Space Artifact

Kai took his exams the entire week and the results came out soon after. As a genius he became the first in the country so far. However it is still early to celebrate as the year is still on going.

Many universities are clamoring for early admission but he only said he is not there yet. Kai wants to stay home and heal his wound while also losing his weight.

The Wang family was waiting for him to demand a banquet to celebrate his outstanding results but Kai didn't even show them his diploma and just stayed inside his villa. The father son realized that the boy is really no longer attached to them like in the past.

The previous Kai would have never let an opportunity like this go. He would have used it to ask for his family's time in whatever he was planning. But this new Kai doesn't even spare them a single thought. Wang Yan is not happy with this change. He might not have his blood but he cares for him in his own way.

Wang Yan is thinking that maybe the way they have been treating Kai has been too cold. But the boy was too much of a nuisance before and would demand attention at every turn.

However having him not care about their affection to this extent makes him a little uncomfortable. He might have not shown it but he had always thought of Kai as his silly son that just needed a time out. 

It is not just Wang Yan, even Wang Chen is also having similar thoughts but they are indeed father and son, it will be hard for them to admit their mistakes to Wang Kai. At the moment they are just feeling nostalgic.

"These days he is buying many electronics parts. Do you suppose he is interested in mechanics?" Wang Yan asked about his son who is assembling a small monitoring device and then connected it to his home system.


"He has really lost a lot of weight. Do you know how?" Wang Yan asked as he saw a 14 year old boy who used to be plump but now he is only a little over 100 kg in weight. 

"He drinks a medicinal soup. He also only eats breakfast and take pills the rest of the day." Wang Chen said in response. 

"Is that healthy?" 

"I don't know but it is working. He doesn't even have extra skin. It's as if the soup modifies this weight magically." 

"Did you get that recipe?" CEO Wang asked with interest. A weight loss program that doesn't include going to the gym or having extra skin is worth investing into.

"No, he makes it in his basement and brings it up." Wang Chen is aware of his fathers thoughts because he also has the same thoughts as well.

"Are we able to steal a sample?" 

"Not with his biometric security system. Nothing can get in that place without his knowledge. But..." Wang Chen hesitated. 

"If we take away his tablet and get someone else to break in wearing a mask we may do it. But he will be able to see the feed later." Chen said without confidence. 

"How about just asking him?" The secretary suggested. 

The two Wang stern faces, one old and one young turned to look at the secretary with the same expression. The secretary swallowed and backed up a few steps. 

"I mean, young master Kai will be delighted to know he can contribute something to the family." They looked at each other in contemplation.

The secretary saw the way their faces moved in sync and wanted to drink some water. He thinks he is seeing things. 

Kai is cleaning out the large outfits from his wardrobe and came across a small box. Opening it he saw a jade pendant. He can see the mysterious energy around the expensive looking pendant. 

"Why do I have this?" He typed his question. 

"You bought it for the old Madame. You were going to give her on her birthday." The butler answered. 

"Can I sell it?" He asked. A person who didn't bother coming to check on him when he was dying doesn't deserve such an expensive gift from him.

"You may try but it will have to be at a significantly lower price than you bought it with. It was bought at an auction." That means he must have won it by out bidding everyone else in the auction.

Kai decided to put it aside when a book fell into the table next to him scaring him silly. It opened to a specific page about how to recognize the owner of an artifact. 

He bled on the jade and he appeared inside a beautiful place with open empty fields, a few fruits trees and a lake with thick spirit energy. He drank some and it made him roll on the ground in pain. 

His body has a lot of impurities which is why he feels so much pain. Another reason is the fact that the water is the highest possible grade of spirit spring water. If he drank more than a mouthful he might have become unconscious. 

He laid down and listened to the pain, internally cursing at the devil water he ingested. Kai felt like he has no control over his own body. 

The soil is black and the grass in the space is vibrant green then there are a few fruits and non fruits trees inside. He later woke up having fallen asleep on the ground because of exhaustion. 

He took a shower in his villa and when he saw his body he became stunned. His fatty body lost another few pounds just from that single sip. His skin is better and not as oily as before. He looked at his eyes that have been dull ever since he woke up they are now very bright. 

He couldn't hold his curiosity and went to study the mysteries of artifacts from the new glowing book. After reading the entire introduction he knew he stumbled upon a treasure.

He then read the smelting process and different minerals from ore. He was immersed in the book for most to the night. 

The spirit in the library panicked seeing his interest in the creation of artifacts. It wanted her to get well and cure the heart disease so he can start cultivation. 

The next morning when Kai was going to continue reading it, the book disappeared and the medical book started glowing again.


"It seems letting me see the artifact book was a fluke which only happened because I found an artifact and needed to claim it." Kai thinks he is slowly understanding his invisible helper. 

He continues playing with experimental medicine. Beauty pills, hair color changing pills, hair growing pills and bone marrow washing which is the only batch that came out wrong.

A few more days passed but no matter how much he tried the pill just cane out as ashes. He wanted to give up. 

The invisible helper gave him a bottle of what seems to the the complete bone marrow washing pill. He studied it carefully and then took one for himself. It was a mistake.

The process of washing the marrow is even more painful than sipping from the devil's lake in his artifact.

After experiencing the bone deep torture he woke up with even more filth than he is used to whenever he drinks the lake water although he mixes it with normal water. After washing himself clean he felt as if his body is without blemishes.

It felt lighter, and more vigorous. He wonders if he still has a heart problem. Meanwhile Inside the library space, the spirit of the library was so petrified to see that the master ate a bone marrow washing pill.

It was concerned that he would die and it doesn't have enough spirit power to find another body for the master. Fortunately, the master is Alright. It should be careful next time.
