EPS 3-4

The next day, Mei Ran had recovered and was back as usual

Class 12-1

Mei Ran "Morning guys" Bora "Morning too Mei Ran" Shizuka "I'm cured" Mei Ran "I'm done" Haruka "I heard that Mr. Alex sent food to your house, Mei Ran? "Mei ran" how do you know? "Haruka" yes, you know the person he ordered in front of the four of us, right guys? "Lusi" yes, someone asked what your favorite food was, with us "Mei ran" oh no wonder"

A few hours later, during the first break, suddenly Mr. Alex asked Mei Ran to have lunch together

Mr Alex "Are you healed darling? Let's have lunch together "Mei Ran" I've recovered sir, I'm full sir, I just ate in the canteen "Mr Alex "It's okay, let's eat again "Mei Ran" I said I'm full, that's enough sir, don't invite me to lunch & dinner" Mr Alex "Just this once please accompany me"

Suddenly, Mei Ran left Mr. Alex who was in the canteen and ran to class, then Mei Ran's four friends came to see her.

Lusi "Why are you here?" Bora "Why does your face look scared?" Haruka "I know this is the problem with you running away from the canteen" Mei ran "yes I was invited by Mr. Alex to lunch & dinner first, I just asked my mother to change schools" Lusi "In my opinion, don't move a little later, we'll graduate" Shizuka " I agree with lusi "Mei ran" Sir Alex wasn't like this before, why is it so different now?" Lusi "Have you ever made Sir Alex food or not?" Mei Ran "Never" Bora "This is the first time I've seen Mr. Alex like that" Mei Ran "Guys, let's get some snacks at the supermarket downstairs, I also want to buy a pen & correction tape" Lusi, Shizuka, Haruka, Bora "Come on"

After arriving at the supermarket downstairs, suddenly there was Mr. Alex again

Mei ran "gang, I'll just leave the money with lusi" Bora "it's cool, weren't you the one who invited us here?" Mei ran "okay, here's 100,000 yuan, I'll leave 5 correction tapes, 5 colored pens, the rest just buy snacks and milk" Lusi "ok" Mei ran "if there's still a lot of change for just the four of you, that's fine, I'll go to class first " Bora, lusi, shizuka, haruka " ok "

After that, Mei Ran went back to class

Class 12-1

Mei ran "well, I'll just sleep while there's still an hour left"

10 minutes later, Mei Ran's four friends returned to class

Lusi "mei ran2" Mei ran "yes, why lusi?" Lusi "Your shopping was paid for by Mr Alex earlier "Bora" yes, that's really true, you were the only one who was paid for your shopping "Shizuka "fix it, Mr Alex likes you" Lusi "this is your money which is still intact" Mei ran "thank you lusi

A few months later, suddenly there were new students from Indonesia

Mr Alex "morning kids" All students "morning sir" Mr Alex "I want to introduce you to a new student from Indonesia, I hope you can get along with your new friends "All students "okay sir" Mr Alex "come on Andre please come in and introduce yourself you "Andre" hello everyone, my name is Andre Pratama from Indonesia, nice to meet you all "All students" nice to meet you too Andre "Mr Alex" please sit next to mei ran "Andre" OK sir, thank you "Mr Alex" okay guys sir OK, let's continue the biology lesson "All students are fine, sir."

After Mr. Alex left class 12-1

Andre "Hello, your name is Mei Ran, right?"

Mei ran "yes" Andre "your name is really beautiful, just like the person "Mei ran" hehe, thanks" Andre "can I ask a question?" Mei ran "just ask" Andre "do you have a boyfriend yet? "Mei ran" not yet, why? "Andre" starting today you will be my girlfriend okay "All the students" COME ON MEI RAN JUST ACCEPT IT " Mei ran "yes I accept"

A few hours later it was time to go home from school

Andre "Mei Ran, are you being picked up/take the bus home?" "Mei ran" hmm why take the bus? "Andre" come home with me, I happen to have a motorbike with me, oh yes, can I ask for a exchange on WeChat? "Mei ran" come on, that's fine."

After Andre exchanged WeChat, suddenly Mr. Alex came to see Mei Ran

Mr Alex "Mei Ran" Mei Ran "Yes?" Mr. Alex "You come home with me, I happen to have an order from your mother, and Andre, hurry up and come home tonight" Andre "But sir, I want to take Mei Ran home" Mr. Alex "There's no reason for you to come home quickly" Andre "Yes, sir. "Mei Ran, sorry, next time we'll go home together" Mei Ran "Yes, that's okay," Andre "Well, I'll say goodbye to going home, be careful on the road" Mei Ran "Yes, thank you, you too, okay?"

After Andre came home, Mr. Alex took Mei Ran home by car

Mr. Alex "Come on, Mei Ran, get in the car." Mei Ran "I don't want to, I'll just take the bus." Mr. Alex "Why did you want to take Andre home with you?" Mei Ran "So what?, my guy is Andre's girlfriend, are you jealous?" Mr. Alex "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS Dating? I'm not jealous (jealous mode)" Mei Ran "Oh, don't lie to me, that's obvious I'm really jealous" Mr. Alex" What the heck, I'm not jealous (face flushes with embarrassment)" Mei Ran "Cee jealous hahaha" Mr. Alex "I'm not jealous"

Suddenly his besties started chatting

In chat

Bora "Are you home @mei ran?" Haruka "Yeah don't panic ah" Shizuka "You're usually the one chatting here "Mei Ran "Sorry guys I'm on my way home" Lusi "It's been a long time, where have you been?" Mei Ran "There's a little problem" Haruka "What problem?" Mei Ran "I'll explain later when I get home" Bora "Can I have a photo of you now?" Mei Ran "That's fine but don't be surprised okay" Lusi, Bora, Shizuka, Haruka " OK " Mei Ran "gives a photo with Mr Alex in the car " Bora " What are you with Mr Alex Zhang?" Mei ran "yup, I had to go home with him, later when I got home I wanted to ask my mother "Lusi" why indeed? "Mei Ran" you know, Mr. Alex said he had a mandate from my mother."

Suddenly, Mr. Alex noticed who Mei Ran was chatting with and immediately asked Mei Ran

Mr. Alex "Mei Ran" Mei Ran "Why else sir, I'm still in the car" Mr. Alex "Who are you chatting with? "Mei Ran" I'm really curious, Mr. Alex "While you're with me, how about we have dinner at the restaurant in front of me? "Mei Ran, I don't want to, sir, I just want to go home." take you to dinner "Mei ran" I'm sleepy sir "Mr Alex "okay, just go to sleep, later when you get to the restaurant I'll wake you up "Mei ran "okay, yes, just once, right sir?" Mr Alex "Yes"

Mei Ran was sleeping in the car first, suddenly Mr. Alex stopped the car then corrected Mei Ran's position and kissed Mei Ran on the cheek.

Mr Alex "It's really a habit for this kid to sleep like this, he's really cute when he's sleeping, while he's sleeping I kissed him for a while ah"

Mei Ran suddenly wakes up and accidentally slaps Mr Alex

Mei Ran "Why did the car stop? Hey, you kissed me, Dad, why are you starting to be rude to me (slapping Mr. Alex) "Mr. Alex, "Sorry, I didn't kiss you on purpose. Actually, I wanted to fix your sleeping position." Mei Ran, "DON'T MOST OF THE REASONS, PUT ME DOWN HERE "Mr Alex "I can't it's already late" Mei ran "I hate you sir, I just want to sit in the back"

Mr. Alex "No, you have to be in front of me."

Suddenly, Mei Ran was sulking and angry at being asked to talk to Mr. Alex, just kept quiet and immediately moved to the back seat and Mei Ran immediately listened to songs using earphones.

Mr. Alex "Why don't you just shut up, Mei Ran?"

After Mr. Alex looked back

Mr. Alex "It's really a habit for this kid to wear earphones, but if you don't take them off, I'll take your earphones."

Suddenly, Mei Ran woke up

Mei Ran "What are you talking about, sir? I can't hear "Mr. Alex" take off your earphones or I'll throw them away" Mei Ran "I don't want to," Mr. Alex "In a little while we reach the restaurant" Mei Ran "Yes?" Mr Alex "Yes"

A few minutes later arrived at the restaurant

Mr. Alex "Come on, Mei Ran, let's go down, we've arrived at the restaurant." Mei Ran "Mr. Alex Zhang is a nag wleee" Mr. Alex "watch out, you"

After Mei Ran changed clothes and Mr. Alex was fascinated by Mei Ran

Mei Ran "Do I look good in these clothes?" Mr. Alex "very beautiful" Mei Ran "I'll change my clothes again okay" Mr. Alex "Don't be beautiful like this, what do you want to order?" Mei Ran "Just spaghetti and drink orange juice" Mr Alex "OK, I'll order that too" Mei Ran "Just go along with being someone "Mr Alex "So what?" Mei ran "it's okay"