June 2.0

What did you do to master Wei?" One of the people asked. She is the current head of the Yang family. Kai looked at her and realized older women have a certain appeal that draws him in, sexually. Smirking he internally cursed realizing he may have mommy issues.

"Miss Yang I am seated way over here what can I do to him? Is that why I was practically dragged here? To be accused of killing some loud mouthed fatty?" Kai rolled his eyes.

The man with a full military uniform pulled the table away from its current location. A small burnt mark can be seen from Kai's position towards the dead man's chair clear for everyone to see. Kai smiled embarrassedly. "We all make mistakes, lets move on." He said with a flat expression.

Everyone looked around, you look at me I look at you but no one has a solution. How the hell does a small line of fire turn into an overwhelming fire that consumes body and bones turning everything to ash? A cold sensation gripped their heart. This is a psycho who will kill without blinking. They need to be very careful in how they deal with this boy.

"Now can we discuss the matter at hand?" Kai asked making everyone come back to their senses. The military man took out his gun and pointed at Kai making him roll his eyes.

"You just killed someone and you expect us to just continue with the meeting? You are under arrest." The man Commander Zheng said.

"You are not a policeman. I am not a criminal put the gun down before you hurt someone." The man didn't budge making Kai annoyed.

Kai sighed and the gun in the man's hand flew to his own hand. Then the rest of his weapons flew towards Kai coming out from all the hiding places he had placed them and landed silently on the table in front of him. The people in the room are now confused. Is Kai a lightning power user or spirit power user? Most importantly just how powerful is he?

"Commander Zheng, I don't like to be bothered. I enjoy my quiet and peaceful life of research and some training. All these boring conflicts about who has what and who wants what are all non of my concern."

"Excuse my interruption but Kai if you were not concerned about these things then you wouldn't be taking over one of the biggest territories in the central base." Yang Fang's alluring voice sounded.

"That is because the moment I turn my back, you all decide to stuff zombies into my home making the soil where I live to be a breeding ground for the virus. I was planning on planting something to eat and a few cherry blossoms trees but it is now full of infected zombie blood." Kai spoke looking at the people in the room unaware that his eyes had flashed dark purple lightning making them all realize how angry he is. Calming himself, Kai turned his attention to the weapons on the table.

He skillfully separated the gun into many parts and then started playing with the rest of the items on the table.

This scene made the people in the room feel like he is an expert in handling weapons.

"You see, I hold you all responsible for what happened to the place I call home." Kai raised his head making eye contact with everyone of them making them feel uneasy.

"I was going to just clean my home one blood stain at a time but then you blocked my way and someone took a shot at me. Tell me, what should I do with you?" The calm voice makes the people in the room feel suffocated.

"Kai that is not your place, it belongs...." Huo Guo opened his mouth but stopped when Kai turned to face him directly. He remembers that look, it was right before he went to shoot and stab his son.

"To the Huo family, the villa area belongs to my family and you know it." Huo Jun walked and stood in front of Kai looking down on him.

"Do you want me to cut you down to size ...again?" Kai raised an eyebrow. Hearing his words, Huo Jun took a step away from Kai. This way they can speak while able to look at each other.

"I will say one thing here today, by the order of the Waters, the villa area belongs to me now, anyone who has a problem with that can call me out and we can...duke it out like gentleman. No matter how many men you bring I will meet you on the battlefield and slaughter all of them. Then I will take over the homes of those who participate in that conflict." Kai smiled when he saw visible sweat on their faces.

"We had a deal." Huo Guo shouted.

"Yes, then you went and opened the doors to my home for over 12 thousand zombies. But I will pardon your actions and let you leave my home with your lives on the account of us being family." He smiled with what seems like a fond smile.

"You are still dreaming of marriage with one of us?" Huo Guo sneered.

"You may call it off if you want. It is completely up to you, I try to be accommodating. Especially to family but if we are no longer family..." He shrugs "Who knows?" Kai waited for him to declare the end of their engagement but Huo Guo seems to have a bone stuck in his throat.

"Umm...send me your new address." Kai turned to leave.

"We haven't said anything yet." Kai raised an eyebrow. The man on the head seat finally spoke and his voice is as beautiful as his face is handsome. Tall build, sharp nose and sword like eyebrows. His voice is deep and pleasant.

"The base has rules. You can not just take over someone's place without justifying your actions. There might be chaos outside but here is where the national security forces are based. Give the property back to the Huo family or there will be war." A man in his thirties spoke.

"War it is then." Kai walked away but when he got to the door it shut in his face right after he opened it. Kai sighed and turned around.

"Just because you have a special power doesn't mean you are the only one. Some of us are not so rampant to just kill people on a whim but for you.... Kai Waters, I will make an exception. Get out of the villa area or face the combined army of the central base." The man had been seated but now he stood there in his immaculate suit and spoke powerful words.

Kai smiled a bright smile. "Finally, a challenge." His reaction surprised those present because his smile is slightly deranged.

Kai took out June surprising everyone in the room. The large white wolf started transforming into a two legged wolf. He became three meters tall with a wolf head, powerful body muscles covered in fluffy white fur and visible claws on hands and feet. The beastly eyes are a deep red like those of an Alpha in teen wolf.

Kai made him with the image of the Derrick Hale's first season wolf form. The ground trembled as the wolf let out a haul, then its eyes turned toward the man.

"This is June. I created him, it took me some time to perfect this form. He can kill three hundred humans in less than a minute. That is not counting the fire power." Kai walked and took one of June's long arms showing the razor sharp triple layers of processed steel claws. They started extending like those of wolverine. The sound of metal filled the room as they grow stronger and longer. They gleam with a cold light eliciting a shudder from those present.

"Those armored tanks you are all so proud of can be torn apart in the hands of June here. Imagine what he will do to your fragile bodies." Kai said in an eerie voice.

"To make things worse." Two wings sprouted out of June's back. This is the only part that Kai has not come up with a suitable layer of skin to properly cover the visible metallic openings on the sides. It is why they were able to tell that he is a robot.

"He can fly." Kai said just as some of them lost strength on their legs. "I guess what I am trying to say is that...I am prepared for war. I can feel your mental waves trying to scan him." Kai looked at the shaken large man in the head seat.

"The material I used as skin and muscle tissue has been refined into an impenetrable silver level armor. Your fragile mind wouldn't be able to look inside of him." Kai looked at the man and became satisfied with the minuscule reaction he saw in his eyes.

The room became quiet and a heavy tension settled on everyone's chest. Kai let all the information sink in before he started talking again.

"I am generally a pleasant person, all I want is to be left alone. I only ask that you don't bother me." June sneezed and two small purple lights landed on the long table. The moment they touched it, it became like wild fire and slowly ate up the entire table, it didn't even make a flame.

Kai managed to put some of his power as June's fire power using runes. June is essentially a weapon encompassing both technology and artificer.

Gasps sounded in the room. Kai took June back into his space and walked to his previous chair. Seeing that he has the complete attention of the room, he spoke.

"I will be opening a hospital soon. Since the Huo family has evacuated I will be using their old compound as the new high end hospital to care for the sick and the broken." They also went to their seats knowing this is something they want to know about. Someone who can create a robot that powerful should be taken very serious.

"What do you want in exchange?" The man whose name is Han asked. He is the base leader of the central base. A hospital is definitely a good thing for the base.

"Payment of course. In the form of these." Kai took out a crystal nuclei and threw it to the table. "I believe you are all aware of what that is, use it as payment. The exact price will be determined by the hospital at that time."

"What type of medicine do you have?" Yang Fang asked. She has a mother with a heart condition. It is not just her, many are also curious about the available options.

"For now, lets say you can call in a week to find out. But I generally have a little bit of everything so if you snooze you will lose." Kai took out several small boxes and gave them one each.

"Your new communication devices. I sell them for 5 thousand second level crystal nucleus or zombie cores. You can make a call in the depth a forest. There is internet signal as well. They take long to be fully charged because they last longer." Kai gave them the basic smart bracelets that he had created at that time.

"These seem good but the villa area is a very large piece of fertile land. You can not keep it all for yourself." The man didn't get distracted by the lively AI popping out of the bracelet in front of him.

"I can and I am going to do just that. I heard how the people who used to leave there evacuated without warning the others. I can not live with such people so close to my family. Besides, aren't I making a hospital? And who said the soil is fertile are you glossing over the fact that it is now contaminated by the zombie virus?"

The man seemed to be contemplating his words. "The only way you can have that place is if at least half of it is allocated to people. You can not have empty houses during a time like this." It sounds reasonable not to mention he said people but didn't specify which people. It seems the base leader is giving him a way out.

"I'll have people living there by the end of the day." Kai declared.

"Fine. The Huo family needs a share as well."



"Do you know I have a pair of new born twins living in there? Letting zombies loose on the area when others were not informed was a mistake, one that I will not let happen again." Kai said with conviction.

"You are going too far!" Huo Guo said in anger.

"Am I? You have no Idea just how far I can take this thing. That place is mine now accept and move on or bring out your strength to deal with me." Kai said without concern. The blazing blame in Kai's eyes made Huo Jun who wanted to speak shut his mouth.
