25. A devious scheme

"Thankfully, the report came on time," Azael commented, gaining everyone's attention. "Now, I can sleep well tonight. I couldn't sleep a wink yesterday, Officer Winslow. Strange thoughts kept invading my mind."

Elise glared at him, annoyed by his playful attitude. She was not a moron. The man didn't mean his words at all. He may not have slept a wink. But that was definitely not because he was worried about the report. 

The results were expected. The twins were deadly clever and must have made plans to protect themselves, making them the innocent party even though they were guilty. She was not disappointed, just incensed.

Although she knew the truth, she didn't let go of the opportunity to corner the two men. Her exasperation got the best of her and she smiled at them faintly almost as if she was provoking them.

"If you were really innocent, why couldn't you sleep yesterday night, Mr. Azael? Was it because you were doubtful that you may have failed in your plans and would be found guilty by us?" She taunted as she folded her hands.

Azael was not at all irked by her words. She was nowhere near the truth. The reason why he didn't get a good sleep was something else or rather someone in particular. But she was spot-on with her accusations. He and his brother were guilty of murder. Craig had died in their hands.

However, without proof, they were innocent and they would be so forever. The dead didn't speak and there was nothing else that could point fingers at them. Their men wouldn't dare testify against them and there was no one who saw what they had done.

"Well, what can I say, Officer? A certain someone kept my thoughts occupied and I couldn't sleep because of her." Azael shrugged and sighed helplessly while he placed his fingers under his chin as though he was thinking about the so-called problem deeply.

"What do you think we should do, Officer Winslow? Do you think I should go ahead and do what my heart wants or should I take my time?" He questioned as he maintained his gaze on her. The intensity in his eyes unnerved her and Elise was perturbed.

Something about the way the twins were looking at her scared her and she couldn't help but feel Azael was speaking about her. The previous day's events flashed in her mind instantly. From the moment they met, till all the way home, the emails they had sent her as well as their morning encounter outside Boris Green's house replayed in her mind.

'What the heck!' She screamed silently, her calm expression cracking for a second. 'The twins want me. Azael and Reuel, both want me. But... why?' Her mind went blank as she kept staring at the two men who were smiling at her slyly.

'Looks like you caught onto our intentions, Elise.' Reuel thought, his smile widening when he saw the fear in her eyes. Although it vanished in a second, he had seen it and he was damn sure his brother had noticed it as well.

'It will be fun from now on.' He thought, finally diverting his gaze towards the three men who were as irrelevant as the man they had killed the previous night in the same office.

"Well, you have got your answers. Is there anything else?" His voice was devoid of any emotion. If not for the faint smile on his face, the three men would have thought he was trying to hold them accountable for wasting their time.

"Well..." Daniel dithered and glanced at Elise who was staring, almost glowering daggers at Azael who in turn was gazing at her with a soft smile.

"There is nothing for us to do here anymore," Elise replied on everyone's behalf. "Let's leave." Her tone came out as an order, directing her next words to the twins. "But that doesn't mean we are done, Mr. Azael and Mr. Reuel. You are still on our suspect list and will be so until you are proven innocent." She announced, her expression bitter and furious.

"No problem, Officer Winslow. You are free to summon us any time you want. We will cooperate with you to the best of our abilities." Reuel spread out his hands, showing them his absolute cooperation in the case.

Elise's predictions became true. She was having a headache, a terrible one at that and no amount of caffeine could save her. Advil pills? Ineffective. What else could she do? Go to the gym and let out her frustration on the punching bag.

Elise didn't speak a word more as she turned around and left the office followed by the three men. 

"Isn't she sexy as hell?" Azael couldn't move his gaze away from the direction Elise had gone. He was infatuated with her to death and He had to use a lot of willpower to not act on his thoughts. It would do him no good and only push Elise away from them, which neither he nor Reuel wanted.

"Hmm." Reuel agreed in a breath. He too was lost in thoughts that, no doubt, were the same as his brother's. "She realized what we want."

"I am glad she did. I don't think I could have continued to play ignorant any longer." Azael picked up the four papers before him and retrieved the one Elise had signed. His thumb moved on her signature. The strong strokes depicted the owner's character - charismatic and resolute.

"I am afraid, however, that she loathes us." Reuel's lips thinned as he recalled the look Elise had given them when one of the policemen, whose name he had long forgotten, had picked up the call. If looks could kill, he and his brother would have long exploded or reduced to ash. 

"But that makes it all the more thrilling." Azael's lips quirked up as he continued to run his fingers over her signature. "What could be more satisfying than getting the lady who currently loathes us? I understand her sentiments. But what can we do? We want her and are we going to stop just because she hates us?"

Reuel remained silent. The twins were equally evil. While Azael was an illusionist, he was a manipulator. 

Azael could hide his true self from the world, but that wouldn't stop him from doing what he wanted, all the while maintaining a facade. Meanwhile, he was different. He preferred manipulation and getting things done using trickery.

"We have to use both our traits to get our lady." Reuel asserted after a long time of thinking.

Azael watched him thoughtfully. "Manipulation and deception?"

"Otherwise, we can never get Elise. She is freakishly smart which makes her sexy and annoying at the same time." Reuel grasped the edge of the chair until the veins on his arms popped up.

Azael didn't have to think twice to discern that his brother was filled with desire. He wanted Elise just like him. He desired her like no other. He wanted to bring her to their side, conquer her, and even ...

Azael stopped. It was too soon. They had to get her to stop hating them before they took the next step.

Tapping his fingers, Azael picked up his phone and dialed a number. Reuel just observed him quietly. He knew what exactly his brother was up to.

"Throw that cockroach's body in a conspicuous place. It's time for him to be of some use to us."


The next chapter has been uploaded on discord.