23. Strange feelings

Elise was the last to get out of the car and approach the group. They were back at Black Opal, the place she least wanted to be at that moment. It was as if she was entering the wolves' den and irrespective of what she did, she wouldn't be able to escape.

The twins' words replayed in her mind immediately and she closed her eyes, praying for her temper to stay in check. It would take her a hell lot of her energy to not pull out her gun and shoot them. The two men had a penchant to make her lose control without doing anything; their mere existence was enough for her anger grenade to explode.

Sucking a deep breath, Elise stood behind the two policemen who were waiting for the club guards to let them in. 

Kai quirked her brow at her questioningly when he noticed her strange expression. But all he got in return was silence and a shake of her head. Elise shut him off before he could even ask her anything. He was about to press her for more when the guard returned, forcing him to swallow his questions.

"Please follow me." The man darted his eyes around, his gaze fixing on Elise for a moment or two more before he turned around.

'Was that respect I saw in his eyes?' Elise wondered, her forehead creasing in suspicion. 'Or was it fear?'

For such a burly man who worked for the mafia, his behavior and actions seemed odd and Elise's thoughts started to run wild. A strong sense of danger bombarded her and she raised her guards instantly. She followed the two policemen while she remained vigilant.

Unlike the previous night, the club was bereft of any activity. Other than a few men who were stocking the beverage station and the cleaners, there were just the guards inside. 

All of a sudden, goosebumps rose on her skin and the hair on her neck stood. A chill went down her spine and she immediately looked around cautiously, searching for the pair of eyes that seemed to be fixed on her. 

"What's wrong?" Kai noticed her worried look and he leaned forward. His voice was barely above a whisper. So, no one but Elise heard him.

"I.." Elise's frown deepened as she observed her surroundings. But she found none who seemed to be looking at her. Yet, she couldn't brush off the feeling of being watched by predatory eyes. "Nothing."

Elise ignored Kai's concerned look and continued up the stairs, following the same path they had taken the previous night when they had returned to the club the second time.

Kai remained standing in his place for a few moments. He was displeased again. Elise was brushing him off again and he didn't like the feeling of her hiding things from him. His concern for her reached an all-time high and he couldn't help but worry.

"He is not a good man," Reuel stated all of a sudden as he twirled the glass of water in his hand. His eyes were stuck on the computer, more specifically on Elise as she made her way towards him, towards them.

"Why do you say so? Did you find something fishy about him?" Azael turned around to face his brother whose expression had turned dark all of a sudden, almost mirroring his. The only difference was that his brother's dissatisfaction was more intense than his.

"His body language and actions. I'm having a bad feeling about him." Reuel mumbled as he continued to stare at Elise through the CCTV. 

"Let's talk about this later. She must be here." Azael locked the computer screen, allowing it to show nothing but their emblem, the alphabet S with an oblique curve strikethrough and a ring around it.

The door to their office was wide open. So, the moment Elise arrived with the group, the twins fixed their attention on her, ignoring everyone else.

Elise noticed that one of the twins was settled on the couch with a glass of water in his hand while the other was sitting on the swiveling chair. A set of papers lay on the table before them, the wordings on which she couldn't read from where she was.

"Welcome, Officers. We were expecting you." Azael welcomed them wholeheartedly, gaining Elise's focus on him instantly. He sounded particularly excited and he didn't hide it from his guests.

"Mr. Azael, Mr. Reuel, we have returned with the warrant. May we take a look at the footage now?" Daniel handed the warrant to Azael who took it after a momentary pause.

Reluctantly moving his gaze away from the only person he wanted to meet, he glanced at it before returning his eyes to Elise who couldn't help but scowl at his blatant stare.

"Of course." Azael smiled, his eyes twinkling in mirth as he reveled in the discomfort Elise was in. 'Get used to it, Elise. You'll have to endure our looks of admiration forever.' He thought as he retrieved a laptop.

"But before I show you the clip, I need you all to sign this non-disclosure agreement." Reuel placed the glass of water on the table and stood up with the set of papers.

"Non-disclosure agreement?" Derek was puzzled and he glanced at his colleagues who seemed equally confused.

"The clip we will be showing you is private and should never leave this club. It concerns the privacy of the members. I hope you understand." Reuel stressed as he handed the papers to the three men before approaching Elise who was standing closer to the door and farthest away from them.

"After all, Black Opal is not just a nightclub." He explained, his voice orotund and filled with charm.

Elise maintained a poker face as she looked at the paper in his hand before raising her eyes to hold his gaze. His greenish-blue eyes were distinct and clear and she saw her reflection in them. It was as if she was all he had in his eyes and for a moment, she went blank. An odd feeling sprouted in her heart and for the first time, she felt at ease in his presence.

"I hope you understand." Reuel's lips stretched into a victorious smile. His tone was filled with satisfaction and joy as he held out the agreement for Elise to take.


The next chapter has been posted on discord. Readers can access it by joining the server.
