Faty Confesses

A week quietly went by and the old Wang Madame woke up from her comatose state. The old man has been going to visit her every other day, he has tried to see his son to get an explanation but Wang Yan is busy trying to get a doctor who can cure his wife's condition.

Wang Chen is also busy playing supplies hording game against the Wen family furthering the hostility between the two families even better. In fact, the connected people in high government positions have all started hording supplies silently and the government is also sending troops to guard the country's reserves.

The medical field has been pushed to the brink of insanity with deadlines to find and eliminate the cause of the virus that is waking up the dead. The virus makes is so sinister, it makes those infected to crave for human flesh, it seems completely random as not all dead people are able to wake up in this state.

The prices of food started going up steadily and the folks in the country side started refusing to sell their stash. People are not stupid they can see there is something wrong even with the weather and they don't want to have no food in the end having sold it.

Kai is having the best time learning how to zap animals from the large forest with his blue lightning. At level one he can only use few lightning bolt, in level two just increase the distance and number of attacks.

The level 5 is when things get interesting. He can coat his body in the power and increase his speed. The power can be divided into a separate power that is not harmful but has lightning properties. When he covers his body in this aura he can increase his speed ten times.

The area of attack increases and he can coat a weapon with this lightning and use it to channel his power like the superhero in the tv. At level six he can coat his body and use attacks at the same time making him a nightmare on the battlefield.

He is both fast and the lethality of his attack is not affected but the range of attacks as long as it is not too big.

Kai has also been learning to use a fire spell. He is anxious to learn it because he wants to start making high level pills that require spirit fire and the precise control that only those who are alchemists can achieve.

In the hospital, the old woman spoke she said that Wang Yan hit her in the face with his fists and she doesn't know what she did wrong. She cried and the old man helped her call the police.

Kai has finally made 700 robots and they all look like normal humans. He is currently coming back from receiving his five thousand uniforms into his space. He made another order but it including a long training suit made with stretchy material that is like a jam suit.

He got the idea from the cartoon on tv. The girl was wearing this sort of outfit for combat and she looked sexy. He can't stop thinking about Paige in that kind of tight material.

The firm was very happy to get another order. Kai decided to order from other firms so he will not overwhelm the firm.

After having a fully functional 'commander' Kai realized another danger of having a robot army that runs on computers chips. They can me infiltrated by high level hackers and if he lost the connection with the ring, these robots may be taken away from his command.

After reaching a certain level of mastery in her lightning and spirit power, he can now use a spirit attack and cripple someone's mind essentially turning them into a fool. Kai's spirit / mental power allows him to dive into people and living thing's subconscious minds and extract information.

At his current level he can not implant memories but he can read them. He just hasn't practiced much because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. He is now able to make good level pills. The levels are low level, good, medium level, high level, superior level and mysterious level which will cause heavenly punishment to descend.

The invisible helper sends over a guide to books for him to study on programming. Kai wanted to cry tears of joy wondering what else this person has who gives him all the timely knowledge has. Kai being true to his nature as a genius, learned to hack the most secure systems in the country by the end of the week and then built a secure firewall for his own system.

Even after asking his hacker friend to try and infiltrate his system the guy failed and enlisted help but it was of no use.

They invited him into their hacker group of friends but Kai is not a person with a lot of time to hang out and exchange Ideas, but he did send each of them three smart bracelets so they can keep in touch and to thank them for testing his new system. In this group, Kai found out the name of his hacker friend is Mike...but the guy is Chinese.

Kai is planning to go back to in proving his spell casting. He learned that a lightning rod attack spell of level one is equal to his supernatural abilities attack power of level three. But he received a distressed call from his older brother.

Kai made the most logical decision. He took the items in the basement and left a single pill on the kitchen counter. He informed the butler to let the Wang family inside should they come knocking while he is not around.

Wang Chen called Kai saying their father is in the police station for hitting the old woman. Kai rushed to the precinct with haste. It is a good thing he redid his driver's license again.

When he got to the police station his father is meeting with his lawyer and Wang Chen had already gone home to take care of the storm that will hit the Wang family as soon as the news about his father's arrest hit the news channel.

"Officer, I have come to report a crime." Kai spoke in the police station and he gained their attention.

"What happened son?" A kind looking officer came to ask him what is wrong.

He sat down and his forehead is sweating profusely like he is about to say something difficult. "I hit an old woman in the face and...I kind of liked it."

"What did you say?"

"Who did you hit?"

"Her name?"

"Bertha Mathews Wang." Kai answered with a trembling voice. "Am I going to jail?"

The place became silent. An officer came to pull him into the interrogation room.

The officer looked serious. "Did someone force you into confessing a crime you didn't commit?" The man seems like a kind person. The name said Barnes.

These rich people always pay someone to admit to the crimes they commit to avoid going to jail. The man named Wang is very rich so it is not a surprise that he would also do this.

"Officers, you haven't asked my name yet." Kai said to the skeptical officer in front of him. The officer noticed the young man has calm down. His eyes are clear, with no sign of someone who would lie to a police officer.

"What is your name?"

"Wang Kai."

A sharp intake of air sounded from the officer just as his partner entered with a small file.

"A minor can be questioned by the officer of the law but only in the presence of a guardian. Seeing as you can't get mother here, you must get my father from the other room." Kai smiled when the other officer gave him an unfriendly look.

"I am 15 years at the moment." Kai explained.

"So your adopted family pushed you to the mud huh?" The new officer exclaimed but is annoyed when he saw Kai's smiling expression.

"What are you so proud of? Even if you succeed in taking the blame, you'll be the punk who hit old ladies." The woman said with a smirk when Kai lowered his head. She thinks it shame but Kai has a thoughtful expression on his face.

Officer Barnes went out to talk to the interrogating officers who are cross examining Wang Yan. Wang Yan is not talking because his lawyer had advised him not to.

On the outside, the news have exposed the injured old woman's coma, her waking up and the subsequent events including the Wang family head's arrest.

The internet is boiling over the news and everyone has opinions. Most are condemning the man's actions while the others are skeptical about the woman's words and think she is getting senile.

The Wang business deals are being affected by the news and the stability of the company is being shaken. Soon, department issued their strong desire to see justice through and not allow anyone to trample the law.

This strong stance shows that the department of justice is ready to use Wang Yan to serve as an example. It is obvious someone is fanning the flames in the dark. They probably want to deal as much damage to the Wang family as possible while the situation permit.

The Wen family is gently pushing the boat with the current. The reason is they have noticed the actions of the Wang father and son of procuring goods from all over the country squeezing their own supply point dry. They see this as a direct challenge from the Wang. Not to mention the Wang family is the first suspect in the theft of supplies worth billions.

The way they see it, the beauty pill's success has gotten into their heads. But what they don't know is that the Wang family is simply preparing the goods for use later and not to enter the industry of supermarkets.

However, in the meantime, the lawyer gets a call informing him of the press conference issued by the department of justice higher ups and knows things are going to get bad before they get better. This action means they want to use Wang Yan as an example to other rich people that they are not above the law.

Just as the lawyer is about to request a private meeting with her client, the officers are suddenly called out for a chat by officer Barnes.

The lawyer is explaining that their case just got a lot more complicated when the previous detectives entered entered and released him.

They explained that someone else has confessed to the crime. Confused, Wang Yan agrees to go and assist with an interrogation.

"Kai?!" Wang Yan is shocked. This is the person who confessed? "What do you think you're doing? Go home!" He shouted in anger and helplessness.

"Now that he is here I will tell you what happened." Kai said to the police before the lawyer and Wang Yan can stop him.

"I found out that old Madame Wang was poisoning mother all these years. It was because of her condition that I was kicked out of the main house three years ago. I mother was not sick, I would have been able to stay with everybody." Kai said with a sad expression.

"What nonsense! You have no memories from the past, how can you lie so blatantly?" Wang Yan felt like he is going to have a heart attack.

Kai looked at Wang Yan with concern and unease in his eyes. "Father, go home and help brother deal with this mess. Can you really stay here while mother is at home alone?"

This question hit Wang Yan's heart, his wife is very sensitive and she won't let anyone else near her so she will not take her medication while he is not there.

"Wang Chen is there.." He said in response but Kai just mocked him.

"The company is in a mess right now, can brother stay at home or should he go attend the concerns of the board of directors who will surely take this opportunity to shift power in the company. I have faith in brother's capabilities but he is only human and he can not be in two places at once."

These words moved Wang Yan. "Leave a lawyer for me and go home." The lawyer whispered in Wang Yan's ears and his eyes turned red.

"I am fine here dad." He smiled. The police are watching this from the observation room.

Wang Yan ended up going but he is feeling very guilty. However, given a choice between his wife and Kai he would choose his wife.

The police came in and sent Kai in a holding cell so that he can sleep. They wanted to take any jewelry on him but he didn't have any.

The news of Wang Yan's release soon made the headlines. When the arrest of his adopted son is made public, people became even more excited.

[This fat guy is so pitiful, he is being made a foil by the so called family.]

[The Wang family makes their adopted child an scapegoat.]

The internet thinks that the Wang family is pushing the blame on Kai because he is not one of them.
