CH30 The Earth Dragon Group!!!

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"Today is the fifth day of Advent. After just two more days, the Beginner period is over, and the barrier would disappear. Then the beast tide will come!" This is the first 'official event' involving all Castle Lords.

The Castle Lord who successfully survive in the [Beast Tide Event] will officially embark on the road of competition for hegemony among all races.

Fail and you will be eliminated. Those who perform well will be rewarded. The higher the score, the bigger the reward. In addition, there is only one special reward that belongs only to the most powerful Castle Lord.

Haru's goal is this special reward. He was not worried that Angel Castle would not be able to withstand the beast tide. After all, if even he was eliminated, then this [Beast Tide Event] would definitely be a horrific massacre for the Billions of Castle Lords.

He believed that the 'official' would not be stupid enough to do such a thing. Therefore, with the strength of the Angel team, his probability of passing is as high as 99.9%.

He chased that special reward that belongs to one person alone. The only reward, must be the best!


It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the courtyard of the castle, a large number of monster corpses piled up again. Haru's daily job is to collect and decompose monster corpses, then put the harvested food on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] to trade for other resources.

There is one price for normal food and one price for special food. Monster materials are packaged and sent to Lily in the underground world to be made into standard equipment, and sold in two days.

"There should be more than 300 wild monsters hunted by the Angel team today. We've harvested more than four thousand units of food."

Today's hunting record is significantly better than yesterday's. This is directly related to the increase in the number of little angels.

Unsurprisingly, a rare thing such as a blueprint, did not come out as usual. On the contrary, he got a lot of Power Stones, reaching eighty-four. Plus the Power Stone he had previously reserved. The total is three hundred and forty-six. The second upgrade of [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is not far away.

"I need to improve our strength. Before the beast tide arrives, it shouldn't be a problem to raise the Angel Reincarnation Pool to Level 3." Today, all aspects of Angel Castle are developing in a good direction. Haru is also satisfied with this speed of development.


In the evening, all the Angels returned to the castle. After a day of hunting, the five newly born two-winged angel holy spirits have all been promoted to Tier 4. Some of the other little angels have also been promoted.

Currently, he has two angels at Tier 7, three at Tier 6, six at Tier 5, and five at Tier 4. The overall strength is steadily improving!

When Haru disassembled and disposed of the last batch of monster corpses, the four-winged archangel Mary respectfully said: "My lord, the angel team has searched the dense forest around the castle's sphere of influence according to your order and no new local forces have been found yet."

"Tomorrow, we will go to the farther forest to continue the search. In addition, during the search, we encountered a group of earth dragons. Their number is close to eighty."

"The most powerful earth dragon among them has reached the Tier 8 commander level and is about to be promoted to the Lord rank."

"There are more than ten elite earth dragons. Because it's too late and the blood moon is up, without your order, we would not dare to attack this earth dragon group!"

"It's good to be cautious!" Haru nodded. As soon as the blood moon appears, the monsters in the wild go berserk, and their strength triples.

If the angel team rashly attacked the earth dragon group, they were likely to be besieged by other monsters in the dense forest. If the King-Rank fire dragon appeared again, the situation of the Angel team is bound to be more troublesome. Caution is not a bad thing.

Haru said: "Tomorrow morning, the angel team will go to look for the traces of the earth dragon group as soon as possible. If they haven't left and stay where they are, then destroy them!"

"We'll follow your orders, my lord!" Mary answered respectfully. Haru looked at the dense forest outside the castle, which was gradually shrouded in darkness.

"I hope you don't let me down!" Nearly eighty earth dragons. Among them, there is an Tier 8 Earth Dragon in command, and there are more than ten elite-level earth dragons.

As long as his luck is not too bad, there is a high probability that Magic Crystals will drop. Now, he has four Magic Crystals in reserved, all from the magic wands of four Gnome mages.

Just when he gets another Magic Crystal, one of the upgrade conditions of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] will be satisfied.

It can be said that another upgrade to the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is just around the corner. Now, it depends on whether the earth dragon group will satisfy his wish.


Time flies. The night passed quickly. Today is the sixth day of the Billions of Castle Lords getting summoned to the Endless Continent.

The seven-day Beginner period is coming to an end soon! All Castle Lords are trying to improve the strength of their castle forces.

No one wants to be eliminated because elimination means death. At the same time, he lost the chance to conquer all races and gain immortality. Haru also woke up early but it was clear that the little angels were more diligent than him.

The blood moon had just set in the west, and when the first ray of morning light poured into the dark forest, the angel team gathered out of the city. They, following the command of their Lord, went to hunt the Earth Dragon group from yesterday.


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