Help You

Elara could feel the sneering look of the maids and other staff. They all looked at her as if she was a pathetic crawling dog that did not even deserve pity.

"Ha! I would have embraced death if I would have been at her place. What kind of a woman she is!" someone spoke as she turned to her right. 

"Yes, it would be better to give up than living a life like this." replied the other, bringing a wry smile on Elara's face.

Giving life, it would be so easy for her. Since when had Elara chosen a simple path in her life. She would continue to bear the pain until she could not do it anymore.

Her heart felt heavier as she returned to Alric's room. She didn't have any room. But she lived with him in his room. So far he had only treated her warmly but she still could not trust his intentions.

A maid was waiting for her there. 

"Shall I get you ready for the night already?" no address, no salutation or words that show her value.