Desire Her

Elara blinked at the look of disbelief in his eyes. 

"Do you think I would do that when my life is in your hands?" For some reason, he felt like she was giving him a look of disdain. "Why dont you check it before making a decision." his hand paused for a second when he took the file from her hands. 

He flipped the pages one by one. She had marked the changes she had made. And wrote a note giving the reason for the changes. 

He picked up the notes he had prepared containing the prices of goods. From rare spices to jewels Isabella had bought in the manor was written in this file and it showed the amount of the next budget she needed.

He had thought this one would take the longest time. Who would have thought that his worries were for nothing. Elara had made such detailed changes that he would not need to argue with Isabella when he would explain to her the changes he had made and the reason behind it.

It would silence the girl completely.