Chapter 52 Promotion.

Simon,Mikael and Steuner all agreed that their ships deserved better than to be destroyed and the Council also approved of the idea to make the three ships into museums.

The Basilisk would rest in Poland as Simon wished but it would be available for all to see.

The Phoenix would land for the last time in Ottawa per the wish of the Mikael.

The Dragon ended its warrior life in China because Steuner wanted it to be close and he now lived in China.

All three ships were taken care of and the captains also left their armors and weapons as they needed new ones and the exhibition would be completed with their gear.

Also all three ships were fully loaded with ammunition and maintained in working order.

This was the council's idea as the three ships would be the last ships to protect humanity if it ever came to such a dire situation.

-These three warriors will never lay down their arms and will forever guard humanity.

The chairman said when the ships landed in their resting spots.

After they left their ships the three captains went back into space to wait for their new ships.

Simon accepted the invitation of Athena and became the captain of the Thanatos.

Mikael had to wait for the first human built space battleship The Odin to be completed.

Steuner took command of another A.I ship but it was also rebuilt so all of them had to wait and also all of them got promoted to admirals and in Steuner case to Supreme War chief.

The time was tight as they only had half a year before the alien delegates started showing up.

The council abandoned any idea to join the federation after Simon reported what happened to the Onerik and Athena repeated her story .

The Geneva convention was altered to allow any alien race to become a signatory

and it would become a necessary step to become humanity's ally.

The council and all of humanity was outraged at the xenocide of their new allies' creators.

There was a plan put into motion to try and get a sample of the Onerik DNA and if possible to try and restore the race.

Unfortunately it had to wait for some time because the Terrans had almost no trading partners.

When Athena and other A.I's learned of this they were very grateful as all they wanted for now was to get repaired and upgraded.

They never thought that the humans would try to restore their creators.

-Don't get too happy as it will probably take years if not decades to find a sample if there even is one and then we have to clone them while making sure there is enough genetic diversity so that they will not stagnate in a few generations.

Simon said when Athena was almost jumping in joy on the rebuilt bridge of the Thanatos.

-I have time and can wait,but just think about it,your species would be the first one to restore the extinct species in the whole galaxy.

Athena was happy that she decided to work with the humans.

-We actually already restored some of the species that went extinct on our own world.

Try searching the internet for a Dodo bird.

-It says that they went extinct around 1690 and are now restored with a population of around three thousand birds.

-Yes and we did it because a private collector sent a DNA sample to the council.

There are more animals that were resurrected thanks to cloning but we never tried on aliens so this might take a long time and if it works then all of you will need to teach them how to be Onerik.

-That's for the future,for now tell me how long till Thanatos can leave the space dock?

Athena asked.

-Around a month before the repairs and upgrades are completed and then a few days of tests.

Thanatos was almost unrecognizable after the reconstruction.

It was Simon's idea to alter the ship so that the federation envoys couldn't recognize it.

The other ships also had to be altered and for now those that had to wait for a place in the space dock were sent out of the system.

Athena was impressed at the firepower she would have and the shields that would protect her ship.

The Thanatos was designated as a dreadnought and also a flag ship since Simon was now an Admiral.

To be honest it didn't even fit in the space dock designed for a battleship one third its size.

but humans figured out a way to repair and upgrade it using the drones and dividing the work into three parts.

The battle ships from the A.I fleet also were too big to fit but not by much.

The cruisers on the other hand were smaller than their human counterparts so working on them was easy.

All together there was one dreadnought, eight battleships,ten cruisers,fifteen frigates and fifteen corvettes in the A.I fleet.

When they were all ready the Terran space would have one hell of a fleet.

Especially with over three hundred of their own ships and more being built all the time.

-Athena how many ships did your creators have when they were fighting the federation?

Simon asked.

-According to my memory banks they had around two thousand ships at the start of the war and the federation had around thirty thousand ships.

We had better technology but they had too many ships.

She explained.

-Then we might have a problem because they had another five hundred years to enlarge their fleet and our technology comes from a junk planet and one of their science ships, added with some of our own ideas.

So if they decide to destroy us now…

-We won't stand a chance.

She finished for him.

-Our intel on them is sketchy at best so we don't really know what they have but we can be sure that their technology is better than ours.

He said with a worried voice.

-Look on the bright side,you accomplished so much in a very short time and if they want to wait until their borders are closer to your territories then we have a chance to catch up to them and I have an idea how to do it.

She said with a mischievous smile on her avatar's face.

-I'm all ears.

He said interested in her idea.

-What you need are merchants that can go into the federation space and buy their technology for you.

They can't be from your species but there should be some free merchants from other races that would buy what you want and not be suspected of supplying you with the federation tech.

-That might be possible after we get some allies.

Right now we need to prepare as much as we can and also I don't think that any species will send a large fleet our way any time soon.