Chapter 103 Main objective achieved.

The destruction of the Urakari colonies went smoothly as they assumed that this was a diversionary action aimed at luring their fleet from their home world.

The bugs never suspected that their assumption would leave them in an unfavorable position as in a matter of weeks they lost all of the queens that were outside their system and most of their colonies.

Right now the defense of their home system was a high stakes game for everything.

If they win then all is good and they will survive but if they lose then their race would go extinct as there was little chance that their enemies would show mercy.

The best evidence was the state of all the species that were in the alliance and the Elani empire.

All of them were almost wiped out and with minimal chances of ever rebuilding their species.

Unfortunately for them the bugs figured out what was going on a bit too late and before they could even call for help,their communications were cut off.

They mobilized all that they could including some outdated ships and some civilian vessels that were hastily converted into patrol ships.

The worst part of the situation was waiting for the enemy to show themselves as this was all they could do for now.

They did send some small patrol fleets but none of them returned and they didn't report back.

Days passed and the enemy did not show itself while the constant threat and keeping the forces on high alert took its toll.

When the enemy finally appeared the Urakari were in shock as the fleet just materialized from nowhere and opened fire on everything that was a threat to it.

Simon took his time to sneak into the Urakari system and thanks to that he was able to surprise the defending forces.

Over one hundred and ten thousand ships dropped their cloaks at the same time and opened up with everything they had.

The defense fleet was the primary target and it took massive casualties from the initial attack as their shields were down and that meant that any shell or missile that hit them would do damage or even destroy their ships.

However soon the situation changed and a one sided slaughter turned into a great battle.

The Urakari fleet still had a numerical superiority and it capitalized on it by swarming their enemies.

They paid a horrible price,but they managed to destroy or damage some of the Confederation ships.

It took quite some time to overload their shields and then they had to go through the armored hull all the while being shot at and their shields didn't last long under the relentless fire from humanity's energy weapons and they didn't even slow down the kinetic weapons.

Not to mention that their heavy cruisers were the size of a confederation destroyer and with similar fire power.

The Confederation fleet was destroying the Urekari fleet way faster than it was losing ships and if nothing changed they would win this battle.

-Admiral we are being hailed by the enemy.

The comms officer reported.

Simon was busy with giving out orders and receiving reports from the fleet but he paused for a moment.

-On the main screen.

He said after a moment of thought.

Athena took over his responsibilities and he could focus on the incoming communication.

-Whoever you are,we surrender.

 The gigantic bug was a stuff of a nightmare but they knew that it was a queen of the Urakari.

-Please stop your assault and we will completely surrender to you on the condition that we will be spared.

The bug said.

-This is Admiral Black from the confederation space ship The Thanatos.

Why should we care about your surrender when you tried to destroy my species and you didn't give a damn about the civilians or evacuation ships?

Simon said with unnatural calmness.

-You are Humans.How did you survive?

The Queen asked.

She was in shock as the Urakari thought that humanity is extinct and the only remnants are slaves.

-That is not important,what is important is that today we will eradicate you like we did with all the others that helped you in your attempt to kill us off.

Simon said calmly but his voice was colder than the space itself.

-Since you want to destroy us then so be it but this whole galaxy will pay the price for our downfall.

The queen said and ended the call.

Simon didn't know what she meant until the sensors detected a mini wormhole right next to the planet.

The portal opened and stabilized for just a moment,then it disappeared.

-Admiral we detected a transmission being sent into the wormhole.

The comms officer reported.

-Any idea where this wormhole is connected to?

Simon asked his officers.

-No way to tell,it was open only for a short while so we couldn't pinpoint its destination.

The sensor technician said.

-We are reading a massive buildup of energy on the planet's surface.

The technician added.

-Sir I think that they want to destroy the planet or even the whole system and take us with them.

Tactical officer said with panic in his voice.

-All ships capable of jumping are to retreat at once the rest will have to take their chances on the sunlight engines.

Simon ordered immediately.

A moment later the Confederation ships started to jump out of the system and all the ships that were too damaged to jump used their sunlight engines at full power to escape.

Some of the fleeing ships even managed to tractor another of their damaged vessels while retreating and still fighting.

Most of the ships that were dead in space decided to use whatever little power they could reroute to their weapons and cover the retreat of their comrades.

It took only a few minutes of the energy buildup and the planet exploded into an enormous fireball that devoured everything within the system.

The Urakari fleet was exterminated and the confederation ships that were still fighting soon followed.

The ships that fled on sublight engines suffered heavy losses as only about two dozen managed to escape,mostly thanks to the enhanced shields powered by a ZPM.

The toll was heavy on Simon's fleet.

They managed to destroy their enemies but they lost over thirty thousand ships in the process and many more sustained damage.

Personnel losses were also great as they lost over four million humans,lizardmen and A.I's,killed, wounded and missing in action. 

They could have continued and destroyed the Federation completely but they had already achieved their main objective and there was no sense in destroying other species that didn't do them any harm.