13. Top-notch talent

Other than Azael and Reuel, the three men jumped to their feet instantly. They were utterly spooked to find blood and immediately, their gaze turned to the twins.

Oddly, the brothers were calm as they sat in their chairs. Their face was unfathomable and Elise couldn't make out what was running in their minds. However, it didn't matter to her. They may deny as much as they want. But eventually, their crimes would come to light one day. After all, karma was a bitch.

"May I know whose blood this is?" Elise wasn't as perturbed as her teammates. Instead, she continued to watch the twins as if she was not dealing with the two most dangerous men in the world but someone who she'd soon put behind bars.

"That, Officer, is my blood." Azael broke the tension in the air and Elise finally lost her composure.

"Your blood?"

"Yes. You see I was careless and injured my foot before you guys came."

"You got injured today?" Elise tone clearly depicted that she didn't believe a word he said.

"Yes." Azael didn't waver from his words and continued to maintain his stance.

"Do you mind showing your injured foot to me?"

It was now the twins' turn to scowl and they looked at her as if they wanted to dissect her completely.

"Is there a problem?" Elise cocked a brow enquiringly as she stood up. But she didn't move away from her place.

Azael was the first to stop grimacing and an evil smile settled on his lips. "Not at all, Officer."

Under the watchful eyes of all the people, he bent over and untied his left shoe before pulling his foot out. Instantly, everyone saw the gauze on his foot.

"Do you want me to remove the gauze as well to show you my injury?" Azael's tone was filled with sarcasm.

But to Elise, it sounded like something else. "Please do."

"You're one adamant person. Aren't you?"

"Shouldn't I be?" Elise didn't desist from having a word as well as she looked around. "Before that, may I get a tissue?"

Reuel got up from his seat and went to one of the cabinets. Among the bottles of alcohol, there were boxes of tissue as well and he retrieved one of them.

"Thank you." Elise pulled a tissue from her unstained hand and started to wipe off the blood from her fingers. "I'm waiting, Mr. Azael." She had her head lowered. But she didn't miss the intense gazes on her and she didn't have to guess to whom they belonged.

Accepting his defeat, he started to remove his gauze as he maintained his eyes on Elise.

Once Elise was done cleaning her fingers, she raised her head and noticed a gash as long as her index finger on his sole.

"Do you have anything else to ask, Elise?" Azael's face was filled with innocence and Elise sneered to herself.

"No. Thank you for cooperating with me."

With a sigh as if he had been wronged, Azael started to tie the gauze around his foot again before he lowered his leg.

Pulling out another tissue, she dabbed on the spot that was blotched with blood for better analysis before she folded the tissue carefully.

"But yes, I'd need a strand of your hair," Elise said all of a sudden, taking the twins by surprise. "It's better to be safe than sorry."

'Damn, she's freakishly smart.' Azael thought and to his amazement, he was turned on by her smartness. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

Reuel situation was no less different from his. It was the first time he was meeting someone so intrepid and shrewd and he couldn't help but be impressed. What a powerhouse she was! Now, he wanted her all the more.

"Would you..."

Elise didn't explain and Azael subconsciously pulled out a few strands of his hair.

"Thank you." Elise pulled out another tissue from the box and held it in front of Azael. Since they didn't have a zip lock cover, they had to make do with the tissues.

Azael dropped all the strands of his hair on the tissue and Elise smiled at him. And that smile was enough to take his breath.

'Fuck, she's so beautiful!' He thought in a daze. Never had he been seduced by a smile. It was a first and it pained him that he could do nothing about it. Not yet at least.

"I think we're done here. Or have I forgotten anything?" Elise finally glanced at the three men who were staring at her dumbstruck.

Despite being acquainted with how Elise worked, Kai was still amazed by her. Her brilliance took his breath away every damn time and he was proud to have a superior like her.

The police officers, on the other hand, regarded her as a divine being and they couldn't stop marveling at her. They were terrified of the Sephyr twins and only they knew how hard they were trying to remain composed. But Elise had single-handedly handled the twins and had even rendered the two eloquent men speechless. What an incredible lady!

Elise gave them a look, forcing the three to snap out of their stupor and they shook their heads immediately.

Daniel cleared his throat while Derek coughed twice to hide their embarrassment.

"We'll return soon with the warrant, Mr. Azael, Mr. Reuel," Daniel said.

"Sure. You're welcome anytime." Reuel replied as he stood up and Azael followed suit immediately.

Elise's eyes instantly went to Azael's white shoe. She couldn't brush off the strange feeling that kept popping in her heart. But she couldn't grasp it accurately, making her frustrated. Something was wrong. She was overlooking something. But she couldn't decipher what.

"Thank you for cooperating with us," Derek added and the two powerful men nodded at him.

"Thank you for your hard work, Officers." Azael walked behind them, more like he limped behind them and Elise's frown deepened. But she didn't have time to dwell on it.

Azael and Reuel waited until the four were gone before they closed the door.

"My God!" Reuel was the first to exclaim and he pulled his tie loose while Azael plopped on the chair. They were now back in the office, the same office that was hidden from the four people.

"I know right! She's fucking sexy."

"We need to get her."

"We must." Azael declared.

"Quick thinking over there to injure yourself."

Azael didn't say anything as he stared absent-mindedly at the floor.

"What's wrong?" Reuel noticed that he was unusually silent and paused in his place.

"Is it strange that I'm already missing her?"

"Nope. I feel the same as well." Reuel ran a hand through his hair before he started walking towards the cabinet.

"Need a drink?"

"You bet."

Reuel poured himself some scotch while he poured whiskey for his brother before he returned to his chair.

"Elise Winslow," Azael mumbled as he took his glass.

A knock at the door interrupted their attention and they looked at the computer screen. When they noticed it was Caleb, they pressed the remote and the door opened immediately.

"Boss, the lady who came just now..."

"What about her?" Reuel questioned as he took a sip from his glass. He already knew what Caleb would say.

"She and the man who was not in a uniform were here in the club a few hours ago."

Hey guys,

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