4000 Strong

Huo Gin had seen this function of the home system by accident when she wanted to see the weather. Instead of telling her the weather forecast, the system had showed her the various sky temperatures measures in the city.

With these cameras all over the territory, Huo Gin can watch the battle as it commences. She looked at Ye siblings and asked them. "How many men do you have?" She saw the hundreds of men outside and inside the villa on strategic locations. They seem capable but they are too few.

The twins turned and had a conversation with their eyes. They started playing rock paper scissors and Ye Ling lost. She sighed and pushed up her jacket sleeve and called Kai.

The sound of chainsaw came out of the blank screen as soon as the call is connected. "Ling ling, master is a little busy at the moment." Kai's voice sounded.

The three people looked at each other. Ye Ling spoke. "The Mistress wishes to know of our defense situation so she can advise us. How to proceed?"

"Mistress? Defense against what? Can the base leaders be so useless that the zombies made it to that place hundreds of meters across?" Kai sounded very confused.

"It is Miss Huo. The base leaders are planning to use the territory to trap and shoot down the zombies. The problem is they didn't evacuate."

"I see. Give her the info." He dropped the call.

Huo Gin heard how he didn't sound worried at all. In fact he felt like they were disturbing him. On top of that, he knew they would be zombies attacking the base and he still chose to leave.

"2000 each." Ye Ling said without pause. Huo Gin is surprised by this because she didn't anticipate that at all. "You need to listen to my instructions if you want to minimize casualties." She said with a strong voice.

She doesn't want to have Kai become useless in the hands of the Huo family before she can bring him down herself. They need to realize that they need her help in dealing with him. Even if she has lost her most valuable asset. She is still the commander who was sent to battle many times in the past.

As a future Mistress of the clan she had not neglected her studies and sought to improve upon them on every turn. Her skills on battle strategies is unmatched by her peers.

The Huo family often has to protect the oil territory abroad so they have soldiers trained and sometimes she would go to battle against another group.

The three people talked and made a viable plan of attack. Huo Gin is surprised when she heard the men under Kai's command are all armed, this had her grinding her teeth. Where does Kai get so much weapons and loyal men? Isn't he just a high school graduate with social anxiety?

Nonetheless she made an airtight plan that will end up saving half of the residents on the territory. The reason she can not save them all is that she only has four thousand men while the number of zombies is almost around 12 thousand.

She didn't separate the army too much. The Ye twins let out the soldiers and few boxes of weapons so they can each choose a weapon.

One thousand is tasked with long range snipers and sent to stand in positions, The zombies are already coming inside at this time snipers took aim and shot at the zombies with supernatural precision.

The soldiers on top of the wall hadn't gotten the go ahead but they suddenly herd a series of laser sniper gun shots sounding uniformly all around the villa area. They watched as the zombies got gun down one by one after they entered the gates of the villa area.

What shocked them the most is the level of accuracy when the zombies are gunned down. It seems as if one shot, one dead.

The one thousand soldiers are able to shoot them as they come in but if they slip through the cracks, it takes the remaining team members to shoot them down as the numbers increase and the snipers can only shoot one at a time, many are told to approach from the sides engaging in close combat.

From the bird's eye point of view the base soldiers are watching, the series of executed actions by the soldiers below seems well coordinated. Their team work is exceptional as they fight with cold weapons cutting down zombies heads with what seems to be very little effort. The leaders are gob smacked at the situation.

This is preposterous, after finally finding a way to knock down the Huo family a notch they witness something so out of control?

The crazy thing is that in less than 30 minutes the zombies have reduced by more than half while the people fighting haven't even reduced their speed of fighting. Many are angry while the Huo family is not pleased either.

On the outside they are calm as if this was anticipated but inside they are nervous. Kai's people are this capable? They strike with ruthless precision, there is no hesitation in their strikes at all. Their arm strength seems endless cutting down zombie heads as if it were cabbages.

"Astonishing." The old man Huo looked at the fight with narrowed eyes. "This son in law is one of the kind. But for how long will they keep this up? The numbers are 3 :1 after all." He sneered in the end. Struggles of a dying fish.

Two figures caught Huo Guo's attention. They seem fierce but out of the entirety of the army they are the only ones who seem to have slowed down a few times after fighting for a long time.

The man is the one he met when he went to check on Huo Gin. He is large and seem slow but the man is an absolute beast on the battlefield. He wields a large axe that looks heavy. The surprising thing is that he handles it with expert level of skill.

Huo Gin watched as Ye Ling's figure runs all over the battlefield with great speed wielding that sharp whip sweeping across the zombies leaving dead zombies in her wake. It is both beautiful and frightening.

Many zombies still made it through to a little less than half of the residents homes and chewed their way through the area. The fight went on and since the base army is very tired and also wants to save amo, they decided to let the 4000 strong army soldiers take care of it, and if they die in the process it is two birds one stone.

They saw it as an opportunity to exhaust the Huo family and wanted them to come begging for help.

However, the sounds of shooting kept coming for the hours that followed, sounds of fighting didn't stop until the next morning snow fell. The entire base is shocked by the capability of the Huo family to have single handedly killed 12 thousand zombies with troops of just four thousand.

The four thousand soldiers had spent the remainder of the night taking out zombie core and storing it for Kai. He had sent a message to Ye Ling about this task and about another matter that will possibly cause civil war in the base. But as loyal servants they will carry out the order.

Because many of these zombies had almost evolved while others went through an evolution before making it to the villa are, there were more than nine thousand level one zombie cores this time.

Ye Ling came across a few fire type level two zombie cores while Ye Lang got a single level three. It must have been the boss. This boss had been lurking with in his army when Ye Lang felt extreme danger and brandished his weapon.

After it became bright outside the people who were expecting to find the soldiers wounded or dead amongst the zombies were shocked to not find a single corpse with that black uniform on.

The villa area is filled with the soldiers wearing similar uniform to the ones fighting yesterday, they are cleaning up the place with the help of those who survived the ordeal. It turns out many had been tipped off by their friends to evacuate before the attack and some of the remaining people died.

The villa area is very large holding about 300 house holds if we include the new residence by Wang family it is 700 but there are several large plots of land unused that can still be useful to either plant food or build more houses.

The gates of the villa area are now closed shut not allowing anyone to enter this part of the base. The families that had quietly evacuated yesterday are now trying to enter but are being refused entry by a new security at the gate.

A commotion outside the gate occurred. The Huo family now doesn't have anyone inside the territory since they had also evacuated to prepare for the attack. The fierce soldiers standing by the gate have not said anything but just stood there not opening the doors.

This news sent everyone into a stupor. It turns out the Huo family are not the ones who fought the soldiers all night but a man named Kai who lives in the most coveted villa in the area. It is said that he is now engaged to be married to one of the Huo families young misses.

Why would the son in law of the Huo family refuse them entry into their own territory?

Huo Guo became furious and called Kai but the call did not go through. When he tried forcing his way through, a gun fight started and many bodies dropped. Knowing Kai's way of doing things, the incident yesterday probably made him angry and now he is taking over the entire Northeast region of the central base.

The Huo family moved in another place for now since they are locked out of their own home. This made them turn into an even bigger joke to the rest of the leaders. First their place is used as bate, now they are kicked out by an outsider.

The previous post on top of the wall where base soldiers had stayed before are now occupied by the men serving under Kai. This blatant hostile take over infuriated the Huo family.

When the bodies are piled up into a hill, a grey power is poured on it covering it entirely then someone lit up a torch. The pile burned silently without too much smoke, there are some residents standing with the soldiers mourning their dead relatives who had turned.

These are the few residents who remained after the zombie attack the day before. They are either not important enough or have no connections with the big league because they were not warned of the up coming danger. They are understandably furious at the Huo family and those 'neighbors' who just left quietly without warning them.

When they saw the soldiers who fought the zombies the day before and saved many of them ban these people from coming back, they became ecstatic. They deserve it.

The government had known for a long time now that inside the zombies there is an energy crystal that seems special. They are still conducting studies on the subject.

The base mourns the loss of those who died but many are furious. The national army was no where to be seen throughout the entire ordeal. Not just them, the families lured zombies inside the base which is unprecedented to say the least.

One particular girl is very upset about the series of events as her friend who is the only one to have treated her with sincerity over the years had died from the attack. She is burning with hate for the rich families who think they can do whatever they want even if it includes the death of thousands of people.

In her attempt to save her friend she had discovered her talent of being able to plant something called the seed of consciousness into the minds of the less intelligent beings such as the zombies who only have food in their minds.

This gift allowed her to control her friend who had unfortunately turned into a zombie at the time. She then escaped the base so they don't kill her friend. As she makes her way further away her heart grows colder at the actions of the powerful families and the national army. She had accidentally found out that the zombies entry into the base was no accident. They wanted to reduce population.

Crying, she orders her dead friend to go and take a bath in an ice cold lake which immediately freezes after the zombie enters. Panicking, she almost jumped into the water when a boy with fiery red hair pulls her to hide from an up coming small group of humans.

The boy's hand accidentally fondled her breast and his mind went blank with desire at the large soft feel.

She doesn't want to listen but instead wants him to let her go. The desire is so strong that the man let her go. Surprised, she turns to him and find his eyes green like those of her friend after she took control of her mind. But it soon goes away and the boy's eyes return to normal after seeing her hideous face.

This is who a necromancer realized she can also influence the minds of humans. She smiles delightfully while thinking of all the ways she will torment all the young miss and young masters who made her life hell in school. This woman is the one Huo Jun called Experimental subject number 1.

She had never taken off her ugly make up especially after the world became like this, she even took extra care to hide her figure but pretending to have gained a large belly.

However, after realizing that lust can allow her to control even humans, she decided to use her otherworldly beauty to create herself a group of loyal servants. This way her life will be filed with luxury even at a time like this.

The powerful families of central base made a very dangerous enemy this day.
