The underground Base

Kai watched as the three zombies searched around. Finally they came across a small convoy with 6 small cars and three large trucks that seem to have been for transporting bread in the past. It took the zombies an entire day to find livìng people which means a large distand around their territory there are no bases because they killed everyone.

These people had nothing to do with the disappeared oil but they will pay for it with their lives. Kai doesn't want to let others take the blame for something he did. The zombies are having a small meeting probably deciding to kill the humans.

He looked down and found that Jiang Ye's people are down there. They must have come for the things in the trucks but do they intend to transport all these items to the North province? Do they underestimate their enemy or they have that much faith in themselves?

"I can't believe we left so much weapons behind, just because we couldn't carry it all." Wei Mo seems depressed.

"If only Kai were here. The space items he spoke about are not sold online." Lu Feng said

"You are dreaming if you think he survived that tree. He was too confident in himself and eneded up dying." Stan said sounding unconcerned.

"Keep quiet." Jiang Ye instructed. He seems to feel a pair of sinister eyes glaring at him.

They have retrieved the weapons in the underground storage they were tasked with transporting but they have lost three good fighters from the zombies in that place. It wasn't initially a populated area which reduced the number of zombies roaming there. But the scientists and some assistants who had turned into zombies were very strong.

This scientist team was not staying in the small base but were staying a distance away from it. They provided some of the weapons they have developed to the base for protection. However, for some reason people stared disalpearing from this place. Which is why they wanted help from the North where the national security system is still in effect.

The leading doctor is called Hao and he is an engineering specialist who dabbles in extreme weaponry design and development.

The car in the middle has this doctor and his family. A wife, two daughters and a small boy. Kai saw the peculiar designed weapons in the two trucks and sighed. This was their secret mission that they were sent to so far south of the country.

He doesn't want to help them now. But he doesn't want them to die because of him. Kai made a decision and released a barrier disc and trapped the tree zombies in their location. When they decided to run towards the humans they bounced back from a strong invisible barrier.

The scholarly zombie touched the barrier and released chilling air that froze everything it touched. However the barrier stood firm while the human convoy proceeded to move forward.

The zombies roared in rage but the sound remained with in the barrier unable to reach the zombies they are trying to control outside. The scholarly zombie takes a break trying to break the barrier and the big zombie stepped in, it opens its mouth wide and let out a harsh breath with a torrent of green flames which appear at level 5 of fire ability users. The next zombie also released wind blades that seem very powerful enough to split a large solid rock but the barrier stood still.

"I guess it is powerful after all." He decided to leave these zombies for now and check the nearby bases. He is not surprised when he doesn't find any bases near this place.

On his way back home he met a group that seemed to had been dispatched for gathering supplies. However upon close inspection he saw their injuries are all superficial and mostly fake, he wanted to turn his car around but the group is not about to let him go just like that.

He looked at his review mirror and saw that he is surrounded on all sides. The people on the ground pretending to be bleeding a while ago rushed away to wear warm clothes. Kai counted 16 people three women and two kids.

They are wearing peculiar looking clothes which seem to have been patched with several layers of other clothes on top. This is probably to keep warm. He steps out of the car having taken out a bag with only a few compressed biscuits and water.

"Hands in the air!" A man carrying a menacing spear shouts making him bite back a smile. These people really like to pretend. They have six snipers lining up to split his skull open if he makes a wrong move. But they show him these people with primitive weapons.

He decides to humor them and calmly do as they ask. Two people come to check his car and are not pleased to find only this much amount of food and a jar filled with unidentifiable pills.

Kai still has his hand on his head and is watching them closely. He had taken the hair changing pill making his hair color fiery red. This paired with his smooth pale skin makes him look very handsome even though he has red eyebrow and eyelashes.

Kai is using his own face this time since the kid is inside his space and the Jiang group are already very far North by now. "Hey where is the rest of your food? You can't fool us into thinking you only have this much do you?"

Kai just shrugged. He looked around waiting for what they will do next. He has Phil on stand by incase any of the snipers get trigger happy. He is escorted towards a narrow opening noticing the place is covered in filthy cloths making the place smell foul. Kai deduced this is probably to fool the senses of the zombies.

What surprised him is that the place is empty outside but even the shut doors are also empty. He gets suspicious because other then the men who got him inside there is only a woman in the room that he is being escorted to.

His AI scans the surroundings and finds an old underground bunker that is big enough to house a city. This explains the absence of humans above ground. The place she is let to seems shabby and dirty as if done on purpose. He doesn't react much even when his chair is as dusty as the ground he calmy took his seat.

The woman has long black hair and her deep brown skin reminds him of his kids. He can't help but smile at her. She saw this and narrowed her eyes at him. "I am Madame Wu, what is your name traveler?"

"I am Kai Waters. Can I put my hands down now? They are beginning to cramp." He asked her politely.

"You may." She allows it. "My people informed me you don't have much food in your car which means you live nearby or you have space ability, which is it?" She asked him.

"Neither. I live in the central base and I don't have more food because I dislike consuming food. It's too cold outside to go squatting in the bushes. And I refuse to pee outside watching my own fluids turn to ice right before my eyes. It's traumatic." Kai answered making her laugh. She has the most funny sounding laugh he has ever heard.

She also seems too young to be called Madame anything. "Do you not get hungry?" She asked curious.

"I do. There are pills I take to keep me full for two days." He points to one of the bottles they had brought from his car. The woman takes the bottle and opens it. The smell is not special and she doesn't detect poison from them. She gives him the open bottle and he takes a pill to eat.

"These can keep you full for two days?" She asked him, sheeing him nod she takes one and asks he people to find someone starving to give it to.

"If they die, I will make you feel the pleasure of a thousand cuts." She said with her voice laced with cruelty but Kai didn't care.

"Why did you disrupt my journey?" He asked her, he is curious what she does with visitors here.

"I merely wanted to offer you lodging." She smiles at him making his heart flutter, a suspicious blush rises up his neck. Kai is afteral a young teenage boy.

A while later the man came back and whispered something in her ear. She looked at Kai "Where did you get these pills?" She all but demanded.

"I can buy them from this cool website online. Let me shaow you. Permission to use my bracelet?" He asked before he gets shot because of a misunderstanding.

He opens up a virtual screen and buys a pair of soft socks making them appear on the table in front of the woman. She stood up and distanced herself from the table the moment they appeared. She slowly approached and took the socks feeling their soft fabric in disbelief.

"This can be done now?" She asked incredulously wondering if they have been isolated here for far too long.

"All you have to do is pay with crystal nucleus and get any of the items in stock." Kai explained calmly.

"How do we get one of these bracelets?" She asked him.

"If you can get the amount required I can buy it for you and you can buy it for the rest of your people." Kai offered.

When they saw the price of the first model with the teleportation function they brought a bag to Kai and he quickly bought it for her taking away the money.

"You have helped our home immensely, how can we thank you?" She smiles and move lock of hair behind her ear.

"Sir, there is an excited gunman behing you." Phil reports and Kai turns into a lightning bolt, he appears in the furthest part of the large room. He then unleashed the lightning attack on all the people in the shadows turning them into ashes at the same time.

In a matter of seconds only him, the woman and the two people holding spears protecting the woman remain in the room. Kai had just killed nine people. The sniper had missed and shot the woman in the shoulder instead.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh" She screamed in pain.

The people outside entered and surrounded her. They are protecting her this way. Kai rolled his eyes at them. "Don't look at me like that I didn't shoot her. It was the shooter who was aiming at me, when I got out of the way she got shot instead."

"Your little group is very interesting. You rob passersby, get everything you can from them and then kill them regardless. Ruthless. But why?" Kai he asked rhetorically.

"I feel like there is too many of you on one side and I am feeling a bit ganged up right now." Kai's eyes in the deemly lit room showed his eyes engulfed with purple lightning. The people tensed up.

"What do you want? Stranger." The woman spoke throught the pain of the bullet wound.

"I want to see your underground bunker." Kai said honestly.

"How did..." She seems confused.

"I got suspicious when I didn't see anyone inside these many houses up here. You had them built as a decoy." Kai continues but the woman has turned even more pale.

"We would rather die than allow you to go into our home." The woman said slowly.

"Three minutes later you will be passed out and I will kill all these people and leave one who will take me down there." Kai shrugged.

"You.... what exactly is it that you intend to do?" Madame Wu knows her people are not skilled at direct confrontations which is why she had devised the sneak attack plan which usually works.

"Like I said, I want to know that kind of operation do you run here. I'm just curious. Here wear this mask." He threw a mask which can protect the wearer from inhaling harmful chemicals in the air. The woman hesitates..

"I can help you put it on but I can't promise I will be gentle. I can be very clumsy especially in front of beautiful women." Kai said with a creepy smile. Madame Wu put on the mask and resentfuly asked him "What now?"

She saw the men around her fall to the ground one by one Kai appeared by the main door and closed it then he walked towards the woman with a bleeding shoulder. He pokes the wound making her grind her teeth in pain. "Take me to the underground bunker please?" He blinked at her.

She doesn't have a choice so she takes him inside. Along the way Kai cloaked himself. There is a metal door that opens when one pulls it up. Kai follows her in the steps leading downwards. When they reach the end the path lit up with electricity lights.

She takes him through a straight path until they reached two large doors. The large doors are not guarded by anyone, she takes out a card and swipes it on the slot.

The doors open and she passes out as soon as she enters. Kai left her like that as others came to wake her up. He took the mask a long time ago and now he made sure she wakes up two days later with a short term memory loss. The pill does that to whoever inhales it.

The few people carried the unconscious Madame Wu towards some place and Kai followed. A while later, a fat man walked in "Do we know what happened to her?" He asked the nurses.

"She was shot but the men above ground are also unconscious from some unknown drug. It doesn't seem to hurt them, we can only wait to hear what happened when they regain consciousness." The nurse said with her head lowered. These nurses are treated badly here if they make a mistake they may suffer a fate worse than death.

The fat man sighed and walked out. Kai followed him to his office. He called 5 people to come and talk. Kai took a pill to hide his aura and smell. He did this when he felt the pressure from the man's power. He doesn't want others to be able to detect him.

First walked in a tall woman with large breasts, round buttocks and a flat belly. She has strong muscles and a permanent mean look on her face. No matter how one looks at her it is hard to call her beautiful even though she is not ugly.

Next came a woman with short blond hair and green eyes, she looks European. Then three burly looking men. They don't hide their lust over the first two women making the displeased to be in the same room with them.

"Something seems to have happened upstairs." The fat man said. "I felt nine people die simultaneously and now madame Wu is unconscious with a gun wound on her shoulder."

"It sounds like they came across a powerful enemy. I never understood what you gain from sending a vanguard up there anyways. We are doing fine here on our own." The European woman said.

"That is why I am in charge because you can't see the bigger picture. These passersby we kill have information about the outside world that we can not afford to ignore. We might be safe here but for how long?"

"What do you expect us to do?" One of the three men asked with obvious displeasure on his face.

"I need a thorough investigation into what happened out there. " The fat man said.

"You don't order us anymore. The only reason you are still around is because we need your blood to control people in this place." Kai raised an eyebrow at the woman's words.

When the door opened Kai walked out to check this place. He walked straight and came across the open area looking closely, this place is very large with several floors going down having cells on each floors, most have sheets covering the gates but it is easy to see whats inside using the scan.

This place is a massive jail. Everyone is wearing some sort of bracelet that can not be taken off. He walked some more and finally came across a crowd. There is a cage with two people fighting inside.

The people in the cage are using weapons an supernatural powers to fight. A woman holding a spear wielding it with great skill.

The man keeps shooting fire attackks at the woman but she coat the spear with wind power and split the fire attacks destroying them. This happens over and over again until the woman sends a large wind attack from the tip of her spear, it grew larger as It approached the man and finally blasted him against the metal walls of the ring. He slid down and fell unconscious makinger her a winner.
