If Only She Knew

The guards were surprised when Alric opened the door so early in the morning. Most of the time, small screams come out of his room in the morning. And he is hardly available in the morning.

They remember once Isabella was stubborn to see him and he had thrown a dagger on her shoulders when she had forced her way inside the room.

She was lucky that it had only grazed her shoulders. But the cold and brutal look on his face had given her enough goosebumps to not knock his room again.

Since then, no matter what the emergency was… he was never contacted in the morning.

"My lord.." the guard took a step back, fear evident in his eyes. "Shall we serve you lunch?" 

"Where is Elara?" his voice had a hint of desperation in it like a person had walked in desert for a long time and needed shade.

"The prisoner?" they looked at each other and then at Alric, "she did not come out, my lord."