Chapter 88 Request Denied.

The wedding was called off for now as the bride was in the hospital.

The doctors did all the tests they could and scanned her with the best medical scanners they had but all the results came back normal.

There was nothing wrong with her except that she was unconscious and unresponsive to any treatment that the doctors tried.

-Your majesty, the princess is as healthy as ever and there is nothing wrong with her body.

We suspect that her state is connected to her mental state and that is why she wont wake up no matter what we do.

Did she receive any strong mental shock before she fainted?

The head doctor asked Liara when she came to visit her daughter.

-I think she did,you probably saw the video already so i wont go into details.

What can we do to bring her out of her coma?

The empress asked.

-If this is connected to that video then we can't do much more than keep her in the hospital for the time being and wait for her to wake up on her own.

The doctor pitied Alesia as she was placed between a rock and a hard place because of politics and now she was paying the price that she should never have to pay.

All of the Elani people knew that if they didn't do as the Federation ordered then they would be most likely wiped out by now but it didn't change the fact that they betrayed their allies and caused their downfall.

If the human was telling the truth they would eventually pay for what they did and the Terran admiral was talking as if it was just a matter of time before they would come to even the score.

Liara stayed with Alesia and the staff gave them some privacy.

The empress knew that this was the result of her own actions and now her daughter was paying the price.

She also knew that if she rejected the terms of the federation then they would all be killed as there was no way for the Terrans to defend on so many fronts.

Her only choice was to accept the terms for the good of her people but the price was steep and the humans were the ones that suffered the most.

The other part of the price her people had to pay was that they lost all of their allies and were mistrusted everywhere,even their merchants had problems with selling their cargo as every star nation was wary of them now.

Some of the nations that were not in the federation outright refused to accept their ships anymore as they didnt want to end up like the Humans.

The Elani became synonymous with the word betrayal in most of the known galaxy and now the situation was worsening thanks to the video that Simon spread.

They managed to survive but she wasn't sure if it was worth it if they were left alone and no one trusted them anymore.

Worst of all their survival came at the price of her own daughter's suffering.

-I just hope that you can wake up one day and forgive me.

She said in a quiet tone to her unconscious daughter while holding her hand.

Right now Liara wasn't sure that she wouldn't prefer the Terrans to come and destroy them all for what she did,at least she wouldn't have to watch her children suffer anymore.

She knew that this was just her wishful thinking as the humanity would need many years to recover enough to pose any threat to her people and the most optimistic predictions made by her advisors showed that if by some miracle they didn't go extinct in a few hundred years then they would need minimum of two centuries to recover their numbers enough to become a serious threat to the empire so they had more than enough time to prepare for them. 

Liara looked at her daughter for the last time before she left the hospital room.

When she left the hospital she went back to being empress and she had a lot of work to do especially if she wanted to rebuild the tarnished reputation of her people.

She had sacrificed too much to just give up now and she wanted to make sure that the choices she made wouldn't haunt her people when it was time for her to pass away.

She also didn't want to be remembered as the empress who betrayed her allies as her sole accomplishment.

When she returned to the palace she overheard her eldest children talking about Alesia and the video that sent her into a coma.

-I never expected her to have such a reaction.

Inia said 

-I also didn't expect her to fall into a coma after watching this video.

But seriously, what was she expecting?

It was obvious that he wouldn't send her flowers and wish her a happy marriage.

We all meet Simon more than once and we know how he is.

Darun shared his opinion.

-You're right and after what we did to his people I'm not surprised that he revoked her right of marriage.

Even if he didn't know about the wedding the result would be the same.

The part that worries me the most is that we all know that he will keep his word and he will try to exterminate us all if he finds an opportunity to do so.

Inia said and a shiver went down her spine at the thought.

-Actually if he ever gets to actually exterminating us then I'd rather die by his hands than by his people.

At least that way we know that it will be quick as he doesn't like to waste time.

Liara backed out of her spot while she remained unnoticed by her children and went to the throne room.

She was in deep thought on her way.

Just how much did her people fear one human?

Everyone was talking about the video and the threat that Simon issued.

She knew that it would all die down eventually especially if nothing happened in the next few months.

She finally reached the throne room and found a prime minister there.

Liara hated this man with passion as it was mostly his fault that she was in this mess.

Unfortunately for her he was there to stay as he was backed by the federation and she couldn't just get rid of him. 

-Your majesty I'm here today regarding the wedding of my grandson and the fifth princess.

He started talking before she even sat on her throne.

-There is no way to continue with it as my daughter is now in a coma.

She said coldly.

-Actually I want to rescind the proposal as the circumstances changed and marrying her now would have a negative effect on my grandson's reputation which is already in a very poor state.

-Then you are saying that she doesn't have to marry him now that Simon revoked her right to marry him.

If that is the case then why did you propose this farce in the first place?

The empress asked as one of the terms of sparing her people was for Alesia to marry Irio.

-I didn't think that this human knew our customs so well or that he would use them publicly.

Right now everyone knows that the fifth princess was rejected by The human that once defended this planet and even the other species had learned about it so she is not the best match for Irio right now.

The prime minister said.

-Then this matter is over and now my daughter is free to do what she wants,if she ever wakes up.

The empress said.

-Actually I would like to propose another solution.

Let one of the other princesses marry my grandson.

the minister said with a sly smile.

-That is impossible as they are all engaged and would be married soon.

The empress protested.

-A quick duel can fix that.

The prime minister said as he was sure that there was no one on this planet who could win against his grandson.

-Don't you dare…

The empress said with anger.

-You destroyed one of my daughters' lives already and now you want another one?

No way and don't try to scare me with the federation, you surely have seen the video of Admiral Black and heard what he said at the end.

Right now it doesn't matter to me if we get destroyed by the federation or by the humans.

And before you tell me that there is a high chance that they will die out in a few hundred years,I already know that but what you don't know is that they would happily take us down with them if there is no chance of them recovering.

So save your threats and that request is denied.

Liara said while shaking from anger.