Online Supermarket

The people looked like they really want one.

"The prices vary from 500 second level to tens of thousand. The most basic smart bracelet can not store any items. The next one is 1000 second level crystal nucleus. You can buy them from me here if you manage to scrape together that amount while I am still here because if you buy online there is a service fee that you have to pay for the teleportation function." Kai spoke and explained in details. 

"That's not all, there is an entire store full of items that you can buy using the bracelet even if you have the first version of the smart bracelet. Your items will be sent close to your bracelet instead of into your inventory." He felt comical as many decided to brave the snow outside to go hunting zombies in the nearby town. 

Many people left and only a few remained watching Kai as if he will hand over the items if they make him uncomfortable enough. Kai just let them look without any discomfort. 

"So what are we doing today? I might need to move along soon. I have been delayed enough." Kai said thinking about an exiting new world of magic stones that are waiting for him to explore.

"We are still waiting for Lu Feng's recovery." Jiang Ye said.

"I smelled something delicious." A man came frown from up stairs walking slowly.

"Lu Feng!" The three men stood up and ran to hug the Lu Feng and excitedly look him over. When they led him to the table, they found a horrified Zoey who stood up and backed away from them as if she had just seen a ghost. 

"Lu Feng. You woke up." Zoey said standing up suddenly with a horrified look on her eyes.

"Hello Zoey. Didn't think I'd wake up did you?" Lu Feng asked with a sneer.

"Wait..." Zoey wanted to say something but A small tornado engulfed her body. Everyone can see that she is currently being diced by powerful sharp wind blades.

The scene is strangely novel as the previously white tornado became bloody and the stench of blood engulfed the room. Some people started feeling sick while others held their breath in horror. 

The place became silent as everyone looked at the blob of blood coming out of the tornado. It is strange that an entire person got diced into many pieces but no one got splashed with blood.

"The smell will attract trouble." Kai sighed.

"You clean it up." Jiang Ye said calmly pointing at Lu Feng. Hearing this, Lu Feng held his stomach in pain and stumbled.

"Nice try. That won't bail you out of clean up." Stan said as some people started running away looking pale as if they are going to wrench. Soon only the five of them remained. Kai took out a small bottle of powder and walked next to the pile of cut meat.

"If I sprinkle this powder all the flesh will disappear along with the blood. Should I do it?" He asked because the smell may attract something powerful.

"Do it." Wei Mo said with sparkling eyes as if he wants to see a new toy on display. 

Jiang Ye said and walked closer to watch. He is curious about such a miracle substance. Kai sprinkled the powder and soon the blood and flesh turned grey and then it turned black as it it is rotting at a very fast pace then it looked like ash. Soon it rose up into the air and disappeared along with the smell of blood.

"That is scary." Stan said seeing the happenings." The others agreed.

"Did you create it yourself?" Stan asked Kai while his eyes are fixed at the clothes that are left behind after the flesh and blood disappeared.

"No, I followed someone else's recipe in making it." Kai said truthfully.

"You are saying there is someone out there who can dissolve corpses with this amount of efficiency other than you?" Jiang Ye scrawled when Kai nodded.

"How do you know they won't turn the world up side down with such things?" Wei Mo asked. Feeling a little apprehensive.

"He works for me." Kai said which stunned the group. They looked at each other in apprehension.

"Kai how do we know you won't make the world chaotic?" Lu Feng glared at Kai who just shrugged and asked a rhetorical question. "More than it already it?" Kai asked.

"Yes." Jiang Ye seemed to also want the answer.

"Simple. I don't care about the world." This answer was un expected. They don't know what to make of it. Jiang Ye remembers that Kai had only locked himself in his villa and did research.

Only to move on to the next project upon completion without asking for recognition or compensation from the world for his ground breaking creation.

"Anyways where are you guys headed?" Kai asked when the silence became uncomfortable.

"We need to wait for Lu Feng to make sure he is completely recovered." Jiang Ye said looking at his friend with a smile. 

"I don't want to hold everyone back." Lu Feng said. 

"Rest for a day and then we will leave a day after tomorrow." Jiang Ye declared. The others agreed so Kai introduced himself to Lu Feng. 

"You managed to damage a wall and you still woke up without a scratch?" Lu Feng marveled at the news. 

"I have thick skin." Kai laughed. 

"His body kept healing itself. Then it started burning everything around him. I thought he was going to get hurt. Only for him to just wake up in a few hours." Stan said. 

"So how did you manage to crash here anyways." Lu Feng ate some breakfast and asked. 

"I was flying but the snow in the air is much colder, it managed to freeze my pet and we came crashing down. Luckily I was quick to store it away before I lost it to mother gravity." Kai took out June who is still frozen. 

The sudden appearance of the two meters tall and one meter wide beast, they all jumped back and pulled out their guns. "Hey! Come down, its just a robot and it is frozen solid right now." Kai said rolling his eyes while he mummers curses under his breath.

"It really is a robot. But Kai, how did you make something like this? It looks like a real beast." Jiang Ye can feel that it is a machine because of his power.

"I wanted a pet that can not be killed. That way I wouldn't ever have to mourn it." kai said looking at June fondly. "I used synthetic materials after processing them a few time. Luckily I have people for that sort of work." 

They all came close to look at the beats carefully. The open beastly eyes are like those of a normal wolf. Even though the fur is frozen it looks like normal fur if you ignore the abnormal length and thickness of the fur. The fact that it has a white color adds to the wonder. 

"It really is frozen solid." Lu Feng said touching the frozen fur. He loves animals, most people who are in their line of work prefer animals to humans. "His name is June." Kai said looking at the wolf in front of him.

"It's crazy that it was even frozen in the first place because I refined the material into a middle grade silver rank armor. Any attack is supposed to slide off as soon as it makes contact." Kai said looking at June in frustration. 

Kai took out his commander ring and sent an instruction to warm itself. The water started coming out in steam blinding everyone in the room. 

"I just felt the small connection I had with it snap and disappear, how did you do it?" Jiang Ye widened his eyes. This has never happed before. Once he established a connection with any machine it will only be severed if he wills it. 

"I use mental commands to instruct my creations. The only way you can override my connection with them is if you have a deeper more powerful connection with them then me, their creator." Kai explained while he tries to find a way to get rid of the smoke. 

He doesn't have a clue of what to do when Lu Feng used his wind ability to gather the steam in a small whirlwind and some how compressed it until it disappeared. Kai smiled in gratitude to Lu Feng and then send several commands to check if its functioning fine after the ordeal. 

He then took it back into space but the people exclaimed loudly to bring it back. "I haven't seen enough myself." That's what Jiang Ye said when Kai sent him a pleading look.

Kai took it out and instructed it to just stand there. "I installed sensory in so it will bite you if you annoy it senses." Kai warned.

"What really?" They asked excitedly. 

"I have no reason to lie, What kind of a wolf has no sense of small?" Kai stayed on the side watching them act like fools. He remembered that he had also come out to improve on his sword technique. 

"Can you show us what June can do?" Jiang Ye asked calmly but Kai can see the imperceptible excitement in his cold black eyes. 

"Not in the house.." Kai refused flatly. Jiang Ye sat down who didn't want to stare at an unmoving robot. 

Kai took out a large disposable coffee cup and the smell of coffee immediately wafted out. He took a sip while walking away from them and towards the couch but he felt multiple breaths very close to him. 

He moved a way and turned around to find the four people watching him with sparkling eyes. Stan and Wei Mo are actively sniffing the air with an intoxicated look on their faces. 

Kai saw what is going on and took out processed coffee and sugar sachets. He had planted coffee beans in his space so he is not short on supplies like these. 

"We won't take your things for free. How do you sell it?" Just when Lu Feng is about to take away the coffee from Kai, Jiang Ye suddenly asked. 

"That is a good point. In fact now that you have the bracelet the online store is there which will deduct the credit from your account when you buy something and the product will be sent into your inventory." Phil had made a store with it's own isolated space for the inventory stock. 

The items can be bought with a click of a button. The store is a section in the network and there is a lot of isolated space with a function to keep the products fresh. Kai only needed to put the items into the inventory warehouse and the customers will be able to buy the products. 

The only thing that is dangerous about this process is because the items are in danger of being stolen if a powerful hacker who can understand the coding and the formulas involved in the teleportation in the system cracks the system. They can empty the warehouse in one go. 

Kai is hoping that his freakish high IQ means his system is vey hard to understand. Otherwise he will have to do the selection of each item purchased and send it to the buyer manually from the stock warehouse in the underground warehouse. 

"There is indeed a store but it is empty." Lu Feng said showing the blue screen of the bracelet scrolling down to the food section. The items are in groups. 

Kai face palmed remembering that he was supposed to stock the items. He excused himself and went back to the room he was sleeping in. Kai went into his space and took out the stock from the warehouse with the items stolen from the Wen family at that time. 

Kai noticed that his warehouse inventory space is over a few thousand squire meters. This is where Kai is storing the items for sale and then the system sorts out the items accordingly so it can be readied for sale. 

A few minutes later he came out looking exhausted. When he got downstairs the people there looked at him with incredulity. He stopped on the last stair case "What?" He asked. 

"The store just refreshed and is now full of items. Did you just go to stock them upstairs?" Wei Mo looked at Kai like he is looking at an alien. 

"Yeah." Kai admitted. "Now you guys can buy the items with a click of a button. You're welcome." 

"There's even condoms and candles. Its like a real store!" Wei Mo scrolled on the menu feeling like the past when he would buy things online. 

"The bracelets are on sale but they have smaller space from 10 squire meters to 100 squire meters. The prices vary accordingly. If you're on the way and can not charge it with a plug in you can used a crystal nuclei." Kai explained while showing them how to reboot the energy.

"My team will be selling the bracelets in the nearby bases short while from now but since they can be bought online, it will be easier as long as there is one person with a smart bracelet to help with the transaction." 

"Kai you seem to be taking it lightly, what you have accomplished is magical. Are you not proud?" Jiang Ye looked at Kai who didn't seem to understand the gravity of his product.

"I only created a super computer chip that allowed me to do the calculations." Kai said in response. It is true that most of the coding and calculations were performed by Phillip. 

"Where is this computer chip?" Wei Mo asked suddenly. 

"Not here. So have you all decided what to buy?" Kai felt awkward with all the attention. The team looked on and tried to prioritize the items they need at the moment. 

"You don't have weapons here." Jiang Ye said suddenly clicking his tongue in annoyance. 

"We have a cooking knife in the general store next to the pots and cups." Kai said earning a sneer from Jiang Ye. 

"You can use this smart sellers feature and register as a shop owner. You will be able to sell your items but they have to be evaluated by the main shop to ensure the quality of your items." Kai introduced. 

"Really? That means it will soon be a platform for consumers and sellers all over the world." Lu Feng said in surprise at the potential of his creation.

"But The items will be appraised by special scanners to ensure nothing of low quality is sold on the website. I have a team working of it. The sellers application allows the personal inventory to be upgraded to a warehouse inventory which will increase the space capacity by a large margin." Kai explained. 

"That sounds like a good deal." This arrangement will allow people to have bigger space to store their items. 

"This will revolutionize commerce." The team agreed with this notion. 

"I figured we already have supernatural powers, what a bit more miraculous website?" Kai laughed. 

"It is an honor to meet someone who is on the verge of changing the world single handedly. The women are going to love you." Stan said whistling lightly. 

"Yeah, you are going to be a celebrity can I get your autograph?" Stan said calmly which confused Kai if he wants it of not. 

"Okay, I will sign you an autograph. It will probably be worth a lot very soon." He took out a small note book and wrote Fat brain and a signature on top of Fat brain making it look unique. 

He gave the page to Stan who took it quietly and stored it in his smart bracelet. "I didn't know that I would one day be chasing stars." Stan said making everyone laugh at him. 

The atmosphere is very light. They talked and joked. Kai hasn't had friends since he turned the soldiers into his slaves, having people like this made him feel warm. 

He still felt tired and fell asleep on the couch in the midst of laughter and jokes. He slept in a very awkward posture so Jiang Ye allowed him to sleep on his hips for the time being. 


