Chapter 75 Discovery.

Unfortunately they couldn't download any files from the data cora because it was damaged so without wasting any more time they went for the next ship in hopes of getting some data.

Simon was prepared to take a whole data core with them if it was necessary.

Athena and scientists managed to analyze a fragment of a pathway that they retrieved the previous day and it was a way better solution than the cables, not to mention that the data and power transfer were much faster and smooth.

They approached the ship and landed inside as it had a few holes in it that foy could fly a destroyer through.

They went by the book and checked the entire ship top to bottom with the addition of the other three teams that Simon called for help with securing this ship. It still took them a whole day to just secure it and map out the interior.

They returned for some rest and decided that they would come back the next day to try and get some information from this behemoth.

The landing party on the planet decided to stay the night on the surface and since they didn't have to worry about the air and water which was determined to not contain anything harmful for humans,they got the permission on a condition that if something happened or the soldiers determines even a slight threat then they would return to the ship without any delay.

-This research is important but you can't discover anything if you are dead.

Is what Simon said,and they all agreed with him.

The next day Simon took all of the teams to the giant ship again.

The scientists and the engineers started working on extracting data from the bridge while soldiers went around the ship looking for anything useful.

They managed to find some weapons and armors that looked like they were designed for humanoids,other than that they found some data pads that were clearly more advanced than what they used aboard their own ship.

The medics went straight to the med bay to try and figure out some of the medical equipment in there.

With a more thural search of the ship they found many things that they wanted to take back with them but unfortunately the Thanatos had limited space available.

-Admiral we really need to bring as much of this technology back with us as possible.

The science officer insisted.

-I know how you feel and I also want to get as much of it as possible but we only have this one ship which has limited space so we will only take as much as we can without compromising its functionality.

Simon said.

-But if we use the hangar bays as a storage area then we would be able to take much more of the things that we found.

Theresa argued,she was field promoted to a science officer when the wormhole disappeared as she was the lead scientist but it was hard on her to make decisions about what to take and what to leave behind.

-I hear you and if we weren't on the opposite side of the galaxy right now i would call for the fleet to get here and take everything back to earth or the colonies to be researched but right now the best we can do is to take the most important things with us and pray that we can find the schematics for more of this tech.

Simon calmly explained.

-Then maybe we should try and repair one of the ships and use it as a transport vessel.

Theresa wasn't giving up.

-If you can activate the shipyard we found then I'm all for it.

Hell, I would even try to upgrade Thanatos if we could but until you have a way to do it,we need to decide what to take with us and what to leave behind.

The priorities are weapons,shield tech,medical tech and then anything else.

Simon said as he really would like to install the shields and weapons they found onto his ship.

-Then allow me and my team to go to the shipyard and see if we can't bring it back online.

Theresa took the challenge he had issued to make her give up literally.

Simon thought for a while and decided that he had nothing to lose.

-Agreed but first you have to find all the weapon systems and deactivate them or even better dismantle them before you try to power it up.

I don't know if this thing has an A.I but if it does then i want it disarmed.

Other than that you have the time till we leave to get that thing to work and if you manage that then we will prolong our stay and repair some of the ships here and take them with us.

If it is beyond repair then we leave after we finish surveying and collecting data and equipment at which time you will have to decide what to take with us and what to leave behind.

-Thank you admiral.

She said and went to get ready for a prolonged stay in the shipyard.

The first shuttle bright soldiers and engineers that went to work on disabling the defenses of the massive space station.

To be honest this thing was colossal,it was easily the size of Luna if not even bigger and it had enough firepower to destroy the whole Terran fleet if it needed to.

It took them four days just to disable all of the weapon systems and setting charges that would sever the connections to the shield emitters if the need arises.

In the meantime ,Theresa and her team were assessing the shipyard which led them to some exciting discoveries and a big problem.

The discoveries were that this facility did not produce parts that were used later to build or repair a ship but instead it used nanite technology to build the ship from the ground up atom by atom.

And it could build a ship like the one that the admiral was now exploring which was many times bigger than the Thanatos.

The problem was that its reactor was of a different design and didn't use helium 3 as a fuel so for now they had no idea how to bring it online and how to fuel it.

The only thing they could do for now was to use small power sources that they brought with them to power up the consoles in hope of gathering more information.

They were also very careful not to overpower the consoles or awaken some A.I in the process.

It took some time but finally they struck gold and accessed the ship design database with thousands of ship designs stored in it.

The moment the commander of their security force saw some of the designs he immediately contacted Simon.

-Admiral,you really need to come to the shipyard and see this.

He said with a voice full of fear and shock.

-Is it important?

Simon asked as they were also in the middle of connecting to the database of another ship.

-It is very important and you really have to see this.

The soldier repeated himself.

-On my way.

Simon said and closed the communication.

It took him almost three hours to get to the shipyard.

Theresa and her team greeted him.

-So what did you find that made everyone so excited?

He asked.

-Thousands of ship designs and it turns out that they all have A.I onboard but that's not all.

She led the way to the design console.

-Take a look at the designs.

Theresa said with a smug smile.

Simon looked through some of the designs and he even recognized some of them as the wrecks outside.

Then he saw A.I specifications and went pale.

The race that created the ship's A.I's made them look similar to themselves and the moment an A,I avatar was displayed on the holo-screen Simon saw a human or at least something that looked almost exactly as a human.