
An armed group stood in front of a purple door with a moon and sun on it.

And a man and a woman were talking in front of them.

Unlike the fully armed man, the woman wearing a nun's uniform only carried a pistol attached to her waist.

The man asked the woman as if interested in it.

"Is that a SG-21? It's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes."

The man asked out of curiosity, but the woman raised the tone of her voice a little as if she didn't like it.

"Not SG-21. It's Serene Grace. Do you carelessly attach names to things that belongs to other people?"

Despite the obvious sarcasm, the man did not blink an eye. Then he asked again.

"...So it is a SG-21, right? Agent Maria."

The woman, called Maria, had a brief snowball fight and then shook her head.

"You... Ha. yes, that's right. You're always like that, Agent James. I have no intention of ignoring the institution's orders, so let's stop fighting."

Only then did Agent James turn his head towards the door, seemingly satisfied.

A door that goes through special containment procedures even on the institution's side.

It's very tricky to use it, and almost impossible to enter it any other way.

However, it was unusual for the number of troops to enter be so small.

Although the institution seemed to be complacent, there was experiments in which attempts to invade other worlds with a large number of troops were frequently unsuccessful.

Because the world itself rejected too many weapons and people.

How can restrictions be placed so strongly on a dimension that is too small to even be called a world?

Is it saying "cheating" is rejected?

Thinking about that, James shook his head.

Most of the things he encountered while doing his job were inexplicable, so he decided to focus on his mission, dismissing them as meaningless thoughts.

However, this time he had a hunch that it would be a much tougher mission than usual.

James made one final check on the 6 items that were the heart of the SR operation, and led his men towards the door.

Thump. Thump.


A black space opened.

Between two worlds.

It's empty with nothing in it, being able to breathe without feeling the air, stepping on the ground but not feeling the texture, not knowing what you're stepping on.

James frowned at such a strange sensation.


One of the people in the group got startled. James asked him.

"Something wrong?"

"No. I think I saw a white rabbit... Looks like I saw it wrong."

"It might be a supernatural effect, so members who show similar symptoms should report immediately."

The vigilance of the group rises.

But nothing happened.

It was difficult even for them to imagine that there was something in the space between worlds.

As James walked through the endless darkness and took his last step, his vision changed.

The unfolding scenario is the landscape of the city.

James observed the world carefully.

The basic structure of this world itself was very similar to theirs.

It was enough to believe that it was a parallel world.

Nonetheless, there were strangely many plants and he felt an ominous energy piercing his body.

"Agent Maria. What does this place feels like?"

"...It's terrible. I can feel a strong malevolent aura towards humans. It probably won't be strange if any phenomenon happens at all."


It wasn't many, but it was the first time that Maria, who had been on missions with him, used such an expression.

James listened to Maria and decided it was not good to stay outside.

First of all, they aimed to move to a large building to prepare a base.

James took the lead.

'Let's get out of this narrow alley for now.'

With that thought in mind, the moment James turned the corner, he was speechless.


This was because this dimension was only explained as a small demonic world. Whether or not Maria was stunned by his side, he had to act.

He skillfully threw a smoke grenade and ran through. It was impossible to use a gun recklessly in the area without knowing how many beings existed.

"It's James! Follow me!"

When they turned their heads, the graffiti on the wall they had just passed by was following them along the wall.

All of it looked like children's scribbles, but it was too grotesque for a child to have drawn.

Because its movement speed was faster than them, it caught up in an instant.

And then, the arm of one of the members was grabbed.

[Come here. Come here.]

"Damn it, let it go!"

He tried to cut off its hands with a dagger, but more hands over the ones being cut off rushed at the group.

If they don't want to make too much noise because of the pistol...

"Agent Maria."

"I know!"

Maria holds her cross and lifts it up.

Divine light pushes the monsters away.

The group who had gained freedom gasped for breath.

"How much is left?"

"I can still use it multiple times."

Then- Just as James was about to speak, a woman with a hideous face poked her head out from a telephone pole.

Even though the pole wasn't thick enough to hide a body.

[I am everywhere I am everywhere I am everywhere.]

The woman suddenly jumped out and charged at them.

Agent Maria raised the cross once more.

However, a spider-shaped monster appeared on the other side.

James shouts.

"The use of firearm is permitted. Shoot!"

Bang bang bang!

Bullets fly and crush enemies.

When the cross flashed, the strange woman ran away shaking her head from side to side.

"Looks like we can't find D-888 and the kids, let alone complete the operation."

They just drew the monsters attention with the noise of gunshots. They had to get out quickly.

"The gun seems to work. There is no time. Let's run!"

To be like this as soon as they came in, James was sick of this world in less than 3 minutes.

Turning the corner, there was a fork in the road.

A mirror was placed there. Extremely suspicious.

A voice was heard in the mirror.

It was a girl's voice.

But James got the feeling that even that was a malicious voice tempting them.

"To the right."


"...Go left."

You can't trust it carelessly. They just met, but it's because he didn't think there would be a good existence that guides them to avoid danger.

He will check the other direction and consider it.

James turned left.


What greeted him was a large smoking mushroom-shaped monster.

It seemed like it would come running at them at any moment, so James gave another order.


Bang bang bang-

Bullets shot from the muzzle and pierced the monster.

A monster that got filled with holes. However, the holes were quickly regenerated.

They encountered a monster whose guns were useless.

It sprayed cigarette smoke in their direction.

They were wearing gas masks, so it was safe.


Mushrooms were growing on the member's bodies.

Mushrooms with eyes, one by one, grew.

The monster swung its arms full of fur at them, who had become sluggish.

James pressed a button on his glove and fought back.


While the giant body of the mushroom staggered, Maria stepped out.


Maria's cross emits light.

This time, the light was so intense that it was incomparable to the last time.

The mushrooms that grew on their bodies fell off.


Throw a flash grenade and run away.

This time they headed to the right as the mirror told them.

The path had overgrown plants, but there was no monsters.

They took a moment to catch their breaths.

"Agent Maria. How much is left?"

"I already used a lot, so about three times..."

'I want to go back.'

Thought James.

It is impossible to completely wipe out this place with this number of people.

Maybe it would be difficult right now to achieve the additional goal of finding the children involved.

"What was the mirror that the voice came from?"

"...Maybe it was D-888."

Mirror demon... Muttered Maria

The only information Maria knew about D-888 was that they had invaded and killed D-867 during the containment operation, and that they had introduced themselves as a person living in a mirror.

James, the leader, must known their exact appearance, but she couldn't help but think that they must look disgusting from what she saw here.

Maria pictured strange monsters with the imagination of a young woman.

Then, she clasped her hands tightly, saying that such a demon has the children, so she must rescue them quickly.

She doesn't know why it tried to help them, but in her experience, she couldn't trust demons.

"I've had suspicions that D-888 might be friendly to humans, so it's my judgement that it wouldn't hurt to meet them."

When James said that, Maria nodded as she intended to obey the order, but still wanted to persuade him.

"Don't you know that even if a demon is friendly to humans, they must have an ulterior motive? Besides, the only thing demons have in common is that they are selfish."

"Well, all the demons I've met so far had a screw missing. Still, it's too biased. It's a statement that lacks racial sensitivity."

"Joking at a time like this...!"

James grabbed the mirror, whether or not Maria was upset.

Then he knocked on it.

The the demon slowly revealed itself.

The figure was that of a girl as pretty as a doll.

James, who had a high security level, had already seen her face, but Maria, who was looking together with him, felt bewildered.


A blonde demoness was smiling brightly at them. With impressive red eyes.

"I didn't know you would call me from there."

"Are you the one who informed the institution of this place?

The demon's answer was relaxed.

"Yes. I warned you of the danger of the demons and asked you to rescue the children. Seeing that you're still outside, the residents here must be quite annoying?"

She smirks with her red eyes glowing. She's laughing at them.

"It's annoying. I think we might need some help."

As James said that, the girl in the mirror looked slightly startled.

"Is it surprising? You're not completely trustworthy. But I tend to keep an open mind, so I'd like to hear your advice."

"Oh. You're that type? That makes things fast. Hmm... The ones you might encounter over there are... [Foot Cutting Fairy] and some traps. Follow my advice and you'll get out safely. After that, I'll guide you to a safe place."

"Are you sure we should believe in a demon?"

"Agent Maria. There are various beings in the institution. Do you not trust my experience?"

"...All right."

The troops led by James and Maria followed the mirror demon's words and moved.

A foot-cutting fairy was a small dwarf who relentlessly aimed only at their feet, and its appearance was similar to that of gnomes.

But basically, its face was full of pus, being gross and ferocious.

A monster that resembles only the shape of a fairy.

It was easy to kill with a pistol equipped with a silencer.

The problem was the puddle in the middle of the road, and when a stone was thrown, the water showed to be deeper than it seemed.

The number of puddles was so great that it was impossible to dodge, so the demon opened her mouth.

She said that if they throw a plant that was on the side of the road, they could get past it.

They tossed the plants with eyes one by one, and all the water was absorbed, with the stems filling the holes so they could pass through.

"I think we're almost there. The one we need to be careful of this time is- Ah."


The moment the demon tried to say something, the mirror was broken.

It was because of the attack of a monster in the form of a translucent, gigantic baby that suddenly appeared.

"Open fire!"

Judging by its size, a pistol was no match for it, so a rifle with higher firepower was used.

Nonetheless, the bullets passed through the monster's body and did no damage.


When the monster cried, their heads started to ring.

'Is it mental pollution?!'

"Take the U-312 medicine!"

While saying that, James also used an injection containing the drug into his arm.

The evil aura that clung to his mind disappeared.

"Agent Maria."

"To get rid of it, I have to use everything."

"It doesn't matter."

The moment Agent Maria stepped forward, children suddenly appeared.

Maria flinched back, but realized that the kids were civilians caught up in this situation and cried out.

"It's dangerous! Come on, this way!"

However, the children circled around the monster with baby bottles and rattles.

Jing jing-

-Rattle rattle.

[The little fairy sits in the snow.]

'Are they singing?'

[A handful of shining sand- A handful of well-growth kisses-]

[And then it says.]

[If you don't sleep, I will kill you.]

[My sweet baby.]

When the song ended, the monster burst into tears and disappeared.

As soon as the monster was exterminated, Maria looked at them with a puzzled expression.

Then, one of the kids, a tall boy, brought a large mirror that was nearby.

The demon in the mirror appeared there. D-888.

She slipped out of the mirror, revealing her body.

"It's the first time we've met like this. I came to meet you, so please follow me. As a resident of this world, I will guide you to a safe place."

James exchanged glances with the demon for a moment an then nodded.

POV Switch - Pierrot

"Hoo. The atmosphere of the world has changed a bit. Where did the variable come from?"

I stroked my chin. Even if I didn't have a beard, I just wanted to.

"Who could do this... Is it Ella? Ohh! Really! What a cute thing this is! It's worth fighting the Devil alone."

I smiled brightly. Then I sat down on a chair and took a break. Because the place I was is quite draining.

Church. The center of this world.

I've been looking for something, but I couldn't find anything that caught my eye.

Even so, what bothers me are the 4 empty boxes. And a meaningful phrase.

[A wish to a sinner. And be merciful to them.]

"Sinner... Is it? I feel a prickling sensation. What..."

Time will tell.