A Queer Request

Night had dulled her senses or perhaps the drink but when the morning sun shone upon her head, she realized she had been a fool last night. Not only had she kissed him but she had… her face was horrified to think she had asked him to take the initiative and he was the one to refuse. How could she do that?

Now he would take her as an easy woman. She had become an easy woman. Her knuckles throbbed with the force of her grip on the duvet. 

"My lady, the lord, has allowed you to leave the room." at least he was true to his promises. He had said that he was in the past too. She took a deep breath to calm herself and then another. 

As she stood up, she saw the questioning glare on Polly's face. But she ignored it. Polly could not play her short tricks as long as Lennhart was in the house. This was the little consolation that kept Elara moving.

When she left her room, she heard laughter and curses from the hall. They were romping in the halls as if they were enjoying the festivities. But of course, they were here to torment her until they ambushed her husband. 

He had already warned her about that. If her husband would be found guilty, she would go on gallows with him. If only she could be freed, she would have told the truth to Lenhart. But then, she had no proof of his treachery or her innocence. He would never believe her.

 "My lady.." another maid came forward. Eying her and then Polly but biting back the remark in her mind. "Would you like to have breakfast and tea?" the soothing and respectful voice. How many years had it been since she heard that?

The offer looked tempting but now that she had the power, she wanted to use it differently.

"Yes, I would." The maids exchanged glances as if confirming that she was not given the warning. But there were too many eyes for them to react. As long as their master did not return, she did not need to fear them.

They escorted her to the dining room where Lennhart was sitting on the seat of her husband and her men had filled the other chairs of nobles. She stood there hesitating as she noticed they were chatting and eating like commoners. A new count and he had no reservations.

"Aah, the lady had joined us. Please sit." The remark felt mocking. But she still entered and took an empty seat.

While she waited to be served, others had already filled their plate. The maids had left her alone with this circus.

"We have dismissed most of your staff, my lady. No one is coming to serve you." Len spoke looking at her empty plate. Elara looked at it and then nodded.

If they were eating it freely, there was no way the food would be drugged. It was a golden chance. But..

"I have brought a request, my lord." silence well. The hands froze on the food and every eye was directed to Len including hers.

He cleared his throat, finally looking at her as if he just noticed her presence.

"And that is…"

"A child working for the palace had been injured two days ago. I was planning to pay him a visit with some alms. If you allow me.." His eyes went cold instantly 

"You are not allowed to leave the estate." of course, she was the trap they had laid for her husband. Foolish people, they believe that her husband would come looking for her if he came to know about their ambush.

They did not know that she would be the person he could care for. But she was glad to not receive the attention of her husband. Would she be a fool to admit that somewhere she was relieved in her marriage that her husband never loved her. A philosopher must have understood but for a normal person, she was a baboon.

"I am not leaving the estate, my lord. As I said, the child works for us. He and his family live in our estate only." She smiled respectfully as if he was her new owner and she was nothing but a slave waiting for her master's permission.

The men gulped as they waited with holding breaths like her. 

"I will accompany you then." he said, placing his cup down. He was drinking in the morning. He never liked to drink so much in the past.

 "I am sure you have more important tasks." she whispered but he only gave her an evil smile that made him look no less than a demon.

"Nothing could be more important than taking care of a lady." the mocking smile on his face said otherwise, but she ignored it. She had learnt to ignore many things in the passing years, if only he knew. She stood up. Unperturbed by the glances she earned from the crowd

"Then shall we leave." his eyes flickered and she goaded at the hint of surprise in them. How many times has a smart man like him been taken off guard? But then the look was replaced by a lazy smile and he stood up, giving her a mocking bow.

This time, she nodded and packed the food without caring about her position. She opened a napkin and packed fresh bread in it. Made another bundle of fresh fruits.

"Since you are the one holding the palace now, I wish to ask for two silver coins." a long pause prolonged as they all looked at her as if they had seen her for the first time. 

Len cleared his throat first and looked at one of his men. The men took out two silver coins and placed them on the table. She picked them up without any arrogance and even smiled at the player with gratitude.

Len's eyes went cold. Even if she could not go for the treasure. How could a noble lady not have any reserves?