Burning Rage

The library was in shambles. The books were thrown all over the ground. The parchments were torn and the expensive items such as binoculars and telescope were broken along with the cups and other vases.

One would think a storm had come or the ground was shaken by a strong earthquake but the inhabitants of the room knew better. They did not dare to breathe for they were afraid that they would garner the attention of the demon standing in the middle of that chaos. His eyes were red, nothing like humans had ever seen. His face only knew hatred and revenge and his hands were only meant for destruction. 

Another chair crashed on the wall and broke, flinching many in the process.

"Find again! How could it be possible that there is no sign of her leaving. Were you all sleeping after getting drunk? She is alone. How could she plan her escape?" The question resonated in the air like a death sentence was announced. It flinched many of them, scared them to hell.