Red Bolt

Kai fell back into his routine and this time he is very busy to even entertain the idea of going out with friends. He is transforming the cleansing robots into battle ready robots to protect his family incase a war between the creatures and humans happens.

Not to mention the humans are not good in the absence of rules. He transformed the outer body of each robot by soaking it in the tree juice that is mixed with the devil's water. It made the steel body flexible and very strong compared to before.

Kai's idea of planting the tree branch inside his pace worked. A strong tree grew from that branch and he was able to break a few more branches to plant new special juice trees.

He then dug larger pools in the space ground to mix the solution and soaked the robots parts after making the necessary adjustments for the extra weapons he has installed in the robots system designs.

Kai is amazed at the miraculous effects of the solution and made it a point to soak all the robots parts and then he would proceed with installation of the new chips and weapons including the powerful Payne battery for energy.

After making the first 120 he covered them with artificial skin and gave them faces of people who no longer exist in real life. They are 120 very strong combat unit that can take down a hundred of normal soldiers on their own. He gave the female robots a pair of breasts but no other female private parts.

The only other technical problem is the command system. The invisible helper sent him another manual that can assist him but he needs to have a bond with each robot and then he will be able to send commands through something called consciousness.

He is not sure about this so he created a model witch will be in the hands of the commander for his robot army. He remembers in the movie, that a certain king wouldn't be able to have control over the army if he was not recognized by the blood crown.

Kai didn't want to use something so obvious so he installed a command chip inside a ring. The only set back is that the command chip can only be activated by mental power and the person who marks it with their mental waves will bond with it.

Kai had to find a way to activate mental power because bonding with one command chip is better than bonding with thousands of robots.

He went back to the book of medicine to look for a mental pill recipe or something of the sort but a purple fruit appeared and sat on the book quietly. Not having much patience for investing whether it is poisonous or not, Kai ate the tomato looking fruit.

He passed out in agony and this time it is his head. He felt like he had the mother of all headaches. He actually slept for 4 days. He could have modified 300 cleaning robots with four days.

Kai took a fasting pill, he doesn't feel any discomfort which means his Nannies gave him fasting pills while he was unconscious. He closes his eyes and tried to see if there is anything different with his mind.

He also thought about the book if it will not have a recipe for his mental power, is that why the helper gave him a fruit? He saw the book he is thinking about but his eyes are closed.

Realizing this must be the spirit eye, he opened his eyes and took the ring with a chip. He then followed the instructions in the manual to bond with it.

The process took more out of him and he realizes that it will not be easy so he set aside any other plans for the day and even forgot to shower.

All he did was probe the ring with his mental power until there was a click and then a green light shot from the ring and entered his brain. This is the sign that a connection has been established. Of course, this line can be blocked by Kai if he wants to.

He can send instructions using thoughts and the ring has become symbol of the commander. Not to mention, if his mental power is exhausted or something like that, he can use the ring to command his army.

The ring can still be used by another person to command the army if Kai blocks his mental connection with the ring. Even though the ring can be used by others, their orders can be intercepted by Kai using his mental connection to the ring.

The command chip is very sophisticated, he is able to connect it to the villa security system and will not need to type from the tablet if he loses his voice again.

Kai is so excited he immediately modified the villa security system and then tested the results. He can close the metal doors and windows of his villa with a thought. The air conditioner and heat system can be adjusted with a mental command.

This is actually the lowest tasks that the command chip can perform. It is more powerful than the most advanced computer in the country at the moment. However, it is not possible to use it as a computer to send emails or search the internet because of a missing network program.

At the moment it can only be able to communicate with the devices that have been physically connected to it by Kai using a software that allows a communication network. For instance, he can now drive his small cameras and record videos using the connection to his commander chip.

A virtual screen can be viewed from above his ring. There is a virtual screen and a virtual keyboard. If Kai is able to get the highly controlled materials that cellphone companies use to allow phones to be able to communicate with other unrelated devices he will be able to turn his ring into a cellphone/ computer.

"This is awesome!" He jumped.


With the technical problem solved, he tackled the dress code issue of the mighty army under his command. "Hehe.." Laughing to himself he took a sketch book.

Kai made a sketch of the combat uniform for the robots and sent a large order to a company that specializes in designing combat uniforms for security companies.

He made a request to design and send back two thousand uniforms made with the specific fabric and the design just like in the sketch as soon as possible and store it in a rented warehouse. Kai paid full for the order and told them that if he is satisfied with their work, he will order more.

The company executives were first skeptical but when the customer paid in full, they pushed for the purchase of the materials and started designing the uniforms.

The uniform is very dark in color, it has stretchy material that allows for flexibility. That is the inner material, the outside of the uniform is also black with an easy to clean fabric made with high quality. There is a mask that covers the face making the soldiers look fierce.

Kai is hoping that if something really happens and the world becomes chaotic, this uniform will also be worn by the human soldiers working for him.

He is not thinking of his family man power, he is thinking about having his own army which will at some point include humans.

Kai had ordered the main uniforms, inner vests, long sleeves, tight trousers for training and running shoes along with combat boots.

When they stood there like that he ordered them to put on some clothes but they didn't move. The robots can not take orders inside the space because there is no signal.

Kai made a trip to the company once he found out his brother is not in the family manor. Kai doesn't visit his mother because she is sick and it may upset her if she sees him.

"Hello gorgeous. What is your name?" Kai smiled brightly at the reception lady in the company.

She didn't take her eyes off the computer in front of her and just ignored him. Kai scratched his head in confusion. Is he invisible? He doesn't think so.

Feeling annoyed at the time wasted here he slapped the marble desk making a loud 'bang' scaring the girl into a standing position. She looked at Kai wearily and took several steps back.

"May I inquire if Wang Chen is in his office?" He smiled what he assumed to be a charming smile but it frightened the girl silly. She quickly nodded her head.

"May you please show me his office?" He continued asking with a gentle tone. The girl's heart is beating so fast her face is very red and she feels faint. Kai doesn't know that as someone who has increased his mental power, he has the ability to pressure people and intimidate them with his anger.

The girl's legs are shaking and she fell to the ground. Kai doesn't understand why she would sit on the ground when there is a perfectly good chair in front of her.

He decided to find Chen's office on his own while internally complaining about the incompetence of his family's employees. Finding a random worker, he asked him for direction and is helped after explaining the receptionist is indisposed.

His brother has his own office and is currently in a meeting. He waited and then entered as soon as the people Chen was meeting left the office.

"You seem stressed. How about we go to a juice bar I saw on my way here?" Kai smiled as he entered the office.

"Kai, you actually left your villa? Who died?" Chen made a joke and they both chuckled.

"I am in a bit of a pickle but if you are too busy it can wait. Why don't you tell me why do you seem so tense?" Kai asked kindly seeing his older brother not looking as confident as before.

"These are the partners who were going to advertise our beauty pill overseas and they are now backing out because of some issues they won't discuss with me." Chen said with obvious displeasure.

"You can't find someone else?"

"It's not just these people, many other deals that were previously agreed upon are falling through. It is the Wen family. They are targeting our company because I have been buying a lot of supplies from the source point and they have increased the prices.

They thought I am targeting them but I just want to prepare many supplies." Chen said in frustration.

"So why don't you call that Wen Mo guy to explain yourself?" Kai asked.

"It will make things worse. They will see it as me withholding information and benefiting from taking a bite out of their pie."

"How about a distraction?" Kai asked.

"What kind of distraction?" Che raised an eyebrow.

Kai took out his tablet and started typing. He soon found the information of the Wen family's supply warehouse all over the country. There are 48 large supermarket stores with 78 warehouses in total.

"There are 78 warehouses of the Wen family and the most number is in the West most provinces there they have strived for over a decade because there is little competition there. So they have become the largest supplier of everyday products in the 7 western provinces."

"What is the plan?"

"This location is as far away from our Wang family as possible. If I create a distraction here that will demand their complete attention, you will have some breathing room here to complete your business for at least three months." Kai explained.

"You are not thinking of blowing them up are you? You will be arrested for that especially if there are casualties." Chen sounded panicked when he saw the determined look om Kai's face.

"Not blow up, steal. I will steal every single item in these warehouses and leave only the items in their stores." Kai explained. This plan is simple and crude but it will but Chen enough breathing room to conclude his business. However...

"That is illegal, do you intend to take these Items fast enough that they don't set a trap for you? If you get arrested..."

"How much more will the company lose if they keep interfering with business? How can a few empty warehouses be worth as much as the reputation and the Wang family integrity that is being undermined again and again?" Kai asked with a serious tone.

"I hear you. But this idea can be executed by any one of our people you don't need to act personally."

"I can get the job done in one night without anyone even realizing the places are empty." Kai said standing up.

"You have a way to travel between provinces within one night?" Chen felt a headache coming. His brother probably thinks this is a movie.

"I do. " He gave Chen a piece of paper with a list inside. These things casts about 4 billion dollars in the quantities required. If Chen is able to buy them for him, Kai will be able to create that signal device and he will made communication network devices that will survive the apocalypse if it happens.

"Is this why you are so eager to help me?" Chen's face darkened.

"You need something, I need something. Isn't this how business works?" Kai smiled again.

"I give you a week." Realizing he is desperate, Chen agrees to the ridiculous idea.

"Iye iye" Kai made a salute and left the office.

He got home after taking a detour to get the recent order of the uniforms from the warehouse the quantities this time is nearly four thousand. It is not just the official uniform but the other items like the vests, sox, body suit, gaging's, long sleeves and training shorts for males and females. The official uniforms are only two thousand.

Kai is not anxious because he placed orders in six different shops. This order was only from one of them. The uniform has a beautiful lighting bolt on the right side as logo of the army with the name red bolt in embroidered across the logo.

Kai is excited just thinking about thousands of soldiers wearing the all black uniform with covered faces and a single red bolt on the side. Chills!
