Speed Demon

Despite the time difference, a small rooftop bar in Tokyo was buzzing with energy.

Most of the crowd was made up of neutral football fans, but a group of Spanish exchange students had claimed a corner table, wearing Spain scarves despite the humid night air.

One of them, a young woman, clutched her phone. "Izan's family is part Japanese, right?"

Her friend nodded. "Yeah, half. His mom's from here."

Another guy leaned forward. "If he scores, Japan will claim him as one of our own."

Laughter followed, but as the teams lined up, the mood shifted. The bartender turned the volume up, the excitement spreading.

No matter the country, no matter the background—everyone was here for one thing.

Some Good Football.


The whistle shrieked, piercing through the stadium's roaring anticipation.

Kai Havertz nudged the ball back to Toni Kroos, and the quarterfinal was underway.