Chapter 93 Finding out the truth.

Alesia woke up from her coma half a year after the attack on her home world.

At first she thought that the video she saw was a dream but the reality quickly caught up with her.

She was informed that the video was real and that the humanity was now extinct as they used the remnants of their fleet to launch a suicide attack on seven worlds and managed to inflict heavy damage to all o their targets including the Elani home world.

She was shocked at first but soon she became depressed.

Not only did she lose the man she loved because of the marriage that never happened,But also he was no longer alive since he led the attack on her people.

There was something missing in this situation but she couldn't figure out what it was.

She knew that the human fleet was either destroyed in battle or they detonated their payloads when they rammed their targets.

She even saw the video and the messages that Simon ,Mikael and Steuner sent before they detonated their ships.

-Sister, you are obsessed with this.

They are dead and nothing you do will change that, just let it go and move on.

Said Inia,when she found her sister looking through the messages,the data from the battle and the videos that were taken of the battle.

-Something is not right with this whole thing and I want to know what it is.

Alessia answered,pulling up her head from the data that she was reading.

-Listen to me,even if by some miracle he is still alive then it changes nothing as after what he did in that video you can never be anything but a stranger to him and don't forget that he saw us as enemies after we betrayed his species and almost destroyed them in the process.

Inia said with a big sigh, she also liked the humans and lizardmen,but their priority was to ensure survival of their own people.

-He never did anything that wouldn't benefit him and his people, also i don't believe that he would order the remaining humans to just kill themselves for revenge without trying to rebuild somewhere else.

Alesia said with conviction,she knew Simon and he wasn't the type of man that would sacrifice everything for nothing.

-That was when he still had you as a fiance and his species wasn't on the verge of annihilation.

When he lost everything he could have changed and decided to take as many of us with him as possible.

Besides all that,the scholars ran simulations for over three months and there was no way for humanity to rebuild with the numbers they had left.

And even if by some miracle they did manage to do so then we would hear of them by now.

There is no chance for them to rebuild anywhere in this part of the galaxy without the Federation knowing,and they would do anything in their power to exterminate them the moment they got the information.

Inia really tried anything to get her sister to just move on and forget the past.

-There really is something that doesn't add up in this situation and I won't be able to move on until I find the answer that I'm looking for.

Alesia said with a sad smile.

-I know that even if he is alive,that I can't be with him anymore and the only thing he might feel for me is hatred.

But I have to get to the bottom of this either way as this is the only chance I have to get some closure on this matter.

She continued speaking in hope of convincing Inia to leave her alone until she is done with it all.

-I really wish that Athena could help me with this.With her around I would have the answers I need already.

Then it hit her.

Thanatos was not taking part in the battle.

To be honest she didn't think that any of the Terran flagships Took part in the attack.

After analyzing the data once more, she was sure that there was no sighting of the Thanatos and the biggest ship that attacked any of the seven species was a cruiser class.

This could only mean one thing.

They managed to survive and hid somewhere to rebuild in secret.

That Attack was not their revenge or a way to bring their enemies down with them.

It was just like he told her about his escape from the junk planet.

-There will be no one looking for you if they think you are dead.

She remembered his words exactly along with his cunning smile when he told her about what happened to him and Mikael after she left.

She was momentarily happy to know that he was most likely alive but then there was the video in which he revoked her marriage rights and made her a rejected princess.

It was now even harder than before since even if he was alive,she had no idea where to find him and even if she knew where he was then she would be unable to be with him ever again.

Not to mention that he probably didn't want to see her ever again and if they met,then he would probably kill her on the spot.

She couldn't blame him for his hatred,in the end it was her people that brought a disaster to the Terran space.

If her mother didn't disable the defenses and add the enemy fleet as friendlies then there was a chance for the humans to defeat the attacking fleet or at least to evacuate more of their people.

The price for humanity's survival would be the Elani extinction but at least they would be remembered as allies and friends instead of traitors.

Even with her mother and siblings' efforts,the Elani were shunned and no one wanted to have anything to do with them.

The label of a traitor and a false ally stuck to their species and there was no way to get rid of it.

Now even the allies that they had before they even met the humans,didn't want to even hear about any trade agreement, not to mention an alliance or a nonaggression pact. 

The Federation got what it wanted from all of this,which was many planets to colonize and a lot of the territory to expand into.

The best part was that the humans had dealt with the pirates which made the new territories safe and easy to secure and even easier to exploit.

The alliance was seriously weakened after the attack on the humans which was costly for them and with the humans retaliation that made matters even worse.

The Elani had gained nothing in the end and only had suffered losses.

The only thing that they got back was their home world and colonies which they couldn't even fully use as there were not enough of them left and the Terran attack made matters even worse.

At least now she had hope that Simon was still alive and humanity would most likely return one day.

Unfortunately the day of their return would be the end of her people and most likely the end of anyone who dared to attack them.

She saw first hand how fast the humans made progress with the technology that they didn't even know existed a few years back.

So when they return then they would have technology rivaling the Federation or even better.

For herself she only wanted to see Simon again and apologize for her actions as wel as the actions of her people.

This wouldn't change the outcome or stop humanity from exacting revenge but at least this much she wanted to do if given a chance.