Kai Waters

Kai went into his space and continued putting together refined artificial limbs for his robot army. This task will be given over to his slaves in the future, but for now he has to do it himself. The numbers have reached 5800 of soldiers with a simulator, refined artificial limbs and are combat and weapons combat effective.

Kai has been working hard on his projects. So far he has improved the liquid formula to a close perfect. The chip is something he created himself and he is proud of it even though it has not been tested yet.

He chose a family name for himself. Waters. His name is Kai Waters from now on. He completed an online application and sent it out. Previously he was told to pick out a name and the process will be swift since he is already emancipated. He spend a while inside his space working, when he stopped it was already 200 robots later.

He went to the castle to shower and change from working clothes. Looking at his large resting chamber he is relieved at the beauty of it. The curtains, floor carpets, the large couch and the absolute delight of a walk in closet filled him with joy.

The place where he takes a bath is similar to a large pool like in ancient movies. Except the place is brighter and more beautiful. He used the comfortable bed and fell asleep in a few moments.

Outside the space, the baby is delivered and the mother made it out alive. Ye Lang is very happy with this and the doctors are relieved. There is a surprise though, Ye Ling had been pregnant with twin. A boy and a girl.

It is a miracle that she made it out alive. It is also thanks to the healing medicine given by Kai. Although they needed to clean her thoroughly before she could take the medication. Once she took it, she was just sore and tired but she wasn't in terrible pain anymore.

She fell asleep for three days thanks to the fasting pills and the other medications to strengthen her body that she was receiving through the drip, she made it alive and well. Her children will have to drink the formula because she wouldn't be able to provide them with enough milk in her current state.

She didn't like these children because of how they were conceived. When Kai emerged from his magic space he found the twins waiting for him nervously. 

"Master, I want to say I apologize for trying to give up my life at that time. Please forgive Ling Ling." The girl bowed with alongside her brother. Kai sighed and looked around. 

"Where is the baby?" Kai asked and the girl's shoulders tensed up. 

"Master, Ling Ling and I decided to take the babies to the orphanage last night. The father of these twins really hurt Ling'er." Ye Lang said with clenched teeth. He is barely holding himself back from bursting in anger. Kai nodded in understanding. "Wait, did you say babies?" 

They are still talking when Manny and Nanny came holding a basket with a wrapped up bundle each. The small heads from inside the basket have peaceful sleeping faces, the skin is a beautiful shade of brown with bright blond hair on both small heads.

The hair is very little but it's unique color makes it visible nonetheless. Kai couldn't help but be drawn to the two bundles. He looked at the girl and offered. "I will raise the children, sending them out there is akin to killing them. Grown ups are unable to find food let alone a couple of new born babies." 

"Ling Ling has no objections." The girl said but the brother looked about ready to burst. 

"Ye Lang, remember the children are the most innocent life form." Kai looked at the young man who avoided eye contact with him.

Ye Ling seems bothered by the prospect of living with the same children who represent the misery she went through all that time.

"Don't worry You will be moving to another place with your brother soon. It is a big place so you won't have to see them if you are purposeful." Kai spoke as if he can read her mind.

"Are you ready for what comes next?" He aske her.

"Yes master." Ye Ling answered awkwardly. She hasn't gotten the mark yet so she is not familiar with this form of addressing Kai yet.

"Many take the kids back to the castle with me later and write down what you need for their rooms. Ye Ling come with me." He took her into his study along with his brother and gave her the mark before taking her into the space.

Kai had long installed the necessary knowledge into the drive of the two nannies so they will take care of the kids while Ye Ling is training.

Ye Ling is no less surprised by the place than her brother when he first saw it. Kai moved them to their own wing and assigned many robots to take care of the place. He checked her spirit root.

She surprisingly has a wind type spirit root. It is not a single spirit root but it is not as bad as not having one. He told her what he was doing and the results. From now on she will have training and cultivation. He instructed her new trainers who are both robots and will ensure that Kai's orders are followed.

She has a painful medical bath, marrow cleansing pills and nourishment soup which the twins have two times a day.

Their wing is also very exciting. But instead of a bar like area they have a cultivation room with runic inscriptions to make spiritual energy denser inside and on several private cultivation chambers depending on a person's current level of cultivation.

There is a game room where Kai is planning on improving the existing gaming helmet and allow his students to enter the game to battle different monsters using their power according to how they have progressed in each level. He is not working on this for now though. So it will be the combat robot training them in the combat training chambers.

The indoor pool in this wing has spiritual energy but it is separated into levels. The spring water is diluted for low level students but less so for those at higher levels.

Female students sleep from the 8th floor upstairs and the males under. Bathrooms are separated by several floors for the two genders. Then there is a weapons training room. Kai put weapons on the separate room and after choosing the person may go to the practice room where an instructor will be waiting for them.

Kai is also using these facilities. All the wings have such facilities. Kai and family has a separate wing where he will live and train. His twin babies will be on this side of the castle when staying here.

He has all sort of work rooms for his many projects. But unlike the kids he has a lightning body and a sword technique so his training rooms are a bit more brutal.

"Any questions?"

"No master" They both said in unison.

"Alright. For today you may get used to the place but tomorrow morning which we calculate using that clock on the wall, you are starting your training. " Kai left them and went to meet the soldiers.

"Well, I want to thank you all for the fantastic work on the castle." Kai said and the soldiers celebrated for a while.

"Now, are you guys able to fully command the 20 soldiers under your care?" Kai asked.

"We can."

"Okay, keep practicing because soon you will be going for a test drive outside." Kai closed his eyes and set the place to turn dark at 19:00 and only get bright when the clock hit 6:00 am.

The soldiers are surprised by the sudden change. "Don't panic, I want to help you keep track of the time."

"Thank you leader." They were all disoriented by the never ending light that blessed the place. Only by getting in their rooms and closing all the curtains and the blinds can they fall asleep.

Kai went out knowing the next time he decides to go back in, he will definitely see the results. But as soon as he came downstairs he found Wang Chen and his father talking and drinking tea with Qingyu.

"Kai, why did you suddenly change your family name?" Wang Chen asked Kai with a hurt expression.

Kai just gave them a glance and looked at the new Nanny with narrowed eyes. "Who let them in?"

"Master, it is not us, it is Mr. Qingyu who opened the door." The robots said and showed panic which surprised Wang Yan and Wang Chen. Since when do robots have feelings? Kai looked at Qingyu with narrowed eyes.

"There are zombies outside." Qingyu said.


"I didn't want their deaths on your nonexistent conscience."

"Funny. Wait, did you say zombies?" Kai's mouth opened in surprise.

"I am joking. But there are more and more of them appearing outside, the news is even covering it. It seems the government is done burying the information." Qingyu said.

"I see." Kai said in low spirits.

"We came because the home affairs department called to tell us about your decision to change family names." Wang Chen went back to topic.

"No, you are here for something else. I am a bit exhausted so speak." He said harshly.

"Kai. Would you cure mother? This is important."

"I don't have the antidote. But seeing as you walked all this way I will tell you the ingredients to making it." Kai plans to rip them off.

He was able to get into an online auction and saw some of the ingredients he wanted and they are very expensive. It doesn't matter if they get it from the auction because he will plant them in his space later.

To his annoyance, the pair pair got all the ingredients before the day was over and he planted them in his space. He then made the pill to cleanse the spirit and mind of any and all toxins. He gave it to them and told them not to bother him again.

Kai went and bought several properties near the six mines he was given and spent some time to reinforce the main gates and the fence around each property. He sent several robots to guard and make sure only his people may enter.

The robots are also not just resting, they are buying several equipment for mining using an account under a large mining corporation so the delivery was very fast. All that is needed now is the man power.

Kai then focused on the creation of the virtual world based on a few existing online games. He told himself that since he is not looking to sell the game it should be fine no?

The ideal game already exists Kai just needs to improve the chip so that when the people enter into the game, they are able to bring only the power they hold in the real world and purchased weapons.

With the IQ of over 300 and the ground work of the liquid chip, Kai is able to accomplish his goal with in a week of real time which is four months in space time. He didn't waste time going into the game to check it functionality.

Kai appeared in level one. The monsters here are group monsters and they usually overwhelm players with numbers and tenacity. Kai checked his spirit power, his lightning power and the lightning body he is able to play in the game using his own power and since Kai didn't create the outlet of the game, he doesn't know what lies ahead.

Kai spent another month testing the game to ensure that it is safe before installing it in a gaming room. Players can enter and fight against each other and they are only able to play for an allocated amount of time.

They can still buy weapons but Kai input only the weapons available outside the game in the game so they don't learn to use something that doesn't exist in real life.

The most important aspect is the reality of getting hurt, the brainwaves will register the pain using the upgraded version of the sensors device installed inside the game by Kai.

The game is meant to train but it can also be a form of entertainment. Kai is not going to take it outside his space for now.

He finally went out because instead of gaming helmets he opted for headphones with glasses that will take the person inside the game instantly and also take them out when they want to.

This made his work very quick and he didn't need too much equipment as a result. When he finally came out he found the world in shambles. There are weird growling noises outside and screams for help from the far away and nearby neighbors.

Instead of panicking, Kai went to the Tang family and found them huddled together in a room. "Don't panic, the villa has triple layered steel ready to close us off at any moment. The windows are bullets proof unless you open the door, no one and nothing will come inside." Seeing them unable to untangle themselves from the fear, he left.

"Thank you." Qingyu said just as he is about to reach the door.

"You are welcome. How long has it started?" Kai is asking because he can feel the spiritual energy mixed in with the contaminated energy. This sudden influx is probably why everyone is being affected. Checking the time it is 12 : 00 in the morning.

"It has been about 30 minutes." Qingyu said and Kai rushed out. He went back into the space and called everyone.

"The outside world is in chaos right now, many people have turned into zombies and hunger for human flesh. If there are people you want to save you can go. But I have a small task for some of you. These are space rings with magical space inside, you can store food and it will not go off. The size is about three football fields." He gave them a ring each.

To make them seem different so that people outside will not suspect them, he colored and designed them differently even the space stone is not easy to notice. Now that he told the Huo family of the stone and it's uses, he has to be careful.

"I have these six mines I want you to build bases near them and mine them for me using the robots or the people and pay them with food. Take the robots under your command and decide amongst yourselves of who will be in charge where. But I want this done. Fast." He looked at them with a stern expression.

"You have robots who will be able to work night and day without fear if the infection. Remember, the bases are there to cater for the mining. Whether you want to continue afterwards or if you shut it down is up to you. But if you are not going to stick around then it is best you do not make a base at all."

"If you have not gathered enough resources to house all the survivors who will come to stay at the base, then it is best you don't open the place to the public in the first place." Kai sounded very serious. He is aware how soft hearted his people are so he will punish them if they take on a responsibility they can not afford.

"Use the smart bracelets to report every week. These are the separate space artifacts where you will store all the ore mined and any of these plants and materials if you find them." He showed them the data with the different recorded plants and other resources such as beast core or other form of ore.

"The robots are equipped with state of the art scanners that will be able to identify any recorded items. So you don't worry about spending time searching just send them out, they will mark each location on the system's map and you can harvest later."

"Inside your first rings I put medicine for emergency healing, if you are bitten or scratched by zombies you may make use of the water in the yellow tanks to wash the wound after you cut off the bitten flesh. Take this pill before all that to purify the devil qi." He gave them the spirit cleansing pills in a few hundreds in quantity for each person.

"These are fasting pills as you know them. Use them wisely and don't forget your daily cleansing routine if you want to be strong. I put a few hundreds of the red bolt uniforms incase you recruit people." They saw boxes of the familiar uniforms inside their space rings.

"I managed to make them into semi armor so they won't be ripped apart by zombies with their sharp claws and teeth. However, as the zombies get stronger this will probably no longer apply. Try to get stronger so you can protect yourselves better."

"Only those who awakened supernatural powers are able to be the head of a base. However, you don't have to go if you don't want to. But you are all allowed to go find the people you want to save and then let them stay in the new bases your comrades will build."

Six people agreed to make bases near the mines which means they will be gone for a long time. Six more joined them as backup incase there is a complication. There will be 40 advanced robots in each base.

One of the six mines is located in a deep West province with a few bases in proximity. This location will be governed by four people making the total number of those who will be leaving 15. Kai has given them a way to increase their strength by potions that will reduce impurities and others.

It is not a problem for them to complete the task and come back safely in a few years at most but if they end up opening a base there, it is necessary to receive more resources from him regularly. Kai had noted this and provided a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Kai went out and released the ones who agreed to go with their robots and then went towards the largest petrol and diesel oil in the country. It is three cities away.

He noticed there is an inbox with his new ID documents calling him Mr. Kai Waters.
