with his and Mikaels story explaining everything that happened.

It took him almost an hour to finish his explanation and show them the map of the surrounding space.

Then he awaited the questions and everyone had some.

-Then what do you propose we do about all of this?

The president of the U.S asked.

-I propose unifying the planet under a single government entity that will host representatives from all nations and hold the power to decide about our planet. and in the future about our colonies.

Simon answered.

-Son the unification of the world is not that simple, it will take time.

The British prime minister said.

-We don't have time,like I said we might expect diplomats and merchants from other species within two to three years.

We have to be ready for them or our planet will become a joke in their eyes.

Not to mention that our surroundings are full of space pirates that need to be dealt with.

And if you don't want to join the federation or any other power then i strongly suggest you all to make your minds and make our own territory in space while we still have the time to do so.

-Then if we create this planetary government what will you do?

The Polish president asked.

-If you agree with the planetary government then I will share all the technology and knowledge we have gathered which will solve most of this planet's problems.

Clean energy sources,no more hunger,no more lack of resources,beter medical treatments,with some luck we can even solve the problem of utilizing the dangerous materials and also we will be able to create a space fleet to defend ourselves.

But this will only be available if this planet unites because I won't give you technology just so you can fight over it.

There was a pin drop silence when he finished his speech.

-You are trying to bribe us with alien technology and an utopian dream but what if we refuse?

Asked the Chinese president.

-With the technology at my disposal there is nothing stopping me from gathering some people that want a new start and starting a new colony but instead i would rather see my home world united and prosperous.

Simon answered and everyone had to agree that he could do it and they were powerless to stop him.

-So we either agree to your idea and unite the planet or you will just gather some people and fly off leaving the rest of us behind?

-This will be your choice and I know it won't be easy to unite everyone but what other choice is there?

If I supply technology to only a handful of countries then it's almost assured that there will be a war.

And if i have to be honest,I'm sick and tired of watching humans kill one another and for what?

Some land ,some grudge from the past,over a religion or some resources?

The human race is fighting each other for as long as we exist but now we have a bigger problem.

If we stay divided then we will destroy ourselves or someone from the stars will come and conquer us and when that happens then we will either go extinct or be turned into slaves.

I fought with aliens before and managed to win but that was against small numbers.

The ship we destroyed in this system could destroy us if we didn't find a weakness in its defenses.

Also I don't want another human to be taken as a lab rat for some alien experiments and if he or she manages to survive they are sent to a planet sized junkyard to work for them as not much more than slaves.

So as I said before if you don't want to do it then just say so and i will move to plan B.

Simon finished speaking and every world leader was speechless.

They all knew that he was right and if there ever was a time to unite then now was their best chance,especially when all the people around the world watched this gathering live. 

Finally the Polish president spoke.

-I vote for the creation of the world government and unification of our planet.

Then one after the other the leaders of Brazil,Japan,Spain,Saudi Arabia,Canada,Finland,Great Britain,Egypt,Kongo,Australia,Oman…

One after the other all the leaders agreed .

Some of them were reluctant at first but they all knew that if they disagreed then it was all over for them.

Simon was shocked when he saw that they all agreed.

Even in his wildest dreams he never saw it coming together this fast.